Yep. But youve lost weight, and even if its not that much, you gotta be doin something right.
Moderation is key. I dont think one night of drinking every few weeks will do any harm at all. But if youre getting drunk 2-3 times a week, then you could seriously harm yourself
Good Luck!
Nice! I personally want to study biology and work with MCB majors (im personally going into biochem) to develop new methods of treatin different viral strains of the flu (avain)
Chem E is hard man, I could never make i through lol
Good on you! a student is a student and we have unique struggles unlike the rest of the world
Damn Impressive
Ive done insanity, p90x, and am currently doing insanity the asylum (vol 1 and 2). All I can say is work at your own pace and dont be intimidated by the difficulty. Just push through and you will do fine. Good Luck!
Im a runner, but more of the sprinting type (100m 200m kinda thing) but ive run 5 mile races before so i do know a bit about long distance running if you need any help
I tend to think that a weekly splurge is no the way to go. For me. Id prefer to always eat up to my calorie goal and thats it. Saying that however. Ever month I pick a date (usually the first weekend) and for one day ill eat as much as I want, and whatever I want. Its up to you how you want to spend your calories however.
37/some other random number
depends on the type of person you are. Last week I ran over 1 mile (im a sprinter by training) for the first time ever, and ran at a 6'25" pace. But im sure its because of my intense fitness training. Id start with slow controlled runs 3-5 days a week, and one day of speed workout (between three to five 400-800 meter runs)…
Drink a protein shake. Protein shakes take a while to digest and fill you up (for me at least) Or peanut butter on toast (high in protein and carbohydrates which are burned quickly to give you the energy to start your day)
As much as i love cheese (seriously went to a cheese convention once ;]) its not healthy for you. i suggest snacks like chicken (high in protein and very low in fat,) or turkey, or any fruit or vegetable. Be careful with carrots as they can be a tad high in sugar. But they really arnt too bad for you and are a great snack.…
The best way to loose weight is to eat between 4-6 meals a day to fulfill your calorie limit. This boosts your metabolism and helps you to not be hungery. It does this by changing bombesin (a neuropeptide) levels which dictates how your calories are used up, and allows them to be used quicker. Also, doing this will release…
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