Summer Challenge



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Great, glad to see you back! Giving up isn't an option! What's the other choice, give up and gain it all back?! No way!

    I had a great exercise day, burned about 1100 cals so far. It was my day off of work so I hit it hard. And I'm about to try an at home workout too using my cable company's On Demand exercise channel. I'm not a big fan of working out at home, but I rarely, if ever, do abs workouts at the gym so maybe I'll give it a try at home. Then I'm cooking fish for dinner and relaxing for the rest of the night.

    Hope everyone else is doing just as well!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Where is everyone? :huh:

    I seem to have fallen off the wagon for a few days...and I got a bit sick over the last day or two. But I'm determined to be up and at 'em today. I don't do well with just laying around for days on end. I took Sunday off from the gym because i hadn't had a day off in a while and I had to go in to work extra early...then I got sick and took off yesterday from the gym. Apparently those days I don't go to the gym, I find it very hard to eat right.

    I am determined to get back on top of things today!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'm here guys!! I try to check in when I can, but things are more than crazy here at work right now. New salesman starting Monday - thank God!!

    I'm still doing my Couch 2 5K - did week 8 day 1 yesterday - ran 28 minutes. WOW!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm here guys!! I try to check in when I can, but things are more than crazy here at work right now. New salesman starting Monday - thank God!!

    I'm still doing my Couch 2 5K - did week 8 day 1 yesterday - ran 28 minutes. WOW!

    That's awesome! Keep up the good work!

    Things are about to get busier here too as I am starting a second job tomorrow, housecleaning part-time. I'm going to have to figure out when I can workout and also remember to pack healthy lunches with me!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Hey all! Just checking in. I've averaging 800 to 1100 calories burned a day. I'm keeping better track of my food so that I eat as much as I should. I actually haven't eaten as much as I need to the last couple of days because of family problems. Hopefully that particular problem is finished so I want to eat.
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Where is everyone? :huh:

    I seem to have fallen off the wagon for a few days...and I got a bit sick over the last day or two. But I'm determined to be up and at 'em today. I don't do well with just laying around for days on end. I took Sunday off from the gym because i hadn't had a day off in a while and I had to go in to work extra early...then I got sick and took off yesterday from the gym. Apparently those days I don't go to the gym, I find it very hard to eat right.

    I am determined to get back on top of things today!

    As Jonathan Roche, founder of breakthrough health and fitness, says, toss out the rear view mirror. In other words, don't worry about having fallen off. Instead, concentrate on where you will go from here. Keep on keeping on!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Where is everyone? :huh:

    I seem to have fallen off the wagon for a few days...and I got a bit sick over the last day or two. But I'm determined to be up and at 'em today. I don't do well with just laying around for days on end. I took Sunday off from the gym because i hadn't had a day off in a while and I had to go in to work extra early...then I got sick and took off yesterday from the gym. Apparently those days I don't go to the gym, I find it very hard to eat right.

    I am determined to get back on top of things today!

    As Jonathan Roche, founder of breakthrough health and fitness, says, toss out the rear view mirror. In other words, don't worry about having fallen off. Instead, concentrate on where you will go from here. Keep on keeping on!

    I like that! It's been tossed! I've been doing pretty well the last few days, so hopefully it'll stick for a while!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi guys!! It's raining here, so slow. Finally. I'm almost caught up, except for the billing issue I discovered yesterday. :frown: That will be time consuming, but due to the rain I will have a couple of quiet days and new salesman starting next week - intracompany transfer so should be a pretty easy transition. Now, if I can just lay off the chocolate a little! :blushing:
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    So, guess what I did? I registered for my first ever 5k race! My middle son, who is an athlete, asked me to sign him up. I asked hiim if he would help me train if I signed up as well. He agreed and we now have 37 days to get me trained to run it. I am excited about it. My only concern is that my knees will hold up.

    I had my weekly weigh in this morning and I broke a 10 pound mark. I'm in the 220's now. Go me!! I get a new ring! WooHoo!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Way to go mbalford! If you have to, you can walk some during the race. That is exciting - hope your knees handle it o.k.! I was going to sign up for a 5 K in June, but $ is probably not going to allow it. I would be really slow, I think I could finish at this point, but it takes me 28 minutes to run 2 miles right now. By the race I would probably be less than 40 minutes for the 5K, but I have to see when the deadline to sign up is and if hubby actually gets paid. Go for it - have fun!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So, guess what I did? I registered for my first ever 5k race! My middle son, who is an athlete, asked me to sign him up. I asked hiim if he would help me train if I signed up as well. He agreed and we now have 37 days to get me trained to run it. I am excited about it. My only concern is that my knees will hold up.

    I had my weekly weigh in this morning and I broke a 10 pound mark. I'm in the 220's now. Go me!! I get a new ring! WooHoo!!!

    That's awesome! Have fun training!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    How's everyone doing on their goals?? I had to go back and re-read mine :blushing:

    I am 1 week away from finishing C25K - today is my last run from week 8. I will run the 2 miles at the MT Women's Run - I am running 2 miles regularly now so that is exciting. I will even finish under 30 minutes like I promised when I signed up :tongue: I really want to do the Heart & Sole run in June - an actual 5K. Hope and pray I can come up with the nominal registration fee. I haven't totally lost it yet, kind of though. I'm certainly not losing any weight, too much stress and sugar at this point. Just have to keep pluggin away. How's everyone else on their goals?? We're getting there - It's May Day!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm here, still plugging away! I haven't lost anything but a few pounds in a while, but I'm still working hard.
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I'm doing well on my goals. Because of the increase in training (and therefore expending more calories), I haven't kept within the calorie goal, but that's okay. I have increased my calorie intake to offset the extra calories. I measured yesterday and my inches are down, so my clothes are fitting better. In fact, I bought a pair of size 16 shorts that are a stretchy denim fabric. They feel like they are too big! I keep "hitching" them up cause they feel like they are falling down!

    I start running 2 miles tomorrow on my training schedule. Hope my shins and knees hold up!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I'm here, still plugging away! I haven't lost anything but a few pounds in a while, but I'm still working hard.

    Good for you! Keep up the good work!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Hey all! I'm back. I was having a difficult time before losing weight, even though I was doing everything right. For the last few weeks, I've been going to the gym just once a day (instead of twice a day). I met with a nutritionst for the first time today and will be checking in with her every couple of weeks. Hopefully, this next couple of months will be productive. My goals:

    1. burn no more than 1500 calories a day, 6 days a week. (I can't exercise too much. that's one of my problems)
    2. Stay within the calorie range as determined by the nutritionist 12 out of every 14 days (this gives me a couple of days to lose it!)
    3. Fit into size 16 jeans. I just made it into a 16 in skirts and shorts. Jeans seem to be more difficult for some reason.
    4. Drink 50 to 60 ounces of water an average of 5 days a week.

    Like others, I'm not gonna make a weight goal!

    Good luck everyone! :) Mary Beth

    Oh yeah...I have been completely failing on goal 4. I guess I need to write these down on a stickie and put it on my monitor so I see it.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    M- how's the running going?? Hope all is well! :drinker: <-- water, water, water :happy: We all seem to be truckin' right along! Woohoo - about 7 weeks left until the first day of summer. Holding it together so far. Kind of! I derailed big time today - dd got caught shoplifting lastnight and we have a court date Monday. Yay. Not doing good on my eating today. But I do my run tonight - Week 9, day 2. I gotta stop the sugar NOW or this run will kill me. Just like Monday did! Race day is Sat - yippee!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    M- how's the running going?? Hope all is well! :drinker: <-- water, water, water :happy: We all seem to be truckin' right along! Woohoo - about 7 weeks left until the first day of summer. Holding it together so far. Kind of! I derailed big time today - dd got caught shoplifting lastnight and we have a court date Monday. Yay. Not doing good on my eating today. But I do my run tonight - Week 9, day 2. I gotta stop the sugar NOW or this run will kill me. Just like Monday did! Race day is Sat - yippee!

    Thanks for asking. The running is going well. Day before yesterday, I did the mile in 11:32. Tomorrow we add the 2nd mile. I've never run more than 1.5 miles - and that was 20 years ago. I've been doing lots of stretching in an effort to ward off knee problems and shin splints.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dd. I have a ds with similar issues. It's definitely not fun parenting kids who like to break the boundaries. My heart goes out to you.

    Mary Beth
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    M- how's the running going?? Hope all is well! :drinker: <-- water, water, water :happy: We all seem to be truckin' right along! Woohoo - about 7 weeks left until the first day of summer. Holding it together so far. Kind of! I derailed big time today - dd got caught shoplifting lastnight and we have a court date Monday. Yay. Not doing good on my eating today. But I do my run tonight - Week 9, day 2. I gotta stop the sugar NOW or this run will kill me. Just like Monday did! Race day is Sat - yippee!

    Thanks for asking. The running is going well. Day before yesterday, I did the mile in 11:32. Tomorrow we add the 2nd mile. I've never run more than 1.5 miles - and that was 20 years ago. I've been doing lots of stretching in an effort to ward off knee problems and shin splints.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dd. I have a ds with similar issues. It's definitely not fun parenting kids who like to break the boundaries. My heart goes out to you.

    Mary Beth

    Thanks Mary Beth! Sounds like you are doing great! I skipped out on my run tonight - will go tomorrow though. :)
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I did my first 2 mile run today. I ran the first mile in my fastest time yet - 11:28. The first 4 minute interval of the 2nd mile was a killer. I didn't think it was EVER going to end!! But it did and the next 2 weren't nearly so bad. By the time I finished the 30 minutes, I had actually run 2.5 miles! For the 30 minute run, I burned 704 calories, so I came home and ate a PB&J. It was very yummy!

    I'm gonna do some calf stretching now. My left calf is really hurting. I have this thing called "The Stick" that my physical therapist recommended. After I'm done stretching, I'm gonna use the stick. Between the two, hopefully, it'll feel better.

    Catch ya'll tomorrow!
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