Uk members any low calorie baking recipes?

princess_f Posts: 148
edited September 23 in Recipes
Think the title says it all, Baking is my all time favourite thing but ive avoided making cookies & biscuits as i can never just have 1 :( Would love some recipes if anyone can share :D


  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Try looking on! They have a 'healthy' section with desserts, baking,soups and everything else. Their recipesalso have a calori,sodium, fat etc count on them too :)
  • Hi also and slimming world have LOADS of recipes. I have made an amazing weetabix cake (yes you read right weetabix) but it tastes like chocolate. Also lemon couscous cake to die for. just google those two and u'll get the recipes.
    enjoy x
  • I normally use goodfood but the ones im liking are all over 200 cals!
  • netty1983
    netty1983 Posts: 15 Member
    Have you tried I dont think its as good as goodfood but there might be some different receipes.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I generally make cupcakes these days, and depending on what you ice them with they come out at about 100-200 cals each. Let me know what kind of cake you like and I'll see if I can post a suitable recipe.

  • thanks, googled and found the couscous & weetabix cakes! Would have never of thought it
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    i find it easier to use normal recipes but just change the sugar for something like candarel or tesco granulated sweetner, i then change other ingredients for other lower/healthier things
    i made some coconut macaroons the other week with alternative sweetner and no one had realised til i told them - they tasted exactly the same as normal ones but had way less calories
    it was the martha stewart recipe btw :)

    if you find any good ones please share - looooove baking cupcakes and muffins :D
  • goodfood have listened to my request and listed some low cal recipes on there facebook page! enjoy x
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