One cheat day a week?



  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Nope don't plan or schedule cheat days. If an occasion comes up or we are traveling, I don't limit where I can eat or ruin the fun. I opt for healthier choices on the menu and control my portions. I still cook the same types of meals I did before, have modified most to reduce calories and fat. I have never felt I was doing without (except where chocolate is involved) so there has been no reason to have a cheat day.
  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    You won't gain weight from a cheat day...unless, you consume tons of food. If you gain any weight from it, it would most likely be from water weight and will dissappear in a day or two if you drink enough water. As for me, I usually pick one day to relax (others call it cheating). It helps me through the rest of the week, and it's kind of like a reward :) I used to have a relaxed day every week, but I have noticed that I don't need it as much anymore. So it's more like one meal a week that I eat what I want. Do whatever works for you :) Good luck on your healthy journey!!!
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    I don't personally know anyone who could go the rest of their life without their one indulgence. This for me is a lifestyle change, if I feel like having a treat and I've been doing really well tracking and staying within my limits, I will allow myself a meal or snack that I wouldn't typically have. I know I couldn't go the rest of my life without ever eating my favorite "bad" foods ever again!
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    IMO a cheat day might be ok if you plan for it, but a cheat meal is definetly ok. This will allow you to have those items you are craving once in awhile, and not deprive yourself of fun rewarding fat filled foods like a banana split on a hot summer day. Just be responsible with what you eat, meaning don't over do it be smart about your food choices. By now you will probably feel guilty after eating something so high in calories anyway that you will need to justify it to yourself. Remember everyone this is a choice to live a healthier life style. Not a prison sentence so go ahead and enjoy that 1800 calorie Steak and Ice cream with drinks meal. Enjoy yourself and live happy. Just don't do that again for awhile.
  • I don't do cheat days. Every now and then, not even once a week, I will have a "cheat item." But it's always something not extremely carb loaded and it's something I know will not make me binge onto other food items. You have to pick the right "fun" foods to eat without overdoing it. I don't do cheat days because I personally think it's harder to maintain your diet the rest of the week.
  • tomsaway
    tomsaway Posts: 5
    I'd say sure, but try not to make it get out of hand and don't get too used to it.

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Cheat smart.

    There are actual physiological reasons for adding a cheat day.
    I prefer eating an entire pizza or slamming a tub of Ben and Jerrys.

    PS: most of my whooshes happen after cheat days.
    These are actual recorded drops in weight and body fat.
    Just cheat smart.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    No cheat day for me. I have to be consistent and strict with my body because it LOVES fat and fatty foods. If I had a 'cheat day' it would mess up my whole week! Because I would just go to town and eat junk, lay around. You know, do and eat the stuff that got me fat in the first place. No thanks.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I have always had a "Free Day":drinker:

    At first it was a huge food orgy - 24 hours, but as time went on, I steadily cut back to a few cheat meals on that day.
    And no, I do not count calories. LOST 70 lbs doing this.
    The challenge sometimes is turning it off when the day was through. Sometimes I did not, and my results suffered.
    The arguments for a free day/cheat day are both psychological and physiological.
    It may be that a cheat day shocks your body and resets metabolism. Maybe, who knows?
    I think it does...
    And it's a mental boost knowing I never need to go more than a week before I can binge on junk if I want.
    And sometimes I want.
    That's why I do it.
    And my results speak for itself. The fruit of anybody's philosophy is their success or lack of :wink:
    Anyway, good luck to YOU!
    This!!!!!! 1 year and I have always had Sunday spike day! no counting, no worries, just enjoy! and it does get me through the week. And have maintained my loss a year:-) Good luck!
  • juwan24
    juwan24 Posts: 27
    I have days where I go over (sporting events, birthday parties, golf outings, etc) but always try to log it as accurate as possible.
  • cfm919
    cfm919 Posts: 13 Member
    I did it this past weekend with Saturday being my cheat day and it was awesome. I think it should be called TREAT day not cheat day. If you have lost some weight during the week, why not give yourself a treat day! I find I work harder durning the week to have that day!
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    I have one cheat meal on a sunday after my weigh in, usually dinner but I still log it and 99% of the time I still come in under calories just 1800 calories of not so good stuff rather than healthy meals, its not affected my weight loss any and it gives me something to look forward to and keeps me on track, not a problem as far as I'm concerned.
  • Pamshaw2
    Pamshaw2 Posts: 6
    I think it depends on your true goal. If it is simply to loose X amount of lbs then DON"T do it,; you are failing to keep your eye on the prize. On the other hand if your goal is a whole lifestyle change GO for it.!. I need to loose over 100 lbs. That requires changing how I live and eating is only a part of that.. I am loosing wt. quickly and these are my methods: 1) I set a daily calorie goal which is quite low but do-able for me. 2) I keep track of my food choices and look for ways to reduce the calories and still eat what I like. 3) I do eat special foods with my family (mostly Sunday meals when the kids and grands are here) 4) I eat a special food selection, not an entire meal (maybe a dessert or maybe a main course) This works great when eating out also. 5) Because I have elected to live low calorie daily I also consider my weekly calorie count and allow myself an extra 500-600 calories. I think of counting calories like living on a strict money budget and then saving a little beyond that.. Shopping with the "reserved" cash still keeps the budget stays intact! 6) this is the best yet and stops the idea of cheating-- I always look at how much extra exercise I need to do to counter the eating I have ejjoyed. So If I have made the choice to eat extra in that same day I have chosen to exercise extra. No need to feel guily only feeling responsible.
  • Friday is my cheat day, i read online that if you go majorly over (as in eat as much of what you want as you physically can) you can lose weight, this is a new account but i lose 38lbs on my old account, and i would do this every week most of the time i would lose a pound, but even if i put weight on it was only ever a pound, having a cheat day is great because it motivates you for the week as you have something to look forward to, and work towards :)
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    You have to set boundaries and stick to them. Can you keep it to one day? Its all about self-control and making the right choices.

    For me, having that free day gives me something to look forward to during the week and if I really want something, I know I can have it on Saturday. But I do still count my calories and I won't go overboard.

    Its more sustainable for me if I can still have the things I want sometimes. I know I am eating clean and at a deficit for the other 6 days. And on Saturdays I still make a point to drink water, eat fruits and veggies, and try to get a workout in.

    I've lost weight many times this way.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I do a cheat meal---tonight was mine. Baked Ziti.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I generally agree with folks who say if you're going to cheat, just do it for a meal. Cheat days where you don't count calories are counterproductive.

    If you're unwilling to even count it because you've cheated so badly, you probably shouldn't be cheating that much. If you go a few hundred over your already-planned out loss, no biggy. But if it's so bad that you don't even want to look at it, probably too much.

    I agree with this. I had been cheating with takeout on weekends and not logging it (and having trouble losing!) until one Sunday I finally logged in what I'd been eating from Dominos. It was like 3,000 calories for the whole day! First of all, I stopped ordering such awful take out so often. I also decided to log everything, even "cheats". If you make yourself look at the damage, you'll be less inclined to do it again.
  • I suppose I do have cheat meals but I don't really think of them as such. These meals usually center around a social activity. I have one glass of wine or a mixed drink... I have two glasses of wine... those cookies look much better to me... oh, salty stuff sounds really awesome too... so I go over my calories for that day, sometimes 1,000 or more. When I get home, I log everything I can remember.

    I've started to pay attention to my average calories over 7 days, and if that's generally in line with my goal, things seem to work out okay. I might not be losing as fast as I would like, but I'm doing it in a way that is sustainable long-term that can accommodate outings and my known weaknesses (for me, drinking often leads to eating).

    This week, we're headed to a party... I want to drink but stay away from the snacks for the most part, so planning to eat a nice filling meal before hand. That way I'll be more likely to eat just 1 really yummy cookie instead of 4 (5?6? maybe..) yummy cookies.. we'll see how that goes. lol
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    We are actually trying to eat out less but I when I do, I do not worry about going over. I try to save up a few hundred calories for the weekend. I was at a bit of a stall before the Super Bowl, then I enjoyed some Super Bowl food for dinner and it finally kicked everything back into gear. When I lost the 20 lbs at the end of the year we ate out once a week and I usually did not log so I know one meal is not going to kill my goal.

    During the week though, I have what I want with portion control. My husband and I constantly like trying new recipes and he does not concern himself with calories. I have only once not eaten something he makes, I have just watched my portions and I can say now I am amazed how what would have been such a small portion for me is completely satisfying.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I normally have a "cheat day" but I count every nibble and try not to go over maintenance calories.