Spring Challenge



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Every night I bring dinner to work so I'm not tempted to at my restaurant's food...and tonight I was just too busy to eat. So I came home, stashed away my dinner for tomorrow, and I'm emjpying a cold beer, with some pretzels and low-fat sour cream, and it's all accounted for.

    Ohhhh, it's the small things in life that make me happy. :drinker: :drinker:

    With the way I mistyped "enjoying" into saying "emjpying", you'd think I had more than one beer! :laugh: :drinker:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Every night I bring dinner to work so I'm not tempted to at my restaurant's food...and tonight I was just too busy to eat. So I came home, stashed away my dinner for tomorrow, and I'm emjpying a cold beer, with some pretzels and low-fat sour cream, and it's all accounted for.

    Ohhhh, it's the small things in life that make me happy. :drinker: :drinker:

    With the way I mistyped "enjoying" into saying "emjpying", you'd think I had more than one beer! :laugh: :drinker:

    It's even funnier to me that I didn't even notice!! :laugh: I absolutely read enjoying - not emjpying. Wow - that's hard to type :bigsmile:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So I'm down 2 more lbs today, to make an even 50. I think that may be a fluke, since the scale originally said 190, then 188...but I'll take it!

    If I am good all weekend, I'll get to have "Chinese Food Sunday", my reward for being really good. I love Chinese food.

    Have a nice weekend everyone!
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    That is awesome. I am proud of you.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    So I'm down 2 more lbs today, to make an even 50. I think that may be a fluke, since the scale originally said 190, then 188...but I'll take it!

    If I am good all weekend, I'll get to have "Chinese Food Sunday", my reward for being really good. I love Chinese food.

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

    Woohoo!! Way to go :drinker: Enjoy your reward!

    Today is my anniversary. Date night :love: Gonna enjoy it!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I will let you know when I get it how I like it. I went with the ft60 because I want the foot pod because of the c25k.

    Did you get it? How do you like it?

    And Happy Anniversart, MTGirl! :flowerforyou:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Well, I guess I won't be having Chinese Food Sunday...A) my boss told me I've gotta work, and B) I kinda went hog wild yesterday! :explode:

    Ohhhh it hurts to face the music and log the bad stuff you ate. But I did it...the good the bad and the ugly. And when I do log the bad stuff, I think "Wow, it's no wonder I got so fat!" Even though I ate well for the first half of the day, and burned 1,000 calories...I still ate about a total of about 4700 calories! :noway: Now, I think of doing that for years, never exercising, and never watching what I eat. A total eye opener!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi guys! Sunday - last week of the Spring Challenge! Oh my.:huh: Where did the time go?? This challenge officially ends next Saturday - the first day of Spring! So glad spring is on the way - weather is really nice here right now.

    Got the Polar FT7 Heart Rate Monitor for anniversary - yippee!! Tried it on, adjusted the strap and checked it out. Just watching tv I burned 13.5 calories in 7 minutes - or about 104 per hour. Wow! Will use it for my workout tomorrow.

    So, due to anniversary my weight is UP. A lot :laugh: Thurs I weighed in at 217.4 again, so I will check Wed and then next Sat a.m. for the final weigh in - don't harbor any delusions that I will make my goal though. 7.4 lbs in 1 week isn't in the cards for me I don't think!

    So how is everyone doing on their goals??

    Also - help me think up a new name for another challenge after this week - or a group name for a thread we can continue on. I guess we could keep on this thread until summer - just add a new challenge ending the first day of summer? Let me know what you think! :heart: you guys!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Good luck with your heart rate monitor!

    Oh i was bad this weekend...bad bad bad! :laugh:

    Anyway, it's Monday...back to the good work.

    I think we should call the new challenge out "Summer Challenge"! SImple. :flowerforyou:
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    I didn't get my hrm yet. A store ordered it for me then they are mailing it to me.
    My weight went to an all time low on thursday and boy I was happy and shocked and knew it was just one of those dips but I am still sad that it did go back up. UGH I wish just once it would stay there and keep dropping. Anyway I am back at it today.
    Umm new thread name. I don't know I am not that creative and I would be happy with anything.
    Happy aniv MTGirl and congrats with the new hrm.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the good wished - anniversary was delightful.

    I think Summer Challenge will be a great name. We'll start a new thread probably Sun. I'm going to do some experimenting. I'm STUCK! I also think I'm only going to weigh every 2 weeks or even once a month. Yeah - right. Who am I kidding! I'll probably spot check here and there, but I'm losing momentum quickly with this stall out. I read Banks "expectations" post Friday, after recommending someone else to read it, and I am def. in stage 2 and feel like I'm flailing a little. But that's o.k. Because this isn't a race and I will figure it out. I'm fighting to not fall off now, this happens frequently with me and is why I started this thread and the C25k one. Hopefully you guys will keep me coming around and on track :flowerforyou: So be thinking about what you want your goals to be for the new Summer Challenge! It will go from March 21 - June 21. See ya'll around!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    How ya'll doing today?? Good I hope. Did W3D1 of couch 2 5K yesterday with my HRM. Loved it!! It's so cool - you can see your heart rate all the time and it does a great job tracking calories burned. It was really cool! I don't know if it's necessary - but it sure is fun!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    I have been very busy with activities this weekend and so haven't checked in. I'm still officially discouraged about my weight. I checked it last Thursday morning (it had been a week since I last checked in) and my weight was up 1.2 pounds. I have been exercising between 1800 and 2400 calories each day (this is over and above the amount you spend just "living"). I end up with a calorie surplus each day. I went to the doctor yesterday to make sure there isn't a physiological reason why my weight isn't going down (it's been within 1 or 2 pounds of where I started 3 months ago!!! ) and she said to eat less. Not very helpful! I'm going to see what it would cost to see a dietician or nutritionist or something. I'm determined to make this stupid thing work! I am so tired of wearing "fat" clothes.

    I did make a good decision last night. I had a very negataively emotional encounter with my middle son. I left home and went for a drive, straight to DQ. Here's the good decision part - I didn't go in! I sat in my van in the parking lot reading until I felt ready to face him again. I was REALLY tempted to go in, but I didn't. Yeah me!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Maybe you're exercising too much...maybe take a break, scale it back. You didn't gain everything overnight, so you won't lose it right away either.

    But congrats on not giving in to temptation!!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Maybe you're exercising too much...maybe take a break, scale it back. You didn't gain everything overnight, so you won't lose it right away either.

    But congrats on not giving in to temptation!!

    I did it...I decided to cut back on going to othe gym (although I must say I really do enjoy going) and I contacted a nutritionist. Hopefully, between the 2 things, my weight will start to cooperate!
  • mbalford
    mbalford Posts: 34 Member
    Praise God! I weighed in this morning and lost 4 pounds! Woohoo! :laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Praise God! I weighed in this morning and lost 4 pounds! Woohoo! :laugh:

    That's so awesome! Nothing gets you more motivated than seeing results!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Uggh, I overdid it the last few days...too much St. Patrick's Day fun!

    Hope everyone's doing well!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Praise God! I weighed in this morning and lost 4 pounds! Woohoo! :laugh:

    WooHoo!! Way to go! Patience pays off.

    Last day of Winter!! The old man is giving it another go here, snowing and cool today. But spring is coming :flowerforyou:

    Spring Challenge ends tomorrow.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    O.K. - First day of Spring!!! We made it - and I think we're all still here. Good job guys :drinker: How did you do on your goals?? :sick: I'll have to double check, but I think that I'm right where I started off today :laugh: I should know better. Everytime I set a number goal (lose x amount by this date) I don't lose a thing or gain. So my goals for the summer challenge are going to be different. I'll post the link to the new thread when I create it.

    SW: 219.6
    CW: 219.6
    GW: 210

    That was where I started and today I weighed in at 219.8. Nice! Update how you did and Mon or so I'll start the new thread and come back here and post the link! Happy Spring everyone.
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