mbanister1 Member


  • To be honest, I rarely have a meal over 400 calories unless we go out to lunch or dinner somewhere.
  • I love homemade tostadas. About 120 calories each and two is definitely filling. I use 93/7 ground beef, fat free cheese and lettuce. Yes the ground beef is fried but it's extremely lean absolutely no grease. 1 tostada (53 calories) 1 ounce seasoned (fried) ground beef (42 calories) 14 grams fat free cheese (22 calories)…
  • Don't mix with calcium?? In order for calcium to be absorbed you must also take vitamin d.
  • I have both also. This is honestly the first time I've stuck to a plan for more than a few days... I'm 35 days in and list 10 pounds and almost 6 inches. I have the belly... I'm apple shaped (minus the boobs). Due to pcos I feel my breasts grew down rather than out... If that makes sense?! Lol. I do have a prescription for…
  • I love hungry girl flatbread it's so good if you toast it a bit. It's especially good with BLTs and hamburgers.
  • You need to sync mfp and fitbit by going to the app link at the top of mfp. If your TDEE is 2199 and you want to lose 2 lab per week you need to cut a total of 7000 calories a week. 2199 - 1000= 1199 but mfp doesn't go lower than 1200 (it's only one calorie lol) so, you need to eat 1200 cals daily to hVe 2 lb weight loss…
  • Anybody??
  • Walking you do during normal Activities of living (going to the car, around your house, into a store- ANY walking) is calculated in your TDEE. Normal walking is not exervise. Now, if your going and walking a mile around a track or on a treadmill them yes, you add that. Are you familiar with TDEE? If not google scooby TDEE…
  • Ok so my fitbit doesn't have instructions with it, I did not plus the piece into the computer because I didn't plN on using the computer with it. I thought since I have the mfp and fitbit apps synced I didn't need to. Now I'm really lost lol. Do I have to be by a computer every time I want to sync? My cals from mfp Are…
  • The reason I set it at sedentary is because I only work 3-4 days a week. I just looked at mfp goals it says I burn 2160 per day just going about normal life. So a 1000 cal per day deficit would be 1200 (since that the lowest it goes) if I put it at lightly active it bumps me up to 1430 per day. I know this should be an…
  • Thanks!! I feel very determined (this time around) but I always find the "it's harder for me because of ... (Insert excuse here)" lol.
  • I was creeping through some other peoples diaries and I often see exercise added as "fitbit calorie adjustment." So does the fitbit keep track of total calories burned on top of TDEE and then people count the calories as exercise calories because it's extra above TDEE? I think I should invest in a fitbit if this is the…
  • I just had a baby May 2, he is our little miracle baby. I have a lot of hormone disorders and had to be on fertility meds for him. I gained 32 pounds with him and have lost all of the baby weight. I was about 40 pounds overweight before getting pregnant because of miscarriages. I am a nurse, I am very aware of what the…
  • I just had a baby May 2, he is our little miracle baby. I have a lot of hormone disorders and had to be on fertility meds for him. I gained 32 pounds with him and have lost all of the baby weight. I was about 40 pounds overweight before getting pregnant because of miscarriages. I I am a nurse, I am very aware of what the…
  • I don't count being at work as losing calories because your body is used to it. Yes, you are very active at work but its not in addition to your regular activity level.
  • I Just had a baby boy May 2. I am desperate to lose the baby weight plus weight from fertility issues. We finally have our miracle baby and it is time to be as healthy as possible! :)