

  • ^^^ This is very good, by the way. I'm not a fan of popping supplements, personally, but a lot of the advice here is very smart, and backed with clinical research. I'm bookmarking it!
  • Keep it up! The other folks here are right. If you eat too few calories, your body (a product of evolution that helped humanity to survive famines) will assume you're starving, and will try to store up every calorie it gets. Your metabolism will actually slow down. You are better off trusting what MFP (or another BMR…
  • BTW, congrats to the 51lb's lost of the previous poster! Go you! I am in a similar place: weight is fine, want to shift body composition to more muscle, less fat. More definition in my arms, please, less circumference in my hips! Question #1, Measurement: how are you all measuring body fat? I did a calipers test and it…
  • I agree with those who've already suggested you go back to your profile to make sure it's set up correctly -- with your actual height, weight, lifestyle (sedentary vs. active tec), and weight loss goals (1 lb/week. 0.5lb/week etc.) 1200 calories is the absolute minimum in MyFitnessPal. Any lower and you'd be starving for…
  • Fresh-baked pan of Pumpkin Protein Bars -- Jamie Eason's recipe
  • I love your spirit. The photo of you and your daughter both wearing your old pants is priceless. YOU GO! Rock on. I agree -- the best way to do this is the "natural" way. Afterall, if people have to do some gimmicky, unsustainable diet or-other to get there, how they gonna stay there??? Balanced, sensible diet + One foot…
  • This sounds crazy, but I found this oddly amazing: put your iced coffee in a blender with a frozen banana. I was just experimenting with different smoothie bases besides milk and oj one day, and tried iced coffee on a whim. To my surprise, I found that the iced coffee didn't need milk or sugar because the blended banana…
  • Hi there! You go on with your badass bootcamp self! My tip: at a time when you're not hungry, sit down and plan out your meals and snacks for the next few days, and then buy the ingredients you need for those meals and snacks only. There are menus online, such as at, where you can choose your calorie level…
  • I'm a touch under 5'5". Started 123 Current 116 Goal 113 Aggressive, perhaps, but I'm thin-boned. Always had a runner's physique. Hoping that at 113 I may achieve the following: - lose belly pooch - lose saddlebags - lose "crotch biscuits" (anyone read Tina Fey's "Bossypants"? That's her hilarious name for the inner thigh…
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