

  • Amazing!!! Way to go! You cut like 10 years off too!! I was in need of some motivation, thanks :)
  • Yeah, except it's more Asian than Mexican I guess :) I think I kind of sounded confusing, I fry the shell not the rice :) I have the pickiest eater ever and she will eat it. She doesn't love it or ask for it but she'll eat it and that is a feet!
  • I don't have a name for them but we have started eating rice and veggies in a whole wheat wrap or taco shell put rice or quinoa into the shell (which I fry in just a tablespoon of olive oil) like you would taco meat, and then place your choice of steamed or fried vegies on top of the rice. I love the great value stir fry…
  • I've just added it to my run/walk and I love it. It is an upper and lower workout. I am sore in areas I haven't been sore in for ages! Increased muscle = increased calorie burn!!! Go for it! :)
  • I don't why, but watching this video spring boarded my butt into a healthy lifestyle. Granted, this is only day 6, but I really think I'm changing my ways. My cravings were uncontrollable and unsatisfiable! I decided to cut myself off. I have cut sugar out of my life almost completely. A…
  • You sound a lot like me. Just had kid number 2 and am weighing the most I've ever weighed (non prego) :( I am a binge eater too! I'll do really good all day and then hunt for anything to eat that I'll enjoy. It's usually after I get my baby to sleep, i feel like i deserve a treat or something. Anyway, I'd love some…
  • What are you scared of? Failure? I'm definitely scared of that! So far that's what i'm doing though :( I keep making excuses. My excuse right now is that i'm nursing, but the truth is I could eat so much healthier and should for the sake of my kid. So actually I should be more motivated by this than using it as an excuse.…
  • wow! How frustrating. I'm frustrated with my lack of self control, I can't imagine trying that hard and then not getting the results. Have you tried strength training? They say building muscle burns fat faster. Also, have you had your thyroid checked? I'm pretty sure your regular family dr. can check that out. Good luck…
  • I saw her show and she was amazing! My only worry would be that i couldn't find everything she said to eat.
  • yogurt, frozen blueberries, a little ice, a banana (all smoothies are easier to blend with a banana), juice you could always change the fruit up :)
  • That's my goal right now too (two pound/week) I would never do it that fast though if I didn't HAVE to. I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into that doesn't zip right now :) So I'm really left with no choice. Basically, fear of total embarrassment has me motivated like never before (well, since my wedding day). Anyway, if I…
  • Of course :) No harm - no foul!! :happy:
  • First of all - Congratulations on all your workout efforts!!! How in the world do you find time for all that?? :) I am new here too, but I assumed since the workout calories are subtracted from my total intake that I can eat them :) I feel like i'm still making a lot of progress.