mbalford Member


  • I did my first 2 mile run today. I ran the first mile in my fastest time yet - 11:28. The first 4 minute interval of the 2nd mile was a killer. I didn't think it was EVER going to end!! But it did and the next 2 weren't nearly so bad. By the time I finished the 30 minutes, I had actually run 2.5 miles! For the 30 minute…
  • Thanks for asking. The running is going well. Day before yesterday, I did the mile in 11:32. Tomorrow we add the 2nd mile. I've never run more than 1.5 miles - and that was 20 years ago. I've been doing lots of stretching in an effort to ward off knee problems and shin splints. I'm so sorry to hear about your dd. I have a…
  • Oh yeah...I have been completely failing on goal 4. I guess I need to write these down on a stickie and put it on my monitor so I see it.
  • Good for you! Keep up the good work!
  • I'm doing well on my goals. Because of the increase in training (and therefore expending more calories), I haven't kept within the calorie goal, but that's okay. I have increased my calorie intake to offset the extra calories. I measured yesterday and my inches are down, so my clothes are fitting better. In fact, I bought…
  • So, guess what I did? I registered for my first ever 5k race! My middle son, who is an athlete, asked me to sign him up. I asked hiim if he would help me train if I signed up as well. He agreed and we now have 37 days to get me trained to run it. I am excited about it. My only concern is that my knees will hold up. I had…
  • As Jonathan Roche, founder of breakthrough health and fitness, says, toss out the rear view mirror. In other words, don't worry about having fallen off. Instead, concentrate on where you will go from here. Keep on keeping on!
  • Hey all! Just checking in. I've averaging 800 to 1100 calories burned a day. I'm keeping better track of my food so that I eat as much as I should. I actually haven't eaten as much as I need to the last couple of days because of family problems. Hopefully that particular problem is finished so I want to eat.
  • Hey all! I'm back. I was having a difficult time before losing weight, even though I was doing everything right. For the last few weeks, I've been going to the gym just once a day (instead of twice a day). I met with a nutritionst for the first time today and will be checking in with her every couple of weeks. Hopefully,…
  • it took the entire time, but I'm down a couple of pounds. Looking forward to the new challenge.
  • Praise God! I weighed in this morning and lost 4 pounds! Woohoo! :laugh:
  • It was absolutely beautiful! Not at all corny. She's gonna love it.:happy:
  • I love costume jewelry (esp rings) so everytime I break a 10 pound barrier, I get a new ring. That's my short-term reward. When I get into the next lower size jeans, I'm taking a couple of days to myself - a sort of mini vacation. I haven't given a whole lot of thought to my final reward. I think maybe buying a really…
  • I did it...I decided to cut back on going to othe gym (although I must say I really do enjoy going) and I contacted a nutritionist. Hopefully, between the 2 things, my weight will start to cooperate!
  • I have been very busy with activities this weekend and so haven't checked in. I'm still officially discouraged about my weight. I checked it last Thursday morning (it had been a week since I last checked in) and my weight was up 1.2 pounds. I have been exercising between 1800 and 2400 calories each day (this is over and…
  • Don't give up! One, or even two, bad days don't completely wreck your life. Remember that today is the day to start again, regardless of yesterday or the day before.
  • I will make my diary public. I'm not going to stop working out, I'm just going to stop weighing. If I don't get on the scales, then iveont get discouraged. At least that's the plan! I know I'm not drinking enough water. I'm trying to fix that. I'll weigh again when this challenge ends and see how it goes then. After I eat…
  • I am officially VERY discouraged. :cry: My weight is up again. This is the 3rd day in a row. I think I'm gonna stop weighing myself except for the first of every month, when I do my measurements. I know I'm not overeating. I know that muscle weighs more than fat and that muscle burns fat faster or some such nonsense. So,…
  • That made complete sense. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Kudos on the good choices!
  • I was down yesterday (in weight, not attitude! :wink: ) and today I was back up :frown: . I'm doing everything right, except drinking enough water. I guess I need to make that a goal - to drink enough water. I like water, which makes it easier. It's just hard to keep running upstairs to fill my water bottle. I work at home…
  • I don't know...Chinese food has beef and brocoli (there's your broccoli), chicken and cashew nuts (which are good for the heart I hear), chicken and vegetables (didja get that? vegetables!) and ice cream is dairy! Chinese food and ice cream - definitely a good choice! :laugh:
  • I am so frustrated! :grumble: I weighed in this morning and I gained .5 pound! I'm sure it's from gaining more muscle mass, but when is all this muscle going to start burning more calories and reduce my weight???
  • I go to the gym in the morning for about an hour, either working with a trainer or going to a body pump class, and I usually burn between 1000 and 1100 calories. I either work out again in the evenings at home or I go to a class at the gym where I burn another 1500 or so. Before I go to bed, I do a 20 minute exercise…
  • [/quote]How long does it take you to burn 2300 calories? I wear a heart rate monitor too, and even if I'm kicking butt, it'll take me at least 90 minutes to burn 1000 calories. Edited to add: I was thinking about it, and I turn the HRM off if I am not actively exercising. For instance, once I am done with the elliptical,…
  • I got up this morning and went to the gym, where I burned 1140 calories doing the no excuses workout, working on a couple of machines, and then finishing up with about 15 minutes on the elliptical and stretching. I think Im going to go back tonight and work out for another hour or so. It's absolutely amazing, but I find…
  • That was just from exercise. I wear a heart rate monitor while I exercise so that I can accurately record it.
  • I went to the gym tonight for Zumba toning, but it got cut off halfway through because of a gas line leak. I didn't end up burning quite as many calories as i thought I might, but I still topped 2300! I still have 800+ calories left to eat tonight. I guess I'll have some of the fruit salad I made for supper and didn't have…
  • The last few days, my weight hasn't changed. Kinda discouraging..BUT today, I went down 1/4 pound. Not much, but at least its movement AND in the right direction! :tongue: I went to the gym yesterday and worked out with my trainer and did my 29 minute interval training. Last night, I did my t-tapp. This morning, I made it…
  • I got up this morning to do my workout with my trainer (burned 1000 calories). Then, I spent the majority of the day at the hospital waiting to see if my son would be discharged, which he did. So, tonight, I was running around getting his meds and b-day presents for my dh. We went out to eat (I made some good choices!) and…