


  • emeraldshan
    emeraldshan Posts: 20 Member
    If you can rent this at your Library it has some good info. A little hokey but over all some good stuff. Check out Paul McKenna "I can make you thin" I think if you pick up just one or two things it helps on the weight loss journey. He throws some humor in there as well...Has anyone else checked this out??

    I will now....thanx
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It looks like you're way under on calories most days. Also you might want to add sodium to your things to keep track of. If I stay around the recommended 2500 and drink lots of water, I don't have as many ups and downs. Try to balance your meals. Get your recommended 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables. You might also try cutting out the snacks that are low in calories but don't offer any nutrition to you. I know it's frustrating. I struggled for a couple of months before I started losing. Another thing that made it hard for me in the beginning was a Vitamin D deficiency. Once my doctor addressed that, I was able to lose faster.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I am in a somewhat similar position, also trying to lose the weight I allowed myself to gain when I quit smoking almost two years ago. AND I am not seeing the weight come off. The 10 pounds my ticker shows occurred the first two weeks on here and nothing since. I am keeping the attitude that I didn't gain it in 3 months and it shouldn't come off in 3 months if I want to keep it off. That thought keeps me going.

    I am also amping up the exercise, committing to drinking more water and am taking a hard look at the amount of sodium in my diet. I am considering cutting out liquor alltogether for awhile, I did cut it out during the work week. I'm not sure how doable that is, we'll see.

    Keep your head up, change a few things and see what happens.
  • HappyWith_3
    HappyWith_3 Posts: 22 Member
    I worked at Jenny Craig as a weight loss consultant for a couple of years and helped clients lose a bunch of weight, over 150 lbs. Go figure! What I have seen, (and I am in no way a dietitian or nutritionist) is that the body tends to take off weight the same way it was gained. For instance, if you gained the majority of your weight slowly over time, that's how it will come off. As oppose to , gaining 40 lbs from having a baby over a 9month stretch or by eating out a lot at a new job over a 3 month stretch, that weight will come off more rapidly. Other tips;

    Too few calories make your body go into starvation mode and you store food rather than lose. Make sure you meet your calorie allotment daily, with healthy food choices and exercise. Right now you are at 1200 calories, which is probably too low, I would re-work that formula. Be good to your body!
    Never be upset about creating a healthier lifestyle, you will lose weight and be healthier!
    Make sure you have a reliable scale to accurately track your weight. I got one from Amazon for about 20 bucks and it never steers me wrong.
    Take your measurements; I have always said that if I could wear a size 10 and look good at 200 pounds I'd be happy. It's more about the way your clothes fit than what the scale reads.
    In addition, muscle ways 3 times more than fat so if you are working out consistently you are probably losing fat and gaining muscle - which is hard to read by your weigh in results alone.
    Measurements done right, are a great way to track progress, I would recommend doing them monthly.
    Make sure you eat every couple of hours to speed up your metabolism and drink plenty of water, it has to be your best friend!

    Best of luck, I know you can do this! Nothing taste as good as thin feels.....
  • netty1983
    netty1983 Posts: 15 Member
    Im no where near an expert in weight loss or anything but try to get your water intake up to reconmended 8 glasses, I read somewhere that if your body is dehydrated your metabolism slows right down, I've tried to lose weight before and not drank the water and like you months later given up after not losing anything, this time im trying to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and it seems to be working, i've lost 4 lbs.

    Whatever you do I wish you good luck!!

  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Some of the best info I found on the web when starting my Journey is at Hussman Fitness. He really explains things well and has a lot of tools to help you set realistic goals and measure results. Best of all it's all free with out advertisment.
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