kbru19 Member


  • On the full website the Y axis is at 50 pound intervals and on mine it goes all the way down to 0... not helpful. Realistic changes are too small to show up on such an unnecessarily large scale.
  • I used to weigh myself no more than twice per week, but now I'm weighing myself daily. It used to affect my mood and motivation if I saw the number on the scale go up, even a little bit. But I once saw someone on here comment that some people are "data junkies" and I realized that's me. It helped me reframe the way I saw…
    in Weigh in Comment by kbru19 August 2022
  • I haven't heard of Athletic Brewing but as a fan of NA beer I will definitely see if I can get some nearby! Another great brewery to check out for NA beer is Wellbeing Brewing. Based in St Louis and they only make NA, great variety too
  • I have not used Noom as a person trying to lose weight, but I did apply to be a coach and was not impressed with it. So yes, I do think the coaches are actual people. Quick background: I have a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and an associate license through my state so I have plenty of experience doing *actual*…
  • I ordered size 12 dresses online thinking they might be too small. Just placed another order for a size 10 because the one I want is too big!
  • Content warning: abuse I lost some 15 pounds several years back when I first started dating someone, and out of nowhere he started being mentally and emotionally abusive. And when I gained the weight back from stress eating from his abuse he said "I knew you couldn't do it the whole time." For a while I associated weight…
  • Today, for the first time, someone noticed and complimented my weight loss completely unprompted. She said I looked great and healthy. Meant so much to have someone (especially who I hadn't seen in a while) notice and be so excited for me!
  • There was a day that I looked in the mirror and couldn't lie to myself anymore that I was a healthy person despite being overweight. I knew I wasn't taking care of myself and I knew it had to stop. Moreover, I didn't like how I looked. I didn't feel like myself at that weight. So I turned it around, built some healthier…
  • Start weight: 186.2 lb (Nov 30, 2020) February start: 174.8 (Jan 30) February goal: <170 Ultimate goal: ~145 2/2: 173.6 2/9: 172.6 2/16: 171.6 2/21: 169.6 2/28: I did it!! I hit my goal! I am so so so psyched that I got there already. I started putting a little more time and effort into the strength training aspect of my…
  • I weighed in at 171.2 this morning (which is an even 15 pounds lost!) and I am so looking forward to getting into the 160s range. The last time I was there was July 2018. For most of grad school (2015-2018) I fluctuated throughout the 160s so I'm also looking forward to the challenge of getting past hurdles I couldn't…
  • I use the next tightest notch on my FitBit now. I moved up to 3lb weights for my arms and I'm enjoying the new challenge of heavier weights. I have so much more patience and understanding with myself this time around on the weight loss journey than I ever have before. It's making all the difference in the world and that…
  • Start weight: 186.2 lb (Nov 30, 2020) February start: 174.8 (Jan 30) February goal: <170 Ultimate goal: ~145 2/2: 173.6 2/9: 172.6 2/16: 171.6 2/21: 2/28: I'm really excited to almost be into the next "decade" of weight! I'd be extra psyched if I got there for my birthday 2/22!
  • Ultimately what stops me in moments of steering toward a bad habit is remembering why I started building good ones. I know that's not a very original answer but it's so true. I started changing my habits because I didn't like how I looked and new that I looked that way because I wasn't taking care of myself. I very much…
  • I'm in! I didn't weigh myself on the exact dates so I'll have to adjust the timing a little bit but here we go... Start weight: 186.2 lb (Nov 30, 2020) February start: 174.8 (Jan 30) February goal: <170 Ultimate goal: ~145 2/2: 173.6 2/9: 172.6 2/15: 2/21: 2/28:
  • This is the one I use: https://www.etekcity.com/product/100392 It's only $12 and is definitely getting the job done. I've had it maybe a week but it's been really helpful for accurate calorie counts! Even when I find out I had the right measurement before, it's really assuring to know that my past logs are accurate.
  • I'm originally from CT! I don't live there anymore but feel free to friend me anyway :)
  • For anyone who misses beer and is looking for a good NA substitute, I strongly recommend Wellbeing Brewing. They only make NA drinks so their whole focus is on making it a high quality. And they have a few options depending on what type of beer you like. If you like Blue Moon, try their Victory Wheat. Tastes just like it!…
  • I'm in! I did it for the first time last year and got a lot out of it. This year I decided to take a break from alcohol after Thanksgiving through Christmas, and do Dry January again. I threw in the week in between for good measure... don't want to risk undoing all my weight loss progress! I might extend it out a little…
  • I've lost over an inch off my waist and my hourglass figure is starting to present a little more clearly... feeling hot B) I'm also working on a goal to run a 5k by this summer and I can now run two ~3-4 minute bursts while I'm out walking, I started at maybe 1-2 minutes spread over 2-3 bursts. Time is estimated because I…
  • Super excited to find this group. Around Thanksgiving I looked in the mirror and noticed I'd gained a lot of weight in the last couple months and wanted to make some changes. And while alcohol certainly wasn't *the* culprit (huge chips & queso fan here), it was a big contributing factor. Between the alcohol calories, weird…
  • I do "snack prep" in addition to meal prep. For example, as soon as I get home from the grocery store I take all the grapes off the vine, wash them, and separate them into 1 cup portions and put them in the fridge. Or I cut up bell peppers into slices for a crunchy snack for later. I find it much easier to grab a healthy…