maryhm1 Member


  • I'm looking for a dessert that I can bake.
  • 5'3" SW: 134 pant size 6, some 4's CW: 127 pant size 4's mainly, some 2's GW: 120 pant size 2
  • 5'3, 129, and ALL butt and thighs! My stomach will get flat so fast, waist trim down to nothing, but the rest of it seems to take forever! Hoping my new found love of exercising will help trim down those problem areas. Would love to commiserate with some other girls with the same problem.
  • So is everyone just having a carby kinda breakfast then before exercising?
  • I can tell you this- I've been eating healthy and exercising for 3 weeks. I have actually had to cut my fingernails because they got longer than I like! Usually they peel, break off, etc... They are so much stronger. I don't have a single broken one, and I don't think I've ever gone 3 weeks without several of them peeling…
  • You guys have some awesome suggestions! Thanks! As for the plain greek yogurt, I LOVE the flavored kinds, but have eliminated them because of all of the sugar. I'm a little scared of "plain" yogurt, but I guess I could flavor do you like the taste?
  • My ticker is messed up. The LAST thing I want to do is gain! lol
  • Egg yolks cooked any way gross me out. But I do have some coconut milk (unsweetened) that I haven't even touched since I bought it. Thanks for the reminder! :)
  • Trying to keep the refined sugars out of the equation...I did do some peanut butter today, though!
  • Try this link- hula hoop calculator
  • I'm a weirdo. I don't like traditional breakfast foods, so I always save a little dinner for breakfast the next morning. This morning was spaghetti squash with a lean ground beef, tomato, feta, mushroom, and olive mix topping! Dinner for breakfast is easy (because I just have to heat it up!) and has lots of protein to keep…
  • Hey there! I'm 41, also in Austin, and working on getting my body back to where I want it to be. Do you have a gym membership? It's sooooooooooo hot to even try to get outside and do anything more exerting than check the mail!
  • I eat around 1200 calories a day (unless I exercise, then I eat most if not all of them back). I have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, drink a ton of water, and am never hungry. Protein is the key for me. My diary is open, so feel free to check it out for ideas.
  • Greek Yogurt Almonds Chicken Breasts La Tortilla Whole Wheat High Fiber/Low Carb Tortillas Sweet Potatoes
  • I'm 5'3", and my goal weight is 118. I got down to 114 a couple of years ago, and bones started sticking out. 118 looked and felt good.
  • For something different, I grill mine. Cut in half, remove pit, poke a bunch of deep holes in the meat with a fork. Put them face down on the grill for about 3 minutes (to get marks). Meanwhile, mix up equal parts of hot sauce and lime juice (I HATE spicy food, but the hot sauce isn't really that hot). I usually do about 2…
  • Not all are scientific papers- just some google first page links. There are many, many personal reports on the web from people who have linked aspartame to their panic attacks.…
  • I don't have copies of them. Just googled panic attack causes and came across several references to it.
  • Here is my experience: For about the last 12 years, I was a 3-5 can of Diet Dr. Pepper girl. There were periods where I would literally go WEEKS without a drop of water, only drinking Diet. Dr. Pepper. When we would go out of the country, I would take it in my luggage for fear I wouldn't have access. Earlier this year I…
  • 7 lbs in less than a month is AWESOME, Emma! And thanks for the compliments...especially coming from a 20ish year old! It is hard when no one else is dieting with you. I have a husband who works construction and loves his sweets, and a 17 year old son who can (and will!) eat anything. It's not fair to deprive them of the…
  • I started my diet this week at 127 lbs, with a goal of 118- hopefully by Sept. 1.
  • I'm doing 1200 a day.
  • I was having the same problem- panic attacks during or just after exercise. I did a little internet research and found that aspartame seems to trigger them in some people. At that point, I was drinking about 4 diet sodas a day. I quit cold turkey over 3 months ago and haven't had a panic attack since!