Spring Challenge



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Just finished my workout; I did Slim in 6 Burn it Up this evening. Didn't really feel like working out - but that seems to be the case after a rest day. :sad: Anyway, I got my 6 days in once again this past week...today starts a new week for me. One down, 5 to go. Yikes!

    Great weekend and Happy :heart: day to all.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just finished my workout; I did Slim in 6 Burn it Up this evening. Didn't really feel like working out - but that seems to be the case after a rest day. :sad: Anyway, I got my 6 days in once again this past week...today starts a new week for me. One down, 5 to go. Yikes!

    Great weekend and Happy :heart: day to all.

    That's awesome!! Way to go. :drinker:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
    Wasn't able to make my aerobics class tonight, but stayed in and got my Slim in 6 done.
    2 down, 4 to go.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was really bad yesterday and the day before...today I was pretty good though. Went to the gym (not as long as I'd have liked but tomorrow I'm going ot hit it hard) and I stayed within my calories. Luckily it only takes a day for me to get back into the swing of things!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was really bad yesterday and the day before...today I was pretty good though. Went to the gym (not as long as I'd have liked but tomorrow I'm going ot hit it hard) and I stayed within my calories. Luckily it only takes a day for me to get back into the swing of things!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    The last few days, my weight hasn't changed. Kinda discouraging..BUT today, I went down 1/4 pound. Not much, but at least its movement AND in the right direction! :tongue: I went to the gym yesterday and worked out with my trainer and did my 29 minute interval training. Last night, I did my t-tapp. This morning, I made it to the gym in time for my body pump class, where I burned over 800 calories. I have several things planned for later today, including the No Excuses workout, zumba toning, and t-tapp. All total, today I'll top 2500, maybe even 3000 calories. I definitely have to up my calorie intake for today.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I went to the gym, did 30 minutes on level 5 on the stairmaster, then 30 minuts on the elliptical, burned 1000 calories altogether. Tonight, if I have enough time after work, I'll head back to the gym for more punishment. :laugh:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Nice job guys - way to go! :drinker: Got mine in today too; my first workout in the Slim Series - 78 min long. :noway: I think I need to lay down now. :tongue:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Woohoo!! We are awesome! Way to go everyone. I got up this a.m. and did my BL workout - the boot camp. I'm starting to feel it! Then went to the Y after work to walk. 2 days in a row in my calorie range. Yay :drinker: I've lost most of the water weight I picked up over the weekend, but hubby over seasoned the taco meat tonight so I may gain some of it back! (He used 1 cup of seasoning instead of 1/4 cup :sick: I went easy on the meat, but still!

    Spring is coming! One month and 3 days - let's keep it up!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I went to the gym tonight for Zumba toning, but it got cut off halfway through because of a gas line leak. I didn't end up burning quite as many calories as i thought I might, but I still topped 2300! I still have 800+ calories left to eat tonight. I guess I'll have some of the fruit salad I made for supper and didn't have time to eat. have a great night, everyone!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I went to the gym tonight for Zumba toning, but it got cut off halfway through because of a gas line leak. I didn't end up burning quite as many calories as i thought I might, but I still topped 2300! I still have 800+ calories left to eat tonight. I guess I'll have some of the fruit salad I made for supper and didn't have time to eat. have a great night, everyone!

    You burned 2300 cals just during exercise alone, or is that including regular activities throughout the day? :noway:
  • how many of your exercise calories do you guys eat? I eat some... sometimes all. I see some of you burning 2000 cals/day. I don't know how you do it!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    how many of your exercise calories do you guys eat? I eat some... sometimes all. I see some of you burning 2000 cals/day. I don't know how you do it!!!

    I eat 1/2 - 3/4 of them. But if I ever burn 2000 in one day exercising there's just no way!! Even1/2 would put me eating 2600 calories. That would be hard! Maybe pizza night or something :laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I try not to eat any of my exercise calories. Over the summer I did eat my exercise calories, and I stayed the same all summer. i quit eating them, and the weight started coming off again. Everyone's different. Then again, i do have 'cheat days', so everything evens out in the end.
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I went to the gym tonight for Zumba toning, but it got cut off halfway through because of a gas line leak. I didn't end up burning quite as many calories as i thought I might, but I still topped 2300! I still have 800+ calories left to eat tonight. I guess I'll have some of the fruit salad I made for supper and didn't have time to eat. have a great night, everyone!

    You burned 2300 cals just during exercise alone, or is that including regular activities throughout the day? :noway:

    That was just from exercise. I wear a heart rate monitor while I exercise so that I can accurately record it.
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I got up this morning and went to the gym, where I burned 1140 calories doing the no excuses workout, working on a couple of machines, and then finishing up with about 15 minutes on the elliptical and stretching. I think Im going to go back tonight and work out for another hour or so. It's absolutely amazing, but I find that I enjoy going to the gym now! Who woulda thunk it? LOL:noway:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I went to the gym tonight for Zumba toning, but it got cut off halfway through because of a gas line leak. I didn't end up burning quite as many calories as i thought I might, but I still topped 2300! I still have 800+ calories left to eat tonight. I guess I'll have some of the fruit salad I made for supper and didn't have time to eat. have a great night, everyone!

    You burned 2300 cals just during exercise alone, or is that including regular activities throughout the day? :noway:

    That was just from exercise. I wear a heart rate monitor while I exercise so that I can accurately record it.

    How long does it take you to burn 2300 calories? I wear a heart rate monitor too, and even if I'm kicking butt, it'll take me at least 90 minutes to burn 1000 calories.

    Edited to add: I was thinking about it, and I turn the HRM off if I am not actively exercising. For instance, once I am done with the elliptical, and before I go to the treadmill, I'll turn the watch off because I'll take a few minutes to stretch in between. I don't know why I do that, I just always have. It's like if I'm not actively exercising for that few minutes, then I don't get to count that? :laugh: Maybe if I left it on from the second I start til the second I leave, it'd be higher. interesting.
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    [/quote]How long does it take you to burn 2300 calories? I wear a heart rate monitor too, and even if I'm kicking butt, it'll take me at least 90 minutes to burn 1000 calories.

    Edited to add: I was thinking about it, and I turn the HRM off if I am not actively exercising. For instance, once I am done with the elliptical, and before I go to the treadmill, I'll turn the watch off because I'll take a few minutes to stretch in between. I don't know why I do that, I just always have. It's like if I'm not actively exercising for that few minutes, then I don't get to count that? :laugh: Maybe if I left it on from the second I start til the second I leave, it'd be higher. interesting.

    I go to the gym in the morning for about an hour, either working with a trainer or going to a body pump class, and I usually burn between 1000 and 1100 calories. I either work out again in the evenings at home or I go to a class at the gym where I burn another 1500 or so. Before I go to bed, I do a 20 minute exercise routine that is more aboout inch loss than weight loss. That usually burns about 250 calories.

    I leave it counting from the time I get there til the time I leave. I usually check it prior to stretching, to see how many calories are actually exercise calories.

    I read somewhere that if you exercise in the morning and in the evening, you ramp up your metabolism.
  • Hello, I am back and thanks for the nice words of support. After spending a few days in the hospital with a hurt hubby. He had surgery on one arm for tendinitis and was in a hard splint. Then had an accident were his other arm was cut really bad by glass (thought it was an artery but wasn't thank God) and had the other arm in a hard splint. Now has both arms in hard splints. He looks kinda silly. Now about the diet stuff.
    At first I felt good because hospital food is not that good and the portions are small and under stress you really aren't too hungry anyway. Then I got home and that all changed. I thought I did horrible but only gained a pound which is gone already so I am excited. I am having a hard time starting up the exercising though because I am so tired. I need to overcome my tiredness and basically laziness. Any good suggestions?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    How long does it take you to burn 2300 calories? I wear a heart rate monitor too, and even if I'm kicking butt, it'll take me at least 90 minutes to burn 1000 calories.

    Edited to add: I was thinking about it, and I turn the HRM off if I am not actively exercising. For instance, once I am done with the elliptical, and before I go to the treadmill, I'll turn the watch off because I'll take a few minutes to stretch in between. I don't know why I do that, I just always have. It's like if I'm not actively exercising for that few minutes, then I don't get to count that? :laugh: Maybe if I left it on from the second I start til the second I leave, it'd be higher. interesting.

    I go to the gym in the morning for about an hour, either working with a trainer or going to a body pump class, and I usually burn between 1000 and 1100 calories. I either work out again in the evenings at home or I go to a class at the gym where I burn another 1500 or so. Before I go to bed, I do a 20 minute exercise routine that is more aboout inch loss than weight loss. That usually burns about 250 calories.

    I leave it counting from the time I get there til the time I leave. I usually check it prior to stretching, to see how many calories are actually exercise calories.

    I read somewhere that if you exercise in the morning and in the evening, you ramp up your metabolism.

    Wow, that's great! What dedication! I went today and did the stairs for 30 minutes, treadmill for 30 minutes or so, and the elliptical for about another 15. I would have gone longer, but my HRM was pissing me off...I think I am going to get a new, better one. What do you have? I have a Reebok Precision, but lately it hasn't been working right. Sometimes it'll jump from 0 heart rate to 160 then back to 0. I've tried readjusting it, wetting it, etc. It's distracting from working out, having to check to make sure it's always working properly.
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