sessalee Member


  • Hi shorties! I'm 5'1", but my build is very muscle-dense, so I won't ever be scratching 100lbs like a lot of you. I aim for a body fat % that is 'ideal' for a woman - 23%, which for my body (calculated on lean body mass) is 140lbs. SW: 230 CW: 166 GW: 140
  • I'm a true hourglass and I've kept the shape as I've lost weight. I started out with measurements similar to yours (when I took them at 192 or so). I'm now 166 and I'm measuring at 39-32-41. So I'm a little heavier on the bottom than before, but the shape is still very much hourglass, and a lot of the remaining weight will…
  • I'm considering training for a sprint tri this fall, there's a decent one with an indoor swim (I am not yet a fan of lake swimming!) in October I think I could manage. Feel free to add me!
  • Yes, this exactly. Don't be afraid of heavy weight, you're not going to bulk up because you are female. I recommend the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. It explains how to lift, why lifting is important, and gives you a clear workout plan.
  • It's possible that your body is happy where it is now. Try calorie cycling (eating more/less than your range a few days a week but averaging out to be the same) and maybe try a new form of exercise or just change up your routine. If you keep the body guessing, it won't get stuck in a weight rut as easily.
    in Not hungry Comment by sessalee June 2012
  • I'm new to MFP, but I've used many tools in the past. I came here for the interface which is far superior to anything else I've used. I tried WW last year for a few months and found it to be totally garbage with the points plus program. Really, you could eat way way too many bad calories and get away with it, and that's…
  • Coffee, diet soda, spices, and vitamins (about 50 cal/day).
  • Whoops, nevermind. I misread your first post! :) So sorry! Eat cheese, and then be my friend and brag about it so I can be jealous.
  • What about almonds/cashews/other nuts? High protein, low carb. Don't worry about the fat content, it's healthy fat, and you can't cut fat and carbs out of your diet and expect to eat enough during the day.
  • Oh hey! And thread full of Marylanders! I grew up in Ellicott City (also lived in Laurel and Germantown). I don't live there anymore sadly :(
  • Welcome! 12-15lbs in less than a month is pretty aggressive, and I'd hate to see you disappointed so early on. How about something a little more achievable, like 7lbs. That's 1lb/week plus 3 more lbs for good measure? You'd be shocked at what a difference 7lbs can make! Good luck :)
  • I have one meal a week that I don't count calories. I don't go overboard, but I also eat something I've been wanting to. I watch portion sizes and processed foods, and sometimes I count the calories unofficially. Usually it's an extra 300-400 calories for the day - so it's really not too terrible.
  • Best of luck to you too! Do you plan to run another marathon anytime soon?
  • I'm new as well! I had my gallbladder out in 2007 - did everyone before your surgery tell you that you'd be up and about the next day? No problems? They were all liars! I felt like hell for weeks. Anyone I know having the surgery, I tell them the full and complete truth. I'm adding you as a friend. Good luck!
  • I added you :)
  • I'm new to MFP, but not new to the weight loss game. I'd love some friends/a twin! Female Height: 5'1" (you're all very tall, btw) SW: 230 CW: 167.6 GW: 135-140