Pear shaped women looking to loose just a few?



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
  • I'm also a pear!

    People tell me that I've lost enough and should stop now because my face looks too thin. (Gone from a D to a B cup... OK, I'm HOLDING on to the B!!!) I am however still borderline overweight - I've forgotten how to look up the info on MFP would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction again!)

    My trousers are fine around the waist but I still have mighty saddlebags so struggle to find trousers to fit and always want to wear a scarf/shawl thingie around my bottom half when I'm wearing a costume.

    At the moment I'm struggling to sort myself out and get exercising again. Loads of work, many deadlines coming up and finding it easy to find excuses. I am however managing to maintain the weight loss and am losing a bit but would feel much better if I was firming those shrinking parts! :laugh:
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Fat-bottomed shorty here too! FR sent :)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Fat-bottomed shorty here too! FR sent :)

    I think it was Freddy Mercury who said "fat bottomed girls make the world go round"
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member

    Does anyone else think this costume is too lose on her?
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member

    Does anyone else think this costume is too lose on her?
  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    Fat-bottomed shorty here too! FR sent :)

    I think it was Freddy Mercury who said "fat bottomed girls make the world go round"

    But wasn't he gay? We can't judge his sexual attraction to fat bottomed girls accurately!

    ...booties are still awesome, though. :)
  • Zdesh
    Zdesh Posts: 16 Member
    I'm pear shaped AND short...4'11"...double whammy...add me. I'd love to share ideas.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I added you.

    I am exactly your size.

    And yes, my theme song is Fat Bottomed Girls !
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Fat-bottomed shorty here too! FR sent :)

    I think it was Freddy Mercury who said "fat bottomed girls make the world go round"

    Very true :) Glad someone got my reference!
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Fat-bottomed shorty here too! FR sent :)

    I think it was Freddy Mercury who said "fat bottomed girls make the world go round"

    But wasn't he gay? We can't judge his sexual attraction to fat bottomed girls accurately!

    ...booties are still awesome, though. :)
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    5'5, 127 and it's all in the hips and *kitten*.

  • Rlopez913
    Rlopez913 Posts: 19 Member
    ]anyway i decided to switch back the atkins diet which i had done before and worked. since then i have been doing so much better and all the weight i am losing seems to be coming off my hips legs and butt (where i actually don't need it).

    Wait - more details! Has anyone else noticed that having less carbs makes the weight come off faster from the thighs? I confess a weakness for sweets and used to get most of my carbs that way. Atkins just seems so hard, but I would consider trying it if those thighs can disappear...
    that caught my attention too, I have always eaten alot of sweets. this week I started eating way more protein, less carbs, and more vegtables and want to see if it will make a difference. I have already been doing 30ds for about 3 months now. I have tiny sloping shoulders, tiny chest, ribs and collar bones sticking out, but huge from the waist down. Worst part is my ankles are just as big as my thighs
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    "lose" not "loose"
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I just threw away the top half of my bread bun for the chicken sandwich. It was all I could do ... tried throwing away the bottom part, then looked at it and promptly ate it. :):)

    Instead of toning, I think I'll try climbing the stairs to my apartment from now on (it's 38 floors). I've recently heard from a friend (he might be pulling my leg) that some korean actresses get surgery to remove their thigh/calf muscles (??) so that the overall leg size would be smaller. Seriously hope I won't ever get that desperate.

    Pants ... omg pants, let's not talk about pants. I only have one pair of work pants that fit. Wintertime is absolutely miserable for me.

    At NormalSaneFLG --> lol, you're such a smartass. I realized the same thing and corrected my post but didn't know how to change the title of the post.

    By the by - you guys, someone sent me a friend request and I meant to reply to the kind message (asking whether I have more trouble with the exercising or eating part) but instead accidentally hit "decline." Who are you, and how do i get you back as a friend? Come back!
    ]anyway i decided to switch back the atkins diet which i had done before and worked. since then i have been doing so much better and all the weight i am losing seems to be coming off my hips legs and butt (where i actually don't need it).

    Wait - more details! Has anyone else noticed that having less carbs makes the weight come off faster from the thighs? I confess a weakness for sweets and used to get most of my carbs that way. Atkins just seems so hard, but I would consider trying it if those thighs can disappear...
    that caught my attention too, I have always eaten alot of sweets. this week I started eating way more protein, less carbs, and more vegtables and want to see if it will make a difference. I have already been doing 30ds for about 3 months now. I have tiny sloping shoulders, tiny chest, ribs and collar bones sticking out, but huge from the waist down. Worst part is my ankles are just as big as my thighs
  • maryhm1
    maryhm1 Posts: 56 Member
    5'3, 129, and ALL butt and thighs! My stomach will get flat so fast, waist trim down to nothing, but the rest of it seems to take forever! Hoping my new found love of exercising will help trim down those problem areas. Would love to commiserate with some other girls with the same problem.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Maryhm1, I hear you. In high school, I went on a diet, got to quite a low number, and remember at one point that my waist was 1.5 inches bigger than the circumference of my thighs. My mom said it was the stairs I climbed ... which brings me to the question of, really, should us pear shapes be doing more upper body exercises? It's hard because most of the calorie burners involve legs (running, skating, elliptical, stairs). I am going to try doing more kinnect zumba and kinnect boxing to see if it makes a difference this time.
  • Ib220
    Ib220 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm more pear shaped and 5'1", though after having my baby, I've become an apple-pear hybrid :x You can add me too, I'd like more support!
  • chinita96
    chinita96 Posts: 141 Member
    So glad to see there are so many out there like me! The hip/thigh area is the worst! Lol @ the pants! I could go on and on! Anyone from this list can add me! I'm really needing a kick in the butt lately.
  • elorawood
    elorawood Posts: 68 Member
    I have the same problem, I am 1.80m (5´11¨) and all my weight is in the thighs and butt.

    I lost a bit of weight (couldn´t work out for about a year, had an operation and after that could start to work out again, but slowly) but it seems like my already small chest got smaller and I have a pretty much flat stomach now but the hip/butt/ thighs...seems like an almost impossible battle :(

    I tried the Winsor Pilates Thigh & Bun sculpting workout, it does helps a little... but it does seem very slow - however, doing the workouts does lift the spirit a little.

    Good luck to everyone and thanks for starting this thread - it is nice to commiserate with other people :)