

  • I skimmed through the comments on this forum and i'm seein a whole lot of holier than thou "If you raised your kid right you wouldnt be having this problem.." going on. What i'm about to say probably isnt going to be well taken by all you PERFECT parents or people who think they will be a perfect parent but dont yet have a…
  • Here's a little something i wrote down five years ago: ODE TO THE GINGER; For years we were treated with belittlement the butt of jokes and scorn... but we were the proud few who wore our red hair with pride. Then all of the sudden we looked around and saw legions of "redheads" appearing out of nowhere!! Every where you…
  • Thanks!!! It's darkened a little since that pic and of course we dont even want to mention the damn gray hairs which are sprouting up.
  • Exactly what mine does!!! Weird....gets almost strawberry blond in the back or on the ends when its long!!
  • Natural redhead here...auburn colored depending on the time of year. I've had hair stylists tell me that you'd never get my shade and highlights out of a bottle!! On my dads side theres every shade of ginger you can imagine. I always wanted one of my kids to have red hair but no such luck. I'm also Scotch Irish so when it…
  • Not sure what county and state you live in but another thing you could do is contact your local county business liscensing office and or police department. One of the reasons some companys are able to scam independant contract employees is they arent complying with local laws. If they make the effort to obtain required…
  • As a few people have already mentioned there are some who are scale obssesive or are triggered by scale fluctuations. I can understand why they dont want to weight themselves everyday. But i've noticed that these are often the very people who will go over there calories two or three days then weigh themselves and claim…
  • I have deleted a few people who didnt log for 2 months. I also deleted someone who was married and spent most of her time talking about what a piece of crud her husband was while sucking up as much attention as she could possibly get from her numerous male friends. Every other day there was some new drama in her home life…
  • Gingers don't steal souls...they just deeply enjoy the fact that everyone thinks they do!!! Bow to the power of the redhead!! :devil: :smokin: And yes i'm a ginger.. LMAO!!!
  • A tattoo and my first sexy dress!!! ;-)
  • I love the moments when we realize how far we have come!! Makes it harder to fall back on old habits....Keep up the good work!! :smile:
    in NSV Comment by amsohs85 October 2012
  • Why is it that the knee jerk reaction to weight gain is to fast? I really wish people would stop doing that. It's an over reaction and doesnt help the fluid retention issue. Aso you are messing with your metabolism everytime you sling shot back and forth with your calories. Besides you would have to eat massive quantities…
  • Im 45 and have another 40 to 50 pounds to lose. Im very supportive so i will send you a friend request!!! ;-)
  • I always welcome new friends so anyone can feel free to add me!!! ;-)
  • careful throwing out responses like that. Sooner or later some smartass is going to say yes...then you're in trouble!!! :drinker:
  • Used to dip my grill cheese in Catalina dressing and another one was macaroni and cheese with barbecue sauce mixed in. But when i was really young i loved gherkin pickles with a glass of milk. Now the thought of any of these makes me!!!
  • Very true...and unfortunately ladies many of us have created a no win situation for our men. They comment we take it wrong....they dont we take it wrong!! Also maybe in the OP's case the husband isnt hyper-focused on looks to begin with. Alot of spouses get comfortable with the physical changes that have occured over the…
  • I understand why people feel that smokers should be charged more. But what concerns me is where does it stop? Should you be charged more because your spouse is a smoker...we all know about second hand smoke. What if you were raised in a home with a parent who smoked? Also how many people are completely honest when they…
  • Children can be picky my doctor believes that a childs overall nutrient consumption is far more important then individual components. If your son is getting enough calcium, protein and other things from what he eats then almond milk isnt a problem. Besides as a parent i've learned that offering a wide variety…
  • bioniccheese@ foodie!!
  • georgie@ mind!! Conkle@ stylin!!!
  • It makes since that if your breasts got larger the more weight you put on then when lose you are bound to lose something in your breasts as well. My band size has gone up but i've been the same cup size for most of my life. The people i know who lost the most in their breasts where those that had been fairly slim in their…
  • Just turned 45 here....where did the time go??:noway: Lol... welcome supportive friends of all ages!!
  • Just turned 45 and like others have said life doesnt stop at 40!! Getting healthy does become harder the longer you wait so i say get on track as soon as possible!! I've seen so many success stories on here among people in their 40's and 50' its possible if you want it bad enough. I'm always accepting new friends for…
  • Lol...whats fluffy mean?? If its a warm, caring person who has a sense of humor and isnt going to drop you because you don't do everything exactly the same as them then thats me!! ;-)
  • Thankfully the world of fiction is a big wonderful jumble of all kinds of topics and styles. As an avid reader my preferences are many and i judge books by what they leave me with not by what the literary world considers to be quality fiction. Stephen King was snubbed for years by so many people i know but when they found…
  • Bawahahahahahahaha...... :laugh: :drinker: :smokin: :bigsmile:
  • i'm drooling on myself...where the hell are the apples i just bought???? :drinker: :heart:
  • I have a number of friends who refuse to comment on the forums because of this very thing. Remember MFP is just a mini version of society in general. You're going to find all kinds of people on here. Yes theres better ways for people to express that they disagree with an opinion and it starts with tact and maturity. Some…