Ideas? Feedback?

RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
edited December 2024 in Recipes
So I've just started heavily getting into making my own salads... I used to work at a salad bar so I've got a general idea on what a good combination would be... but I want to try new stuff (not so leafy) I'm having a family bbq on sunday and thought the following could be a good combination for one of the salads (i've seen my boss eat something similar to it and it looks great!!)

diced red onion
diced cucumber
diced beetroot
sliced celery
diced capsicum (red)
with a light balsamic vinegar dressing

I also tried a new salad the other day with
betroot wedges
Red kidney beans, baby lima beans, chick peas and butter beans
tuna (plain in springwater)
fetta cheese (low fat salt reduced)

I'm thinking next time I make this I may add crushed walnuts, pine nuts & cubed roasted pumpkin.

Its just a nice change for me fromt he basic lettuce, grated carrot, grated cheese, tomato & capsicum,

Does anyone else have any favourite salad recipes, or salad idea's they just aren't sure of?


  • cosmicgirl64
    cosmicgirl64 Posts: 16 Member
    Sounds amazing! I might steal that idea ;)

    I'm a big fan of greek salad at the moment so:
    sun dried tomatoes
    cucumber wedges
    red onion
    i chuck in some grilled chicken too and mmmm

    I also like cous cous salads, i tend to use less cous cous and more veggies. my fave one at the moment is:
    cous cous
    grated carrot
    spring onion
    chicken marinated in moroccan seasoning.
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