Fresh start

marisun75 Posts: 12 Member
Hi my name is Marisol. I live in south Texas. Food is my obsession which is my problem losing weight. I eat when Im sad, happy, stressed, and bored. I need to break the cycle which I need some help. all feedback are appreciated.


  • lozlaquinn
    lozlaquinn Posts: 29 Member
    I am in the same boat as yourself, feel free to add me for help and support x
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    One thing that help my friend that ate food as a comfort is finding something to replace it. For him it was taking a boxing class to release whatever emotions he was feeling at the time. Its best to find something that makes you feel great or take away stress. When stress or just thinking a lot I will go on a run outside to clear my head.
    Best of luck am sure you will reach your goal
  • cfm919
    cfm919 Posts: 13 Member
    Same boat too! I love food! I knew I was gaining too much weight but never seen myself in a mirror. Well I got a real look at myself in glass door. Good luck with your goal and we are all here for each other.