Is it normal to feel this way....

So I like many on here have struggled with weight. I'm obviously still struggling with weight.

I do ALOT of excercise so i know its my food i need to fix up on.

But recently I have done really well, I have lost around 7 pounds in 3 weeks.

Im 249 pound flat on a morning YAY right? no... Why do i feel like i could of done MUCH better and lost ALOT more? is it normal im dissapointed? (starting to think this whole weightloss thing is a head battle.)


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It is very much a battle of the mind. I have to focus on day to day successes or else I'll get bogged down. I can't change what I've done in the past so there's no sense in marinating in regrets. Life is too short for that. You are losing weight. You are exercising. You're training for a race, according to your profile. Those are great steps. Focus on them. Maybe add one weekly goal like logging your food every day or packing lunch instead of eating out.
  • dillonrmccarthy
    Yep. But youve lost weight, and even if its not that much, you gotta be doin something right.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yes! it's totally mind over matter. I find that the more positive you are about it the easier it is to stay motivated, eat right and lose the pounds. For me, I got so caught up in my head that even when I hit my goal weight it just wasn't enough... just kept going and losing down to an unhealthy weight! I am still struggling with that.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    If I understood correctly, you lost 7lbs in 3 weeks. That's pretty good. That's more than 2lbs per week. You don't want to lose it faster than that as it wouldn't be healthy.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Unfortunately it is normal to feel this way. My theory is that it's a combination of today's mindset of instant gratification and having "proof" of weight loss happening that much faster on shows like Biggest Loser. I'm assuming that what you're looking for is to establish habits that are healthy and sustainable and will fit within your normal everyday life. You're seeing progress so just keep on keeping on and reevaluate if you begin to not see results. Why try and fix what's not broken?

    Also, for me as I'm an avid exerciser and I love to constantly challenge myself, it's important to remind myself that more is not always better. Balance is the key. Keep up the good work and try and get out of your head about it!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    It is normal to feel frustrated, feel like you aren't losing fast enough. The truth is that 7lb in 3 weeks is a great rate of loss. Have you taken pictures and measurements? It can help as you go to look at measurement differences, and to compare the photos side by side. You may notice changes there that you don't see in the mirror. You did not get this weight overnight. It will be a long, frustrating path. So steel your nerves up for it, and focus on taking each day. In six months you will be happy you continued.

    Yes, your mind will eff with you. Tell it to shut up! :flowerforyou:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You are right about most of the battle being in your head.

    Having said that, you need to settle into the process. It's a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about how fast you lose the weight, it's about how you can stick with it and KEEP it off in the long run. In order to do this, you need to establish new habits and new ways of thinking about and approaching food.

    This takes time. If you want to stick with it and succeed, you can't afford to beating yourself up all the time, telling yourself that you could have lost more, done better, worked out longer, etc. You'll get tired of it and quit.

    As long as the scale is consistently moving down, no matter how slowly, you are succeeding.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    im down 65 lbs and i still feel this alot of the time when i step on the scale. its completely normal, you just have to try and keep the mentality of slow progress being better than no progress (even though 7 lbs in 3 weeks is very respectable). if this truely is something that your going to keep up for the rest of your life then dont let a slow pace get you down, you'll get there eventually
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Yes it's all in the mind.... I am about 18 months into my new way of life and I really had to just accept it as that, a new way of living. Because once the initial 'easy' weight comes off it is disappointing at times. I can go a month at a time now without any loss, but I try to focus on other improvements to my health and fitness and I hardly weight myself (I weighed multiple times a day at first).

    My only rule is NEVER give up .... and that seem to work for me - good luck x
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    It's completely a head game. I've lost 70lbs and still this AM I woke up frustrated and wondering why I was doing all of this. I really have no idea why. Tough night with food last night and maybe that was it. Not sure.

    In times like this though, I've learned to just limit the damage until I can get my head on straight again. Usually takes a day or so and I'm back on track.

    Also, lately I've found that if I don't get enough exercise in the course of a few days I start to feel this way, so I'll need to try and get to the gym tonight for sure....
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    We live in a world of instant gratification. People expect things to happen quickly, and when they don't they get mad/depressed/insertrandomemotion. That's why you'll see in threads on the forums, people saying "reset" or "lower" your expectations. It's true. You really do have to come down from that instant gratification mindset.

    7 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic. Stay the course and the numbers will begin to really add up, even if it takes time. Patience young grasshoppa. :flowerforyou:
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    We live in a world of instant gratification. People expect things to happen quickly, and when they don't they get mad/depressed/insertrandomemotion. That's why you'll see in threads on the forums, people saying "reset" or "lower" your expectations. It's true. You really do have to come down from that instant gratification mindset.

    7 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic. Stay the course and the numbers will begin to really add up, even if it takes time. Patience young grasshoppa. :flowerforyou:

    Yes exactly this.... :-)

    One thing that has helped me are the charts in "Reports". When I feel like I'm not making progress I can go to that and see where I was a month ago and inevitably the progress on those charts makes me feel better. It helps to graphically demonstrate how the small weekly changes add up.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I totally get where you are coming from. But trust me you don't wanna overdo it. All that will happen is that you will lose energy to exercise and feel like crap and end up lashing out at people. Think of it like building a house. Crash weigh loss involves building the house out of any old crap as fast as possible. It will fall down as the result of the first setback. Or even halfway through construction. To set yourself up for long term sustainable weight loss you gotta do it slow and steady. And you would be surprised weight loss is not linear sometimes I have lost 5lb+ in a week .. I have absolutely no idea why. It's not as if my deficit was that big ... I think.

    This is a lesson I have had to re teach myself multiple times. Or rather the people here have had to re teach me as i cry and wail like a petulant child because the weight wont come off tomorrow and I'm hungry. We are all only human in the end. But as you can see from my ticker I have lost a lot of weight this way. It's taken 5 months. And I expect to be at this a few more. But man ... I look like a different person already.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Here is the thing. Many of us have spent many years overeating and gaining weight. One day the light bulb went off and we decided to lose weight. All of a sudden we want the weight gone in a very short period of time. If not then we lose patience. You have to give yourself time and use this process to learn as much as possible so you won't gain the weight back. Sure, you probably could have loss more weight but I doubt you would have learned much. Your body and mind need time to adjust to losing weight so slow and steady is the best policy.
  • irNathaniel
    irNathaniel Posts: 178 Member
    why I didnt expect such a response.

    My overall loss is around 60Pounds, 303 at my heaviest, 249 now been up and down to and from 255 aso around.

    Thank you all for the replys, it has actually helped, I now feel i understand in my head the goal, 1 - 0 to me today!

    I have no intention of dropping the ball anytime soon - battles i have is comparing myself to the week before etc and if ive done worse I kick myself! :@.

    I am ok and doing it this time, I need to measure myself as another step probally.

    Thanks again to all of you! Lets all win this race ( The marathon that is )
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I dont know about other people, but I can relate.

    I know focusing on Nutrition helped me get out of a slow loss period....

    It will get better. Slow and steady is tough, but everyone says its it has to be right :wink: