Excercise Encouragement

sdoro Posts: 14 Member
I am currently 144 pounds and 5'5 , I don't believe i'm fat but I carry most of my weight on my hips, butt, and thigh. I'd really like to get rid of at least 10 pounds (not more than 15) and especially tone that area so it's not so...'wide'. Do you guys have any excercise opinions? I've done Jillian Michaels 30 days shred, and ripped in 30, which i'd like to re-do and see if they'll affect me again. But any youtube videos you suggest? I really need help, I want this gone!!!


  • cosmicgirl64
    cosmicgirl64 Posts: 16 Member
    Rollerblading! It is AMAZING for your legs and butt and thighs. After you do the first time for an hour you will definitely feel where you're working the muscles out! Pilates and yoga to tone too.
  • jeromiesmith
    jeromiesmith Posts: 2 Member
    My wife and I started using an app called Workouts Trainer on the iPhone and it has great workouts and pic and video to show how to do each exercise. Their is a ton of workouts you can chose from like amazing abs or but blaster:))
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member