Spring Challenge



  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    My weight fluctuates like crazy but I weigh everyday. It motivates me cuz after a few days I know that I am not going to fluctuate anymore that high and this is my new high to fluctuate around. For me as long as I am in this new area all is good. Today last week I had a new all time low and was so excited. Then the next days I went back up a bit. It motivates me because I know I hit that low weight once and I will get there again so I am more careful of what I eat. I just finally hit that low weight again today. I am now lowering my range and where this weight used to be my low weight it is now my high weight.

    Sorry if I make no sense sometimes I ramble. :blushing:

    That made complete sense. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am really hoping to stay on track this weekend...weekends are what kill me. If I can just stay good for one weekend, I know I can break through this mini-platuea and start dropping more weight.

    Good luck everyone!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am really hoping to stay on track this weekend...weekends are what kill me. If I can just stay good for one weekend, I know I can break through this mini-platuea and start dropping more weight.

    Good luck everyone!

    What a day yesterday! You'll do great this weekend - will be fun celebrating breaking that plateau!

    I have a conference all day tomorrow. Will be fun though - then have to do all my cleaning and catch up work Sunday at home. Joy, joy. :laugh: I'm going to log in sometime tomorrow though. I don't want to break my streak and have to start over - 20+ days in a row so far!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So far so good, as far as the weekend goes! Just gotta get through the next two days, including a baby shower tomorrow!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I am officially VERY discouraged. :cry: My weight is up again. This is the 3rd day in a row. I think I'm gonna stop weighing myself except for the first of every month, when I do my measurements. I know I'm not overeating. I know that muscle weighs more than fat and that muscle burns fat faster or some such nonsense. So, please tell me, when is it supposed to start working? When is the weight supposed to start coming off? I weigh more now than I did a couple of weeks ago. It's enough to make me want to go hang out at Dairy Queen and get a couple of extra fudge/extra peanuts peanut buster parfaits.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am officially VERY discouraged. :cry: My weight is up again. This is the 3rd day in a row. I think I'm gonna stop weighing myself except for the first of every month, when I do my measurements. I know I'm not overeating. I know that muscle weighs more than fat and that muscle burns fat faster or some such nonsense. So, please tell me, when is it supposed to start working? When is the weight supposed to start coming off? I weigh more now than I did a couple of weeks ago. It's enough to make me want to go hang out at Dairy Queen and get a couple of extra fudge/extra peanuts peanut buster parfaits.

    As soon as I read "This is the 3rd day", I was going to tell you to stop weighing yourself every day. I was a daily weigher, and thought the same thing. I had to hide my scale out of sight and promise myself to weigh only on Fridays. Of course, sometimes I can't resist the temptation to weigh, but it helps not weighing every day. Is your food diary public? I'll take a look through it and offer some advice if I have any, if you don't mind. (You can look through mine if you want. :smile: ) Maybe you're taking in too much salt? Do you enter in your food items yourself, or if not, do you know for sure the entries are correct? Maybe the entries are incorrect and you're eating more than you think? Maybe not drinking enough water? Eating too late at night? You've lost 40-something pounds so far, what did you do to lose that much? Maybe you need to switch up workouts, add jogging, or spinning, or stairmaster...

    You can't quit...what's the other choice if you don't just stick with it...gaining back 46 lbs? Imagine how discouraged you'll ne then! I have been at a platueau a bit myself lately, but I think to myself "Well, I'd rather stick with it and be annoyed at not losing right now, then give up and gain 45 lbs back. Because THAT"S EXACTLY what's going to happen if I give up."
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I will make my diary public. I'm not going to stop working out, I'm just going to stop weighing. If I don't get on the scales, then iveont get discouraged. At least that's the plan! I know I'm not drinking enough water. I'm trying to fix that. I'll weigh again when this challenge ends and see how it goes then. After I eat supper tonight, assuming I don't do Amyore working out, I'll still have 500 calories left to eat.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hey! Mbalford - sorry to hear you're discouraged! First - STOP weighing everyday :) I know you said you were going to do that - good idea. I also think you may be overdoing the exercise. I wonder if you cut back to burning 500 - 700 calories a day instead of the 1500+ I've seen lately if that may help you a little. If nothing else helps, just something to consider. I see about half of the time you eat back some/most of your exercise calories, but I saw several days recently with 1500 - 1800 calories left on the table. So I don't know if theres a relationship there, but if you can't solve the issue any other way, I would suggest easing back on the exercise a little until you are at about 2000 calories per day to eat and see what happens. Just a thought!

    So - this is the big week!! March 1st tomorrow. I start the couch to 5K. I'm really excited! (kind of odd, but I'll go with it :happy: ) I have a schedule set up and will see how well I hold to it. I will be doing week 1, day 1 tomorrow after work. Very excited.

    My weight held from Wednesday's weigh in - 217.4. So:
    SW - 219.6
    CW - 217.4
    GW - 210
    Lost: 2.2

    Hope everyone has a great week! Exactly 3 weeks until the first day of Spring!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Good luck on your first day tomorrow!

    I ate everything in sight yesterday...I went to a baby shower, then had to work and it was a really rough night. Afterwards, went out with friends for some drinks, and then decided Taco Bell was a good idea. At 5:30 am my body decided to let me know I was wrong. I am exhausted today and think I'm starting to fight off a cold. I think I'm taking the day off from the gym, unless I feel a lot better after work tonight. But I doubt it. I just need a day off to lay around and chill.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I hope you did take a day off toots! Sometimes a rest day helps fight off bugs. Hope you are feeling better!!

    I did do day 1 today - kicked the booty, it did. But was worth it - day 2 will be Thursday! I started a Spring Couch to 5k thread, if anyone else wants to start that program and have yet another thread to track:laugh:
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    As nice as the DQ sounds.....DON'T DO IT.... I am new to this so do not have too much advice but hang in there. I go up for a few days and then down and up but eventually it goes down. It will go down.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Yesterday was a disaster of a day...I started out eating okay, but I was tired and had that "just don't care" feeling, so I stopped for Chinese food after I got out of work early, and ate every bite, including a pint of ice cream. Ugh, I am so mad at myself today for it!

    But today, today is a new day. One (okay, two) bad days won't kill me, as long as I get back on track.

    It's nice, one of my good work friends is also trying to eat healthfully and she does weight watchers as well, so it's nice to have someone to lament to or go to for support.
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Yesterday was a disaster of a day...I started out eating okay, but I was tired and had that "just don't care" feeling, so I stopped for Chinese food after I got out of work early, and ate every bite, including a pint of ice cream. Ugh, I am so mad at myself today for it!

    But today, today is a new day. One (okay, two) bad days won't kill me, as long as I get back on track.

    It's nice, one of my good work friends is also trying to eat healthfully and she does weight watchers as well, so it's nice to have someone to lament to or go to for support.

    Don't give up! One, or even two, bad days don't completely wreck your life. Remember that today is the day to start again, regardless of yesterday or the day before.
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    I know how you feel. It seems like every weekend I blow it. I get ready to finally do good this weekend but I never do. I get so mad and discouraged and think I should just quit. But then Monday rolls around and I can get back into the groove again. Hang in there. We all have bad days. Maybe we should all meet at the DQ if we are gonna have a bad day anyway. LOL
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Yep, I'm determined to get back on track today...I have to. I ate so much junk that my stomach has been yelling at me for it for two days. :laugh:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hey everyone! Sounds like we all have had our struggles this last week or so. I've come to the decision that that's o.k. We will struggle with this. We have to struggle with this - it is a monumental lifestyle change and that doesn't come easy. If it did, there would be no need for this website. The important thing is to win the battle. And even if we lose the battle - to get right back in the foray and press on to win the war. I'm so glad for this site where we can encourage each other, point out areas where we need change (nicely) and have the tools to win the war!

    Since this is a lifestyle change there will be baby showers, weddings, celebrations and holidays to contend with. We have to be able to participate in the joyous occassions and not let them derail us. Food is a major part of our society. I've been pondering this a lot lately. We each have to be able to fit special meals or celebrations in our lifestyle, and still keep the rest healthy without "freaking out" about it. For me, this means I have to understand my food addiction and why it is so much more than just fuel for my body. I'm so much better than I was 10 years ago. Or even 1 year ago. It is a process I am still in, but now nearing the end and becoming more balanced. It happens - eventually.

    I'm rambling a little, but we all get to do that here :tongue: So feel free to ramble, figure out, vent and even talk about your discouragement. We will listen, help, give advice and generally just be there for eachother. Good job!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I like our little thread. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to experiment with ground turkey breast. I'm getting a bit sick of chicken and got some turkey really cheap at the store today. I feel lke I'm in a rut...I need different food.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I like our little thread. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to experiment with ground turkey breast. I'm getting a bit sick of chicken and got some turkey really cheap at the store today. I feel lke I'm in a rut...I need different food.

    Ooooh. New food. Yum! I'm always on the look out for something new. Let me know what you try and how you like it!
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    I seem to eat the same ol same ol stuff too. I love the fillet mignon. That is my special meal. Not too high in cals and oh so good. Then veg to go with it although I would rather eat like 3 med rare grilled yummy fillets. My husband is killer at grilling. You guys should come over sometime. I love our group too. The others I feel lost in cuz there is so many people. Its like less accountability cuz no one knows your even there.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I seem to eat the same ol same ol stuff too. I love the fillet mignon. That is my special meal. Not too high in cals and oh so good. Then veg to go with it although I would rather eat like 3 med rare grilled yummy fillets. My husband is killer at grilling. You guys should come over sometime. I love our group too. The others I feel lost in cuz there is so many people. Its like less accountability cuz no one knows your even there.

    I agree! And usually those groups die out fast too.

    I had ground turkey breast, and made a turkey patty with some low fat shredded cheese on top with a ton of veggies. That was lunch. For dinner, I made a burrito (I usually have a burrito for dinner...it's easy, healthy and convenient to eat while I'm at work), and instead of the usual chicken, I browned the turkey meat with some diced peppers and onions and garlic. It was so good!
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