cosmicgirl64 Member


  • Isn't it great? I love getting more time in the day, it's not so hard to get out of bed for the gym if it's not pitch black. Those are some of my faves, I just follow the boards that I like and not the DIY…
  • Hi Cathy, I've been doing a lot of reading about fruit as like yourself I eat a lot of it. Yes, fruits DO have a lot of sugar and carbs but they're GOOD sugars. The nutrients you can get from fruit far outweighs the negative aspects. Fruit is healthy for the body. In saying that, moderation is key. Cantaloupe is relatively…
  • Great! Let me know how it goes and if it's worth me scoping it out.
  • Can't wait to see you start posting some NSV Sigga :D
  • Sounds amazing!!! Will definitely try it. I've tried a looooot of yoghurt and weighed up all sorts of nutritional info against all the brands and Chobani is my top pick :D I absolutely love it! For me personally I'd rather eat food with natural/no sugar rather than packed with sweeteners. Wish I could kick my sweet tooth…
  • Great work on the 37lbs so far!! Have you tried swimming? Pools around my place can be expensive to go to but what's an extra $20 a week to go swimming a few times and add to that 37lbs! Even just jumping the water and doing a few light laps would help. Hell, even just being in the water and floating around would burn a…
  • I know exactly what you mean. I used to do the exact same thing with sweet things, espeically at work. I started logging every single scrap of food that went into my mouth though and weighing it all out and was appalled at the amount of calories. I took a serious look at why I was eating. For me, it was a case of boredom…
  • Feel free to add me too! I always find it inspiring to see other people comng under their daily calorie limits or helping them through the tough days wheret hey dont quite make it :)
  • Ive actually found that since I've been exercising and changing my eating habits that I haven't needed a coffee for about 3 months! I went from being a 2 cups a day girl down to nothing. Unless I have a huge day ahead of me or an interrupted sleep or something I havent really felt the need for caffeine. In saying that…
  • Sounds amazing! I might steal that idea ;) I'm a big fan of greek salad at the moment so: Spinach, feta olives sun dried tomatoes cucumber wedges red onion i chuck in some grilled chicken too and mmmm I also like cous cous salads, i tend to use less cous cous and more veggies. my fave one at the moment is: cous cous grated…
  • I love this thread, thanks guys! I was a little bit worried about being obsessed myself. To be honest, I probably do push myself a little bit too hard if my body is a bit sore. But I'm working on changing that! I've taken up swimming which is a lot more low impact and am looking to give up traning using the ellipitical…
  • Rollerblading! It is AMAZING for your legs and butt and thighs. After you do the first time for an hour you will definitely feel where you're working the muscles out! Pilates and yoga to tone too.