Spring Challenge



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I need to overcome my tiredness and basically laziness. Any good suggestions?

    Start out slowly again...a walk here, short workout there, that'll give you more energy and you'll feel ramped up to do more in no time. Good luck!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome back Jen! Glad it wasn't as serious of an emergency as it could have been!

    Wow, mbalford! That is a lot of exercise! Makes me sweat just reading about it :laugh:

    I kind of blew it the last two days. Yipes! Stress got me, but yesterday I was only over about 200 calories which still leaves me with a 300 calorie deficit. The day before I was over by more than 1000 calories. :blushing: Yipes! Interestingly enough, I'm actually down 1 1/2 lbs today. Down .4 from my starting weight at this challenge. I'm logging that as my official weigh in as this weekend is going to be crazy busy!

    DH didn't make the main volleyball team, just the sub team so no more 6 a.m. practices. Yay! I still managed to get up at 5:45 today and get a workout in. If I can keep that up, I'll be golden! Take care everyone - see ya'll around!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    How long does it take you to burn 2300 calories? I wear a heart rate monitor too, and even if I'm kicking butt, it'll take me at least 90 minutes to burn 1000 calories.

    Edited to add: I was thinking about it, and I turn the HRM off if I am not actively exercising. For instance, once I am done with the elliptical, and before I go to the treadmill, I'll turn the watch off because I'll take a few minutes to stretch in between. I don't know why I do that, I just always have. It's like if I'm not actively exercising for that few minutes, then I don't get to count that? :laugh: Maybe if I left it on from the second I start til the second I leave, it'd be higher. interesting.

    I go to the gym in the morning for about an hour, either working with a trainer or going to a body pump class, and I usually burn between 1000 and 1100 calories. I either work out again in the evenings at home or I go to a class at the gym where I burn another 1500 or so. Before I go to bed, I do a 20 minute exercise routine that is more aboout inch loss than weight loss. That usually burns about 250 calories.

    I leave it counting from the time I get there til the time I leave. I usually check it prior to stretching, to see how many calories are actually exercise calories.

    I read somewhere that if you exercise in the morning and in the evening, you ramp up your metabolism.

    Wow, that's great! What dedication! I went today and did the stairs for 30 minutes, treadmill for 30 minutes or so, and the elliptical for about another 15. I would have gone longer, but my HRM was pissing me off...I think I am going to get a new, better one. What do you have? I have a Reebok Precision, but lately it hasn't been working right. Sometimes it'll jump from 0 heart rate to 160 then back to 0. I've tried readjusting it, wetting it, etc. It's distracting from working out, having to check to make sure it's always working properly.

    I totally agree on the HRM acting up. I'll be in the middle of high intensity workout, with my heart rate at about 150 and then it'll drop to 120 or some such nonsense. Mine is a timex. I just ordered a different one from the noexcusesworkout.com website. Hopefully, it will be more dependable! It finally got shipped a couple of days ago. We'll see how it goes!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    How long does it take you to burn 2300 calories? I wear a heart rate monitor too, and even if I'm kicking butt, it'll take me at least 90 minutes to burn 1000 calories.

    Edited to add: I was thinking about it, and I turn the HRM off if I am not actively exercising. For instance, once I am done with the elliptical, and before I go to the treadmill, I'll turn the watch off because I'll take a few minutes to stretch in between. I don't know why I do that, I just always have. It's like if I'm not actively exercising for that few minutes, then I don't get to count that? :laugh: Maybe if I left it on from the second I start til the second I leave, it'd be higher. interesting.

    I go to the gym in the morning for about an hour, either working with a trainer or going to a body pump class, and I usually burn between 1000 and 1100 calories. I either work out again in the evenings at home or I go to a class at the gym where I burn another 1500 or so. Before I go to bed, I do a 20 minute exercise routine that is more aboout inch loss than weight loss. That usually burns about 250 calories.

    I leave it counting from the time I get there til the time I leave. I usually check it prior to stretching, to see how many calories are actually exercise calories.

    I read somewhere that if you exercise in the morning and in the evening, you ramp up your metabolism.

    Wow, that's great! What dedication! I went today and did the stairs for 30 minutes, treadmill for 30 minutes or so, and the elliptical for about another 15. I would have gone longer, but my HRM was pissing me off...I think I am going to get a new, better one. What do you have? I have a Reebok Precision, but lately it hasn't been working right. Sometimes it'll jump from 0 heart rate to 160 then back to 0. I've tried readjusting it, wetting it, etc. It's distracting from working out, having to check to make sure it's always working properly.

    I totally agree on the HRM acting up. I'll be in the middle of high intensity workout, with my heart rate at about 150 and then it'll drop to 120 or some such nonsense. Mine is a timex. I just ordered a different one from the noexcusesworkout.com website. Hopefully, it will be more dependable! It finally got shipped a couple of days ago. We'll see how it goes!

    I'm going to do some research and maybe see about getting a Polar F7 HRM...hope yours works out okay!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Happy Sunday! I worked out with my BL video 3 times last week and only made it to the gym 1 time. So short 1 on each goal. Only 1 more week until I start the Couch to 5K! I went shopping yesterday - we ate out 2 of 3 meals and I was so proud of myself, I made good choices both times! I got my new running shoes - I ended out with a pair of Brooks. I :heart: them! I'm going to break them in a little this week walking, then next week start the C25K. I've only had Saucony in the past, but these Brooks were a dream! I also :heart: Time Out Sports - the guy was super helpful and got me set up well. No one else in the other stores I looked in would even acknowledge I was there! No one wanted to help the fat girl get running shoes I guess :laugh: But I prevailed in the end and bought from the person who was helpful and didn't judge. Even thought it cost me @$30 more :ohwell:

    Hope you all had an excellent week and have another one! We have 1 month until the end of the Spring Challenge - hopefully the weather will be kinder to us by then!

    I finally posted a loss - .4 lbs. Wow. Hopefully this week will be better still!
    I plan to do 4 BL workouts and 3 trips to the Y - I have to get in sync for the C25K. Can't run outside right now!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I am so frustrated! :grumble: I weighed in this morning and I gained .5 pound! I'm sure it's from gaining more muscle mass, but when is all this muscle going to start burning more calories and reduce my weight???
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oh I way overdid it yesterday, but it was cheat day and today I am back to the gym...I wish I craved broccoli instead of Chinese fod and ice cream! :laugh:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Oh I way overdid it yesterday, but it was cheat day and today I am back to the gym...I wish I craved broccoli instead of Chinese fod and ice cream! :laugh:

    I don't know...Chinese food has beef and brocoli (there's your broccoli), chicken and cashew nuts (which are good for the heart I hear), chicken and vegetables (didja get that? vegetables!) and ice cream is dairy! Chinese food and ice cream - definitely a good choice! :laugh:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Oh I way overdid it yesterday, but it was cheat day and today I am back to the gym...I wish I craved broccoli instead of Chinese fod and ice cream! :laugh:

    I don't know...Chinese food has beef and brocoli (there's your broccoli), chicken and cashew nuts (which are good for the heart I hear), chicken and vegetables (didja get that? vegetables!) and ice cream is dairy! Chinese food and ice cream - definitely a good choice! :laugh:

    :laugh: I like it, I like it! Sorry to hear you are up mbalford. That stinks! But I'm sure it will disappear this week along with some friends :flowerforyou:

    I managed to get up and do a BL tape workout this a.m. and am all set to go to the Y tonight. Baby girl was sick this a.m., now full of vim and vinegar :laugh: I'm home until noon or so, then dh gets to take over. Hope everyone has a good Monday (is that even possible???) :heart:
  • MT Girl. I went to get shoes yesterday too. ( I wonder if we ran into each other cuz I think we live pretty close I live in Wy but went to Billings to shop) The guy told me that it is supposed to be very loose. He showed me how loose his were but it seems way too loose. What do you think. Maybe I am used to heels and dress shoes or something? I ended up not getting them but wonder if I should have. Way to go with all your healthy choices. Wish I could say the same. Week days are pretty good but weekends are hard.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I've got no motivation today. I went to the gym for a bit, but my legs are SO SORE from working out on Saturday, it's hard to want to do anything. Somehow I've gotta work tonight. :laugh:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    MT Girl. I went to get shoes yesterday too. ( I wonder if we ran into each other cuz I think we live pretty close I live in Wy but went to Billings to shop) The guy told me that it is supposed to be very loose. He showed me how loose his were but it seems way too loose. What do you think. Maybe I am used to heels and dress shoes or something? I ended up not getting them but wonder if I should have. Way to go with all your healthy choices. Wish I could say the same. Week days are pretty good but weekends are hard.

    Hey Jenn - where did you go? I ended out at Time Out Sports in West Park Plaza on Grand - the guy there was really great! He fit mine so there was 1 finger of room at the end and just so they were comfortable to jog around the store in. I tried on 6 pairs and he was super helpful. Then he gave me $10 off my shoes as an incentive to return. They were still $90, but I thought it was worth it for the service. There should be some room, but I don't think too much 'cuz your foot would slide around. I know you need room for your foot to expand, but too much wouldn't be good either!

    Sometime when you are up here to shop, we'll have to meet for lunch or something!
  • That would be fun. I am going to come up about once a month I think. I am in Clark on the other side of Belfry. The nicest guy was at Sheels but he wanted my foot to be too slidey I think though he was nice. I ended up finding a pair on sale there they have quite a few sales Soucany and New Balance and I think Brooks. I do not know how to spell these as I never heard of them before. But they are in an isle away from the shoe dept. I got mine Asics for $35. They are not top of the line but comfy.
  • P.S. When are we supposed to check in again? I forgot.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    P.S. When are we supposed to check in again? I forgot.

    The challenge started on Sunday and ends on a Saturday, so I generally check in Sun, but decided several weeks ago that you can just check in whatever day you usually do. Of course, we have to have a final check in Sat March 20!

    We were at Big Bear and they had some killer sales on too. I wasn't worried about the cost this time 'cuz I just got my tax refund Friday. :tongue: But when I replace these, I'm sure I will be more concerned!

    I love the area you are from! We went through Belfry and Clark and down to Cody last Nov. Tried to have a picnic at Clark - there's a store or something??? Right by the turn off?? I think it was Clark. Anywho - too darned cold! We started out at the picnic table, then moved into the car :laugh: Fun times though!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I was down yesterday (in weight, not attitude! :wink: ) and today I was back up :frown: . I'm doing everything right, except drinking enough water. I guess I need to make that a goal - to drink enough water. I like water, which makes it easier. It's just hard to keep running upstairs to fill my water bottle. I work at home and I keep forgetting to get more water when I do come out of my office. I'm just going to keep trucking and know that one of these days, the stupid scale will start to move down and will continue on its downward slide. I will eventually make my goal weight.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    If you had a little extra sodium yesterday that will kick you back up! Also, I assume you weigh at the same time wearing the same thing everyday? Even a glass of water before you weigh will add a pound. Other than that, weight flecuates (sp?) a lot for a lot of reasons. That's why they recommend only weighing once a week. I do 2 times a week, sometimes more but I ignore the little changes and only chart my Wed and Sun a.m. weight. You'll get it off M!
  • My weight fluctuates like crazy but I weigh everyday. It motivates me cuz after a few days I know that I am not going to fluctuate anymore that high and this is my new high to fluctuate around. For me as long as I am in this new area all is good. Today last week I had a new all time low and was so excited. Then the next days I went back up a bit. It motivates me because I know I hit that low weight once and I will get there again so I am more careful of what I eat. I just finally hit that low weight again today. I am now lowering my range and where this weight used to be my low weight it is now my high weight.

    Sorry if I make no sense sometimes I ramble. :blushing:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oh my goodness I'm so tired...I got up at 5AM this morning because I had to do a housecleaning job, but plans changed so I ended up going to the gym instead. I did the stairs for 30 mins, then played basketball with a friend for 30 mins. We went to a place called SouperSalad, and I actually was able to control myself...I indulged in a "normal" amount of bisque, avoided ranch dressing in favor of oil and vinegar, avoided the taco bar, enjoyed a sweet potato without all the bad toppings, and had a "normal" amount of ice cream with nuts caramel sauce and an oreo on top. It was nice to be able to go out and be able to restrain myself from eating until I wanted to die.

    Then, had another change of plans and cleaned a house for three hours. I'm exhausted and I'd better be down tomorrow!! :laugh:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Oh my goodness I'm so tired...I got up at 5AM this morning because I had to do a housecleaning job, but plans changed so I ended up going to the gym instead. I did the stairs for 30 mins, then played basketball with a friend for 30 mins. We went to a place called SouperSalad, and I actually was able to control myself...I indulged in a "normal" amount of bisque, avoided ranch dressing in favor of oil and vinegar, avoided the taco bar, enjoyed a sweet potato without all the bad toppings, and had a "normal" amount of ice cream with nuts caramel sauce and an oreo on top. It was nice to be able to go out and be able to restrain myself from eating until I wanted to die.

    Then, had another change of plans and cleaned a house for three hours. I'm exhausted and I'd better be down tomorrow!! :laugh:

    Kudos on the good choices!
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