netty1983 Member


  • I dont know about the times, but saw a scientific programme bout exercise and yes when you first start exercising you burn all your cholestrol (i think thats what it is :S) off and once that is gone you start burning fat, but the good news is that once you finish exercising your cholestrol has to build back up so your…
  • They arent common at all then again i dont know many cockney criminals hehehe but both my parents are cockneys and they havent said any of them ever to my knowledge. Except when the clock struck saying, thats pretty common. When the clock is on the hour the bell chims the same number of times, the bell is struck to make…
  • If your standing in a line its queue, if your playing a game with a stick its a cue
  • We are supposed to call it gas now, when you learn to drive they tell you thats what it is now and the accelerater is now the gas pedal
  • I love the shock on americans faces when british people keep saying they are going for a *kitten* hehehehe I also like Pacifier = Dummy, funny they call it something the intended users will never be able to say hehehe
  • I try and work out what im going to eat and log in on my diary before hand, i wont let myself deviate from it then, if i havent planned anything i often make the wrong choices by grapping something quick and easy, i also log my exercise alot of the time before i do it, that motivates me to actually do it. Definately try to…
  • If you like mushrooms they are great like 100g for only 22kcal, also i like quorn sausages even thou im not veggie only 50kcals per sausage. Keeps me more full than my wholemeal toast and its less calories!! Good luck
  • Hello from North Wales!!!
  • Good luck, I also have been told I really need to change my lifestyle and lose weight due to medical condition and know how hard it can be to change your habits. I wish you the best Feel free to add me
  • Have you tried I dont think its as good as goodfood but there might be some different receipes.
  • Hey huni, there is loads of british people using the site, if you search, pages and pages of people from the uk come up, they just dont seem post much. But alot of the food we have is on ie morrisons and tesco. But is nice to hear from a fellow uk resident, im from north wales. Anyway Good Luck!!!! Feel free to add me Netty
  • Im no where near an expert in weight loss or anything but try to get your water intake up to reconmended 8 glasses, I read somewhere that if your body is dehydrated your metabolism slows right down, I've tried to lose weight before and not drank the water and like you months later given up after not losing anything, this…
  • Hi I've only been doing it for a week but its been great so far, feel free to add me as a friend Good Luck Netty
    in HI Comment by netty1983 February 2011