Staying Motivated When Alone

I think one of the hardest ways to lose a lot of weight is when you are alone. When you have nothing to look forward to each day things can get rather dreary and bleak. I have been alone for the last 10 years, mainly because I couldn't stand to look at myself so I figured why would anyone else want to look. For lack of a better word I considered myself a monster. Too big and ugly for anyone to care. It was a horrible cycle of self abuse that tanked any chance for me to get better.

I think everyone here dealing with a lot of weight to lose reaches that rock bottom moment when they realize that they have to do something, and often you get going and things start out great. You lose some weight and start to feel better, but your mind doesn't want to give up its old ways. You still look at yourself and wonder if you can really do it and if it is gonna be worth it. It's hard to get out of that mindset when a goal seems so far away. So you quit, and 12 months later you are sitting around and realize that if you just stuck with it until today that you would be in a much better position. I could have been 100 pounds down by now you may say to yourself. The really bad part is that this makes you feel even worse and spiral even more into your cycle.

I know this cycle because I have lived it over and over again and never thought I would be able to break free from it. I have and I plan to stay far away from that cycle moving forward because I finally decided to reach out and get help for the things that were beyond my control. Being alone and not being able to vent or be around anyone else can trigger bad emotions and keep you from getting to where you want to be in life. You can enter a numbness where everything around you no longer elicits a proper response.

So please if you feel this way find someone or something to help you. Something to get you through the days that will most likely cause you to derail. I have found my method of coping through the help and support of the people on these forums. I truly appreciate all the help and support that they have given me over the last year. Don't try and do it alone, you are setting yourself up to fail.Now I am not saying you can't do it alone, but you are far more likely to succeed when you get help. And I know how scary help can be, putting yourself out there when you are so alone and hate yourself so much is absolutely frightening. But if you do I promise that you will find a lot of positive and encouraging people who only want to see you happy and healthy.

There will be embarrassing moments, ones that will make you want to throw yourself out a window, but just remember the more you get hurt and the more pain you feel overcoming your own mental handicaps the better its gonna feel once you get to where you want to be in life. Don't settle being alone, do something about it or you may never see the other end of your goal.

I am not gonna lie and say that the voice inside my head has gone away and I can look at myself as a human being and not a monster. I am still working on that and it's a daily struggle to get past. But I know I am far better then I was a year ago. All because I decided to say f**k it and dive head first into getting help. It has made everything so much easier and a year and a half from now when I hit my goal weight I know that voice will be gone...for good.

Suck it up and ask for help if you need it, so many people die because they are too scared and unwilling to admit things have gotten out of control. If you feel this way reach out to someone, even a stranger here on MFP can help more then you would imagine.

Have a nice day!


  • cfm919
    cfm919 Posts: 13 Member
    You're NOT a monster!!! Please don't say that about yourself. Just because we are fluffy ( I rather use that word) doesn't mean we are monsters. And you are very much a human. I agree we all need to stay motivated and that's why we are here.

    Hope you have a good day too....HUMAN!!!
  • ayron102
    ayron102 Posts: 17 Member
    Excellent- I concur about the alone thing. It's so hard sometimes. Glad you've made your breakthough - and knowing that helps me with mine :)
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    da faq guys?! Don't be alone then! go to a club and get some options for your phone?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I am alone and I work harder than I ever have.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    da faq guys?! Don't be alone then! go to a club and get some options for your phone?

    You again?
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I am alone and I work harder than I ever have.

    and we can tell

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    da faq guys?! Don't be alone then! go to a club and get some options for your phone?

    You again?

    Hey I respectfully don't understand the complaint? If you don't want to be alone or if you are blaming a problem on being alone...then the solution seems easy - go find a buddy or a chick asap and don't be alone.

  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    da faq guys?! Don't be alone then! go to a club and get some options for your phone?

    You again?

    Hey I respectfully don't understand the complaint? If you don't want to be alone or if you are blaming a problem on being alone...then the solution seems easy - go find a buddy or a chick asap and don't be alone.


  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    da faq guys?! Don't be alone then! go to a club and get some options for your phone?

    You again?

    Hey I respectfully don't understand the complaint? If you don't want to be alone or if you are blaming a problem on being alone...then the solution seems easy - go find a buddy or a chick asap and don't be alone.



    where have you been? They already said Dennis .gifs for me?

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member

    yeah........I got nothing

  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    You're NOT a monster!!! Please don't say that about yourself. Just because we are fluffy ( I rather use that word) doesn't mean we are monsters. And you are very much a human. I agree we all need to stay motivated and that's why we are here.

    Hope you have a good day too....HUMAN!!!

    I know that and thanks, but it is how I felt at times.
  • Proph24
    Proph24 Posts: 195
    what do you hate more, being out of breath, hurting, sore, sweating , tired....or being alone and not being happy with who you are?

    the answer is ALWAYS going to be being alone and not happy...if you havnt realized that by now (im sure you have) then you have to, and you just have to keep reminding yourself that time you want a drink tell yourself that and grab a water, next time you want pizza? you have to be willing to burn it off before you even think about having a slice

    just my 0.02
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    Coupla thoughts. First, self talk matters. Excise the word "monster" from your vocabulary. Or save it for serial killers and child molesters. Your profile shows a loss of 121 pounds. Is that true? Then yowser. That is fantastic. Focus on your progress towards a healthier life.

    Second, read the success stories. In particular, read the sticky at the top from CyberEd:
    Read it every day.

    Third, the relationship thing. Being "alone" can refer to not being in a committed relationship or it can refer to being solitary.
    Solitary is a choice. I have friends who have lost the love of their lives and they are not solitary. They nurture friendships, they have hobbies, and most importantly, they help other people. Some volunteer at women's shelters, or deliver meals on wheels. The possibilities are endless. When you serve Thanksgiving dinner at a homeless shelter, no one cares what you look like.

    Lastly, if that voice in your head persists in staying negative, get some sort of serious counseling. This is not a frivolous suggestion. There are techniques that professionals can teach you to change your point of reference.

    Best of luck to you.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Coupla thoughts. First, self talk matters. Excise the word "monster" from your vocabulary. Or save it for serial killers and child molesters. Your profile shows a loss of 121 pounds. Is that true? Then yowser. That is fantastic. Focus on your progress towards a healthier life.

    Second, read the success stories. In particular, read the sticky at the top from CyberEd:
    Read it every day.

    Third, the relationship thing. Being "alone" can refer to not being in a committed relationship or it can refer to being solitary.
    Solitary is a choice. I have friends who have lost the love of their lives and they are not solitary. They nurture friendships, they have hobbies, and most importantly, they help other people. Some volunteer at women's shelters, or deliver meals on wheels. The possibilities are endless. When you serve Thanksgiving dinner at a homeless shelter, no one cares what you look like.

    Lastly, if that voice in your head persists in staying negative, get some sort of serious counseling. This is not a frivolous suggestion. There are techniques that professionals can teach you to change your point of reference.

    Best of luck to you.
    ^that was great advice.

    And if you did loose 121 lbs - that is a hats off sorta accomplishment.

    what do you hate more, being out of breath, hurting, sore, sweating , tired....or being alone and not being happy with who you are?

    ^Learn to love being outta breath, and sweating - I crave the moment I can finally be tired every day - the key is you gotta work for it.

    Rest days are my least fav.