PCOS and insulin resistance people?

Hey guys!
So I am back to trying to lose weight...
I successfully lost about 40 pounds in the past but went through some crazy stuff and emotionally ate 20 of the pounds back. ugh. now i'm trying to lose those 20 pounds again. I know that having PCOS and being insulin resistant makes it harder and was hoping to find some people out there who have these same problems who might offer some advice as the weight isn't coming off very easily this time around. Perhaps we can be fitness pals, too!


  • Aaliyae
    Aaliyae Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not sure about insulin resistance but I do have PCOS myself?
  • mbanister1
    mbanister1 Posts: 29 Member
    I have both also. This is honestly the first time I've stuck to a plan for more than a few days... I'm 35 days in and list 10 pounds and almost 6 inches. I have the belly... I'm apple shaped (minus the boobs). Due to pcos I feel my breasts grew down rather than out... If that makes sense?! Lol. I do have a prescription for metformin but I don't take it. I tried for a few days and it made me sick. I might try it again, a friend of mind swears it helped her lose. I need to lose about 60 pounds.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I have insulin resistance and reactive hypoglycemia. I was 97 lbs 4 years ago when I started anxiety meds and have gained 100+ lbs from anxiety meds and insulin resistance. I'm looking to lose about 50 lbs. Feel free to add me!

    ETA: I take Metformin and it helps a lot. I recommend the extended release version as it is easier on the stomach.
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    Metformin really helps with the weight loss - but the first few weeks on it are really horrible to the stomach. :( AND if I forget to take it for a few days, the horrible stomach comes back when I start taking it again.

    Metformin helps regulate blood sugars (even if you aren't diabetic) and it is also lowers your appetite.

    I used to do low-carb, and that works really well for PCOS and insulin resistance. However, I would gain back the minute I stopped. This time I am just counting calories. It works - but it is a LOT slower. I finally hit 20 pounds lost today. (I am a total of 90 pounds down from my highest weight...but only 20 pounds since I joined here in August).

    Good luck!
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    I have both also. This is honestly the first time I've stuck to a plan for more than a few days... I'm 35 days in and list 10 pounds and almost 6 inches. I have the belly... I'm apple shaped (minus the boobs). Due to pcos I feel my breasts grew down rather than out... If that makes sense?! Lol. I do have a prescription for metformin but I don't take it. I tried for a few days and it made me sick. I might try it again, a friend of mind swears it helped her lose. I need to lose about 60 pounds.

    I know what you mean about the belly, and about boobs growing down and not out.... i thought mine were just saggy and embarrassing but knowing it could be from the pcos makes me feel a little better about it. i took metformin when i was younger for a brief period but it didn't help me lose. im considering going to an endo doctor again to see if i can get any help.
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    hey guys, i just read this interesting article on pcos and losing weight...

    thought i'd share for anyone else doing some research of their own!
  • ce1ine
    I have insulin resistance and I definitely recommended a low GI diet and regular cardio (about 3 times a week). I've been struggling to lose weight for about 2 years but since eating about 5 small low GI meals a day (such as a handful of nuts and/or a few vitawheat crackers every three hours or so), the weight has literally melted off and I just feel so much more energetic! I take metformin too, and the healthier eating and exercise has definitely helped :)
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    Hello! I also have PCOS and insulin resistance. I have struggled with it for about 12 years now. I have always had a hard time being thin and gave up for a long time trying to loose weight after I went on meds and gain about 40 pounds in a matter of 2 months. It was awful and I have not been able to loose the weight mainly due to poor motivation. I am about 12 days into trying to change my life and have lost almost 10 pounds. I had been on a sugar kick for the last few months and that was all sugar weight probably. I do have a feeling it is going to be a challenge to loose the weight and combat the PCOS but I am trying to choose unprocessed foods and pushing myself to exercise. I would like to have friends going through the same thing.
  • asariel
    I have PCOS and insulin resistance, and all the fun that comes with it...apple shaped, tubular breasts, acne, etc. In the past I lost a lot of weight by counting calories on a primarily vegetarian diet, but then 2 pregnancies later I was bigger than when I started. For the past month I've been following the "21 day sugar detox" plan and it seems to work well for me.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Aaliyae
    Aaliyae Posts: 7 Member
    I have both also. This is honestly the first time I've stuck to a plan for more than a few days... I'm 35 days in and list 10 pounds and almost 6 inches. I have the belly... I'm apple shaped (minus the boobs). Due to pcos I feel my breasts grew down rather than out... If that makes sense?! Lol. I do have a prescription for metformin but I don't take it. I tried for a few days and it made me sick. I might try it again, a friend of mind swears it helped her lose. I need to lose about 60 pounds.
    I am the same, the first few times I tried dieting I failed miserably but this last time I have really stuck to it (for around 18 days now) and have lost 11.5kg in total. As for the metformin I can't stand the stuff, originally my doctor got me to take a quarter of a tablet to get me used to it and after a while I was fine with even half a tablet in the morning and at night but me being me I kept forgetting to take it so I just held off altogether. When I started to look at losing weight again I decided to go back on it and when I took half a tablet of metformin it gave me severe stomach pains.
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    I have PCOS and insulin resistance, and all the fun that comes with it...apple shaped, tubular breasts, acne, etc. In the past I lost a lot of weight by counting calories on a primarily vegetarian diet, but then 2 pregnancies later I was bigger than when I started. For the past month I've been following the "21 day sugar detox" plan and it seems to work well for me.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

    ugh the acne is the worst in my opinion... can't seem to get it under control and really don't want to resort to taking antibiotics :( what is the sugar detox you are doing? can you share more details?