cfm919 Member


  • Thanks everybody!!! What great suggestions. I will try the water, now to get myself to the pool ( apartment living).
  • You're NOT a monster!!! Please don't say that about yourself. Just because we are fluffy ( I rather use that word) doesn't mean we are monsters. And you are very much a human. I agree we all need to stay motivated and that's why we are here. Hope you have a good day too....HUMAN!!!
  • Same boat too! I love food! I knew I was gaining too much weight but never seen myself in a mirror. Well I got a real look at myself in glass door. Good luck with your goal and we are all here for each other.
    in Fresh start Comment by cfm919 June 2014
  • I write a little note and say oh well another day I messed up. All this week I messed up. Friends and Holidays will do it everytime!
  • Thanks!
  • I did it this past weekend with Saturday being my cheat day and it was awesome. I think it should be called TREAT day not cheat day. If you have lost some weight during the week, why not give yourself a treat day! I find I work harder durning the week to have that day!
  • Don't give up! Believe me it will start working. I'm a full figured woman also and have lost 3 lbs in my first week. MFP wants me to eat 1700 calories a day. With the WILL power that I have, I've been eating around 1000 - 1200. At the end of the day it tell me I need to eat more, I say NO way I feel fine and have energy.…
  • I was about to post this same question, but what I want to know is it still ok with me just starting this monday. Please message me with answers. Thank You!
  • Just started this diet thing so about once a day and for now i like what the scale reads!!!
  • can add me too!!!! I just started too! And can definitely use the support. I have a long way to go.
  • Hi there! I recently started a diet and yes I have been getting headaches. I think its because I use to eating more than 2000+ calories a day and my first day I only ate about 800. MFP told me that I need to eat more calories try 1200. Not sure where you started but they have me starting out at 1700 a day....way too much!…
    in Headaches?? Comment by cfm919 June 2012