HI! Just starting

caryn129 Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
HI! Just starting today. Had a health issue and was told to start eating healthier and lose weight. This was the least scary of the programs I've seen. Seems very simple and easy to use. Wish me luck!


  • good luck :) im just starting with this program too. started it about a week ago and so far ive lost 3 pounds. its hard to eat as much and as unhealthy, when you actually see how many calories things add up to lol.
  • Good luck to you both. Try logging in at least once a day. It's easier to stay committed to the program.
  • netty1983
    netty1983 Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck, I also have been told I really need to change my lifestyle and lose weight due to medical condition and know how hard it can be to change your habits. I wish you the best

    Feel free to add me
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Good luck! I had health issues too. I decided to start an amazing program that not only helped me lose weight, but now I am off BP meds and my knee arthritis is barely noticeable! You can do it!
  • Hello! I've just started too, started yesterday. Good luck! It's a really good way of tracking everything. And you can't deny what calories are in each food and what you are consuming in a day!
  • Hi there, I just started about a week ago but yesterday was the first time I logged in all my food and excercise. Im eager to see my progress although, I HATE weighing myself, maybe I will in a few weeks, I'm not sure, for now Im just using the site to log my excercise and food so that I can actually see what I am doing. Good luck! :happy:
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Good luck to you all.I too have medical issues that can only benefit from doing well at this,so you arent alone.Feel free to add me for support if you wish.You will love the site and anything you dont know,just shout,someone will soon give you the info you require.
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