seajasna Member


  • I walk where there are hills,so you still get toning benefits. I also don't do as much weight training at this time ,light weights and pushups,squats leg lifts etc... All of these work great in moderation. I also take a natural supplement from my chiropractor called Adrenal Dessicated by Standard Process. It has helped me…
  • Yes ,most health stores carry vegan parmesian cheese, cream cheese and grated mozzarella. I use them and love them. I haven,t found a good cheese block subsitute though. I made all my cookies with earth balance butter alternative and or coconut oil and they all turned out great. Even fudge with almond milk instead pf…
  • I also have quite a bit of food intolerances. Dairy,chocolate, coconut milk some fruits ,walnuts list seems to get bigger every month. My doctor says it could be due to stress. I am getting allergy testing done,but have had my Chiropractor test me for intolerances and some vitamins and medicine have been on my list as…
  • My teenage son and I are Lactose intollerant and it gets worse over time for us too. My son gets sick for over a week with nausea. He has lost so much weight this year ( close to 50lbs). We are so careful to read ingredients, but he gets delayed reaction not instantly like I do and then it's too late. I have also become…
  • First of all I want to congradulate you! You look Awesome! I lost 32lbs ,but my arms and legs are flabby. I am in a plateau now and need to lose 15 more lbs. I do strength training, running, squats,lunges etc... How did you stay so firm?
  • I do the frozen bananas like some of the others. I use one frozen banana 1/2 cup almond milk ( or whatever milk you want) 1 TBSP cocoa powder and blend in my Ninja blender. I bought it at Wal-Mart and it makes the consistancy just like ice-cream. You can add any frozen fruit with the banana instead of cocoa. This blender…
  • I was on WW before MFP and it's great! WW makes you do all the work and I felt like I was always starving. Here MFP does all the calculating. I eat alot and am losing. First 2 weeks took some getting used to eating so much,but now my metabolizm is having something to burn instead of storing.
  • Green tea is good! There is also black licorice tea, if you like that flavor. It gives you a boost naturally and is sweet naturally.
  • When I first started I was also confused. You don't have to eat exactly the amount of calories every day as long as you eat the right amount weekly. So if you are under a 130 calories one day you can make it up on other days. It 's kinda scary at first because I didnt want to eat so much. It works though! I was at a…
  • I would love a 10 week challenge! I hurt my back 3 years ago and my thyroid went wacko. I'm finally on the right track lost 21lbs since April and 15 more to go.
  • Way to go! You look Awesome!
  • Thanks!
  • It looks like I'm not eating enough. Thanks
    in Plateau Comment by seajasna July 2012
  • Thanks!
    in Plateau Comment by seajasna July 2012
  • Doing great and looking good! Keep up the good work!