Spring Challenge

MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
The first day of Spring is March 20 - it will also be around that time that things start to get really crazy here at work. I want to get in the groove solidly by then so I don't fall off the healthy wagon like I did the last 2 years! I already have a goal to start the C25K the first week of March, but I need to get in the gym before then and get started again.

So, would anyone like to join me in a challenge/group for that time frame?? I do have to be out of town Feb 1 - 4, and I don't know if I will be able to get computer access those days, but I will check in daily - even weekends (hard for me!) otherwise. So, anyone game?


  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Well - no nibbles out of 52. 'S o.k. I'll do it anyway, even if it is just me. LOL.

    I really want to start Monday - but will probably make Sun first weigh in day. So it would be:

    CW =

    For me, I'm really interested in shrinking my belly - I hold most of my weight there so:
    waist measurement start =
    finish =
    Or just Inches lost during challenge =

    Also a weekly challenge/goal to try to meet - I would be open to suggestions. I think for the first week - Starting 1/31 - my challenge would be to workout at least 4 days. And make wise choices with my meals on the road. My boss likes to stop at fast food! I know I can still make healthier choices. I just need motivation to do it :tongue: So 1 group challenge and 1 personal challenge per week. Any takers yet??
  • I actually want to start the C25K but would you be able to start before March? I want to start soon maybe when you get back?
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    You could make that your personal goal for whatever week. My main problem is I need new running shoes - last time I tried to start the C25K with the shoes I have I started to get planter Faciatis - or however you spell it. So the absolute soonest would be the last week of Feb. Have to wait for the income tax refund. LOL - but it would still work if you want to do it and join me. I need accountability seriously!
  • Sounds good. I will start it or prob. put it off lol and make sure I will at least start when you do so I can't keep making excuses. I am exersizing almost everyday but wanted to add the c25k. I have always wanted to be a runner and thought that at least it couldn't hurt to try it that way.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's a great program - I made it through week 4 last year, then I really don't know what happened! Fell off the face of the earth I guess. Well, two is a group for now, maybe someone else will join us. I'll post Sunday - I don't know when you usually weigh in, we can make it any day really but since I have to leave Monday a.m. I'm using Sunday as my starting point. Woohoo!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    O.K. - today is the first day. Anyone interested can join whenever - ends first day of Spring March 20.

    SW: 219.6
    CW: 219.6
    GW: 210
    Loss: 0
    Inches lost (you can choose - me, waist) - 0"

    Group challenge: Work out 4 times this week
    Personal challenge: Make healthy choices on business trip this week.

    I'm already a little ahead of the game - for the banquet I chose the salmon. I could have had oven roasted chicken too or prime rib, but at least I chose one of the healthier ones. Now, I'll have to be careful on the mega-sized baked potato and dessert!

    I'm ready!! Spring, here I come!
  • Well here I go. Yikes!!

    SW: 181.3
    CW: 181.3
    GW: 170
    Loss: 0
    Inches lost: 0

    Good job picking the salmon. I love salmon but find its dry when anyone else makes it. I would have folded and gotten the nice juicy prime rib. yum
    I am not sure what day I will start running yet. I have to tie it in with working.
    I will post Sundays hopefully or by Monday morning anyway with Sundays measurements.
    Good luck.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Well, I'm back from my trip! I worked out 2 days of the 4 - Yay! - and I made healthier choices most of the time. There was the afternoon at the bowling alley . . . but at least it wasn't a double cheeseburger! LOL.

    The salmon for the banquet was wonderful - not dry at all. They had a great dill sauce with it, just a little. I did have the cheesecake for dessert though. But I am happy with my choices overall. I had Tilapia and veggies Mon night at the restaurant, Tuesday at Applebees I had a Chicken and Portabello Mushroom sandwich on w.w. and fruit - very yummy. Very small, but yummy! Tues night we had stuffed pork and veggies and roasted potatoes at the dinner - there were even those purple potatoes (we were in Idaho after all!). And the Salmon Wed. after the cheeseburger! lol - lots of fun. I did have some drinks - but I behaved in general. I did start to blow up like a balloon today, mostly the difference in activity level and sodium content I think. I won't weigh until Sunday to see how it all REALLY worked out :). My goal was 4 workouts, but if I get 3 in I will be happy. Beats the heck out of 0!
  • I would like to join this group... IT NEEDS MORE THAN 2 PEOPLE!! I will start today. Unfortunately we got 4 inches of snow today. I will start the c25k today in my basement. It's not the best conditions... but it will work. I have started the c25k before but I never finish because I feel I can't breath when I run outside. I don't know if it is lack of conditioning... or allergies (probably the first). I will post back and let you know how the first day went. Hopefully if I start inside, I can do better when it gets warm outside.

  • Yeah your the next contestant on The Spring Challenge.
    I haven't started the c25k yet though I wanted too. Husband had surgery and its just not been a good week. I will let you know when I start.
    MT Girl looks like you had great choices over your trip. Weekends and trips are hardest for me but this weekend I bought a few frozen meals so hopefully I will do better.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm in! Seems like all the groups I join fade out quickly, so let's keep thisone going!

    I am currently 192, and would like to be 182 by March 20th!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yay Toots and One Hot Momma!! Welcome. I guess I plan on keeping on even if I'm the only one, but I'm glad to have some company :happy: We just check in with our starting weight, current weight, goal weight, pounds lost, inches lost if you want to track something specific (doesn't have to be tracked until the end) and a personal goal - I will also take any ideas for a group goal.

    I'm so excited! Of course, right now, I'm really tired. I almost fell asleep at my desk this afternoon. *yawn* My wonderful boss let me go home early and my dear hubby is picking up the little one from Boys and Girls Club and cooking dinner for me. Sometimes a few days away increases the level of appreciation tenfold :laugh:

    Next check in is Monday, or Sunday if you want. Really, you can pick what ever day you want to check in. Just so we all end March 20. Woohoo - spring here we come!! (Just tell that to all the snow outside right now :glasses: )
  • I did day one. I made about 200 laps around my basement to get the time in. I have done this before (c25k) and made it to about 2.5 k. I have been doing the running on wii fit. I know it isn't like running outside, but as it turns out it does build up your endurance. I had no problem doing day one. I will be back monday to check in with my stats!! Happy running everyone!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good job hot momma! The way I figure, anything is better than nothing! And momentum builds - way to go:smile:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    O.K. - my first check in!

    SW: 219.6
    CW: 219.8
    GW: 210
    Loss: 0

    I'm holding on to a little water from the great trip to Costco yesterday - hot dog in the food court and samples. Was super happy to find that they now have Orowheat Sandwich Thins. Yay!! I may check again in the a.m. as I won't be eating superbowl food today!

    Challenges - I did not work out 4 times, but did 2 times and that is an improvement! I did make healthier choices on my trip so I'll call it win/win.

    New challenges - Group: to do 20+ minutes of activity outside your normal workouts/routines 2 or more times this week. The idea is to create a more active lifestyle and hopefully this will be a start! The activity can be anything - family walk/bike ride, shoveling snow, taking pets for extra walks, swimming with the kids at the Y, doing a new exercise video or program from tv - whatever is outside of your normal routine. Good luck!
    Personal challenge - I'm going to try the 4 times of working out at the Y - need to utilize that $59 a month I'm paying them!

    Have fun! Looking forward to hearing from everyone!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Well yesterday was my only day off so I laid around and pigged out...but I allowed myself to do that since I was good all week, and I'm back on the wagon today. I am NOT weighing myself til Friday though! :laugh:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I hear ya toots! I went outside yesterday to play in the snow with my 5 year old. We were going to build a snowman, but the snow was too dry, wouldn't stick together. So we were playing freeze tag - and I twisted my ankle. So only made 10 minutes, but fortunately did not do serious damage to my ankle. It is still a little sore and stiff today, but not bad. The pop I heard when I fell and twisted in made me wonder if it was going to be o.k. - no swelling and the pain is almost gone. 'whew!

    I did my Biggest Loser workout this a.m. - loved it - and I am planning to go to the Y this afternoon - probably just walk on the track or treadmill. It's less than 10 degrees today - too cold to be outside for long!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oh my, less than ten degrees! I couldn't handle that!!
  • Hello ladies!! Check in today... good and bad. I'm not discouraged though. I just completed my 2nd day of c25k (jogging in my basement). I then jogged an extra 3.5 minutes at the end (the length of my fave song on the playlist). So I was feeling pretty good. My weigh in was not so good. I am currently 2.5 pounds more than when I started mfp. I am looking at my arms and can tell they are getting smaller... so I'm attributing it to muscle gain at this point! This happened the last time I was running/strength training regularly. It will come off eventually. I have my stats here.

    SW: 220
    CW: 221.5
    GW: 199 (by spring hopefully!!)
    Loss: 0
  • I hear ya with the 10 degrees. Got another 2 inches here today... supposed to get 9 total by tomorrow morning! We may be skipping story time tomorrow morning!
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