katiegregory23 Member


  • I'm not sure what size shoe you wear, but I finally gave in and started buying men's running shoes a couple of years ago. I usually just get them in black and white so you can't really tell. They aren't very flashy, but the are much more comfortable!
  • Without seeing or touching it, I would say it's just extra skin. I had my last two kids 11 months apart and the youngest is also almost one. However, my first child is the one who actually destroyed my stomach. He's five now, but I had angry red stretch marks and tons of amniotic fluid, so I was stretched to the max. The…
  • I didn't gain inches, but I didn't lose much on my thighs. I ended up losing about an inch on each thigh after the 30 days, and maybe a 1/4 inch from each calf. That is compared to 3 inches off my waist and 4 off my midsection, so I think it just depends on where your body decides to lose first. I naturally have huge legs…
  • I just finished 30 ds, and I did cardio either right before or right after. I did 3 days a week running for 30 or so minutes right before because I am focused more on running, so I wanted my legs to be fresh. Then I did 4 days a week of walking for 30 or so minutes right after as a cool down and way to stretch out my legs.…
  • Good luck to you, too! I also love the "30 day challenge" aspect because it seems like such an attainable goal. I never thought I would like Jillian Michael's workouts (I enjoy the gym, but can't go because of kids and timing issues), but this has done awesome things to my body already!
  • I also have 3 days left! I'm moving on to RI30 because I'm starting to get bored with the shred, and from what I've read it seems to be the next progression in her programs. I'm excited I've been able to stick with it, but I'm also happy to start something new. Some of the moves are still difficult for me ( i.e.I won't…
  • Power 90 is good. I wanted to focus on running, so I can't remember if the cardio circuit had much jumping or not. But, if you are already doing cardio elsewhere, you can do what I did and just alternate your own cardio with the strength circuits. I found the VHS set on amazon for really cheap lol. I hope you find…
  • ^^this. I actually use rubber gym flooring instead of a yoga mat for more shock absorption. Level 3 still has some plank moves, so you will still have to do them. I sweat a ton, and actually had to add additional pieces of flooring to give me spots to do my plyo moves without slipping on the sweat.
  • While the 10lbs you gained probably isn't all muscle, it is possible you have increased the muscle mass in your quads. I have naturally muscular legs, and I'm finding even though I've lost weight, pants that are now loose in the waist are tight in the thighs. My take on this is that even though my legs are more defined and…
  • Congrats! This story actually made me tear up a little lol. I know we are getting healthy for US, but isn't it nice to feel sexy for your husband. My husband tells me every day how great I'm doing and has always told me I'm beautiful, but I can't wait to put on a new outfit and actually believe him. It sounds like you have…
  • Turbulence by Steve aoki and laidback Luke
  • I've never tried it, but I've heard of people using spaghetti squash as a pasta filler and cauliflower for rice.
  • I didn't read the article because I am on my phone, but I did do a lot of research on this subject when I was pregnant with my last child. I was still carrying over 40lbs of extra weight after having my daughter (they are 11 months apart in age) and I didn't want to gain a crazy amount on top of that. I was sitting right…
  • I'm using the app that doesn't require the sensor. I've used the sensor in the past and it does calculate by strides, but wasn't very accurate for interval training. I'm not really sure how they set it up to use the gps function inside, I just know they did (not very well it seems). I'll definitely be calculating out my…
  • It has a treadmill "indoors" option. I was using it to get used to checking split times/mileage during the run. I'll just ignore it while running indoors now, though and calculate the very rare times I am able to get outside. Thanks for your responses!
  • The app has a treadmill option, so it does calculate. I guess it's just not as accurate. Thanks!
  • I'm on day 15 and starting ripped in 30 when I finish. It's hard, but I've had pretty good success so far! I like that it's only 25 mins because it leaves me time to get extra cardio in either before or after. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 5'8" and I'm currently at 178. My goal is between 150-155, and toned (I'm not all that concerned about the number, just feeling good in my clothes again). That being said, I have a large frame (size 11 feet and man hands) so anything less than 150 I start to look a little strange, and I have to obsess over it to…
  • Turbulence by Steve aoki & laidback Luke is a great boost if you need it!
  • I'm trying to lose 25 lbs (maybe 30 depending on how I feel when I get there). I am on day 15 of 30 ds (starting RI30 next) I'm no longer a student, but I just finished my graduate degree in dec. so I feel your pain ;). And I'll add you because I could always use/give some motivation!
  • If I can figure out how to add you, I will!
  • I'm attempting to do it for 30 days straight. I'm on day 15 now. I've read that others have taken at least one rest day and still seen results, so I'd say do what your body is telling you. The only reason I'm trying to do it everyday is because I'm starting my "journey" over again for the 900th time, and I'm afraid if I…
  • I've never posted before, so hopefully this works. I don't have a suggestion for a type of band, but I wear mine on my forearm. This may not be for everyone, but I find it makes it easier to check my distance/times and change music. It may also give you more options regarding size. Good luck with your 5k! I'm doing one…