

  • i know how u feel somtimes i am sure i become a crazy zombie who jsut eats without any thought .hhahahhah when u jsut do it without thiinking. but hang in there we all human. well i think i am lolz
  • thats amazing i have abuot 100 lbs to lose and this give me courage thanks
  • hi and welcome ... i have always been an emotioanl eater when im sad i eat when im happy i eat hahaha mabe if u stop having emotiosn and turn into a robot then mabe i might not eat so much lol. but.....i am trying and lets hope we can all help each oterh throgh this. imi x
    in Newbie!! Comment by imi1111 August 2009
  • hi how are u? i know how it feels to be depressed and to teach. i have sjut given up teaching and am at home. i could not cope with the demands of teaching and feelign low. i could nt pretend to be happy and smileing all the time to the kids. i taught children aged 6 n 7. at the moment im at home ... but unfortunatly this…
  • hi cindy im new too. i know what ur going through i have food addiction too. i have been told by my doc that i am boarder line to get diabetes. so i have decided to change. we can do it now is the time. tc
  • thanks guys this was helpful, i loved the pumpkin idea. hmm cheese im not too sure lol but thanks
  • hi im from uk and like u have decide enough is enough. i have manyy health issues and the doc is stuck on 3 words for me. lose the weight. kepp up the good work. tc
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