Spring Challenge



  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hot momma - I sure hope the snow is over here for a while! We haven't had this much snow since I was in Jr. High - now my daughter is in Jr. High!

    If you just started working out your muscles will retain extra water for a couple of days so ride it out for a week, then you should see some results. I didn't realize we were so close to the same weight - I wanted to make my goal to be 199 or 195 by March 20, but my almost 40 year old body doesn't lose weight like that anymore. I have to go the slow steady route - but at least it's going! :) I am so impressed that you run around your basement for the C25K - good job! Hopefully before long, we can do that outside! That and new running shoes are why I'm waiting until March - I won't probably be able to run outside until April anyway but one can always hope:happy:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I did the Strengthen and Sculp part of my Biggest Loser workout this a.m. - yay me! This getting up at 5 a.m. to take dd to volleyball practice is getting old, however it gets my butt out of bed and gives me time to get a workout in so I'm not complaining too loud. Yet :laugh:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I'd like to start too. I have no idea what the c25K is, and I can't run because of knee issues, but I am actively pursuing a healthier body. I currently work out with a trainer 3 days a week in the mornings, and I do a Body Pump class the other 3 mornings (I take Sundays off). Then, in the evenings, I do a cardio workout at home and walk the dogs. My usually calorie burn is between 2 and 3000 calories a day. I weigh each morning before I leave the gym. My weight today was 238. My goal weight for march 20 will be 228. I'll post my measurements tomorrow.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'd like to start too. I have no idea what the c25K is, and I can't run because of knee issues, but I am actively pursuing a healthier body. I currently work out with a trainer 3 days a week in the mornings, and I do a Body Pump class the other 3 mornings (I take Sundays off). Then, in the evenings, I do a cardio workout at home and walk the dogs. My usually calorie burn is between 2 and 3000 calories a day. I weigh each morning before I leave the gym. My weight today was 238. My goal weight for march 20 will be 228. I'll post my measurements tomorrow.

    Yay! Welcome mbalford!! I won't make the Couch to 5 K (c25k) a group challenge, it will be my personal challenge when I start it. This thread isn't really about that, but about goals and motivation and accountability, all of which I desparately need! You are free to partake in the group challenge or not, but I try to make them kind of generic and achievable. Glad to have you here! Great goal - together we'll do it :drinker:
  • I am in the middle of a family emergency so I will hopefully be back next week.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am in the middle of a family emergency so I will hopefully be back next week.

    Hope everything's okay!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am in the middle of a family emergency so I will hopefully be back next week.

    Jenn - hope everything works out o.k.! We'll look forward to seeing you when you get back. :flowerforyou:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I live in Northern Virginia and we've been snowed under the entire week. Add to that yesterday, we had a medical emergency in our family and I haven't been on to post in a couple of days. I have been doing my exercises here at home, though. I usually weigh each morning when I'm at the gym, but because of the snow, I haven't been to the gym in the morning since Monday. I finally got there this morning to work out with my traininer and I weighed. I lost over 1.5 pounds since Monday!! I am doing the happy dance :laugh:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I fnally have my measurements too!

    sw: 238.8
    gw: 228

    bust: 43
    hips: 47
    waist: 40
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I went up a pound, but I'm okay with that. When I weighed in at 192 last week, I had a feeling that that was a fluke. :laugh:

    CW - 193
    GW - 182
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yay M on your loss!! Congratulations.

    Toots - glad your not discouraged. Keep up the good work and the weight eventually will have to come off!

    I'm not sure I'm going to post a loss this week either! I know what to do, I know how to do it, but I seem to be spiraling out of control. Which is not unheard of for me at this point! I've made myself accountable in this thread, issued a challenge to myself, and at that point my inner toddler likes to rebel :laugh: Also, getting up at 5:15 to get dd to v-ball practice is killing me! I worked out 3 days after dropping her off, but the other two I went back to bed. Last night I was so tired I was just being nasty so I toddled myself off to bed with my book. Hopefully I'll adjust, because that tiredness also effects my evening eating. I don't snack much at night anymore, unless I'm tired or way stressed. Then I just eat and eat and eat and eat some more. We'll see what happens Sun!

    Good job everyone. Spring is coming - no matter what Old Man Winter wants us to believe (looking forward to 5 - 6 more inches of snow this weekend. NOT looking forward to it!)
  • Hello ladies!!! I decided to do my weigh in check on Friday. I have off work every mon-friday. Usually I get adequate sleep, get to exercise those days and eat sensibly. However Sat and sun I leave for work at 5 and get home at 9. So monday just isn't going to work as a "weigh in" day for me. It seems like after the weekend I'm retaining about 5 pounds of fluid even though I drink 8 of water . I just wonder if it is a combo of work stress and lack of sleep. I weighed myself early ( 3 days) and had lost 4 pounds. So I think fridays will be winners for me. If I run today it will be week 2 day 3. I'm pretty pumped. It is going much better than I thought. I will be back to check in next week. Hope everyone's family issues resolve!!! Happy running :)
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it ok if I pop in, too? I like having some accountability so this thread would be great! My goals for this challenge are to exercise 6x/wk, keep within my calorie budget, and NO junky snacky foods except for Saturdays which is a free day for me. :tongue:

    Currently I am alternating gym workouts (Zumba, Muscle Madness, Turbo Kick) with home dvds like Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam, with occasional ellitpical, bike, etc. Does shoveling snow count, too??? :laugh:

    I'll try to post my daily workouts to keep that accountability fresh in my mind!

    CW: 149.4
    GW: 144
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it ok if I pop in, too? I like having some accountability so this thread would be great! My goals for this challenge are to exercise 6x/wk, keep within my calorie budget, and NO junky snacky foods except for Saturdays which is a free day for me. :tongue:

    Currently I am alternating gym workouts (Zumba, Muscle Madness, Turbo Kick) with home dvds like Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam, with occasional ellitpical, bike, etc. Does shoveling snow count, too??? :laugh:

    I'll try to post my daily workouts to keep that accountability fresh in my mind!

    CW: 149.4
    GW: 144

    The more the merrier!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome Scoobees! Glad you're here :flowerforyou:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I decided to do my weigh in check on Friday. I have off work every mon-friday. Usually I get adequate sleep, get to exercise those days and eat sensibly. However Sat and sun I leave for work at 5 and get home at 9. So monday just isn't going to work as a "weigh in" day for me. It seems like after the weekend I'm retaining about 5 pounds of fluid even though I drink 8 of water . I just wonder if it is a combo of work stress and lack of sleep. I weighed myself early ( 3 days) and had lost 4 pounds. So I think fridays will be winners for me. If I run today it will be week 2 day 3. I'm pretty pumped. It is going much better than I thought. I will be back to check in next week. Hope everyone's family issues resolve!!! Happy running :)

    Way to go Hot Momma! That's an awesome loss - good job on the running. You'll be half way through the C25K before I even get started :happy:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! :flowerforyou:

    Exercise for today: Slim in 6 - Cardio Core Express (29 min) + Slim in 6 - Ramp it Up (48 min). Feel pretty exhausted, but happy it's done...:tongue:

    Tomorrow (Saturday) is a rest day for me and also a free day as far as dieting goes. So, yeah, Saturdays are my favorite day. :wink: Hubs & I have an appointment to get our taxes done then probably go out for lunch afterwards.

    Have a wonderful weekend! :heart:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I got up this morning to do my workout with my trainer (burned 1000 calories). Then, I spent the majority of the day at the hospital waiting to see if my son would be discharged, which he did. So, tonight, I was running around getting his meds and b-day presents for my dh. We went out to eat (I made some good choices!) and now I think I'm gonna just do the T-Tapp (which is only 20 minutes) and then head to bed. I was gonna do my 30 minute interval training, but then I would be way UNDER on the calories and I don't want to stay up. If I do the T-Tapp, that will put me about 50 calories surplus, which is much better than having a 7 or 800 calorie surplus.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Yesterday I babysat my brother's kids, and we made cupcakes...so that was that. :laugh:

    Off to the gym right now! Have a nice weekend everyone.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi everyone. Just checking in. I didn't weigh in today, was not feeling good this a.m. I am better and will weigh in tomorrow. I am having a relaxed, low key day though. Tomorrow, 5 a.m. volleyball practice for dd so I will be doing BL tape. On week 2 - a little nervous. I know how hard this stuff is!

    My personal goal last week was to go to the Y 4 times. I made it 2. I also did 3 days of my BL tape - so I'll call it good, even though it wasn't at the Y :)

    The group goal was to get some extra activity in a couple of times. I did really bad on that. I started out once and hurt my ankle. It finally is healed up - a week later.

    This week my personal goal is to do my BL workout 4 times, at least and another 2 trips to the Y. I don't have a group challenge - if anyone has one feel free to post, otherwise I may just let that lay. We can have personal challenges for ourselves if we so choose. Have a great day all - see you Mon!
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