mamajenny2 Member


  • Some of these comments are hilarious, however, I just think she went overboard with it all. I remember watching the VMA's when I was preteen and it was entertaining....even with everyone's clothes on!!! I like her song and her voice, but that kind of performance can go!!!
  • Eating healthy and staying healthy is definitely more expensive than the alternative! :-) I only bought a HRM and some protein powder that I use here and there for now, but I am so glad that I have both. :-) I have a cheap food scale that I bought probably 10-12 years ago, but it does the job... Great job on best wishes on…
  • YAY!!! I love Jillian!!! She is absolutely the best!! I started about a week ago and love her!! I just started Hip Hop Abs too, so those combined are so fun and make you feel every single muscle in your body!!! LOVE IT!! :-) Got my workouts in this morning!! I'll be doing it again tomorrow!!! Thanks for starting the…
  • Happy Spring!! What is the challenge??? :-)
  • Amazing hard work and dedication! You look and I'm sure feel wonderful!! Congrats! :smile:
  • You look amazing! Great work and dedication!!! You must feel so proud!! Keep up the good work! :-)
  • WOW!!! YOu look amazing!! Love how you set your goals and are just going for it all the healthy way!! Way to go!! That is why I love MFP! You are all so inspiring and motivating!!! Keep on reaching for those goals, you are doing awesome! :-)
  • I don't have te fitbit but I do have the Polar FT4 and I love it!!! I wear it religiously during my workouts and since it is set to my personal settings I know it is pretty accurate. I love that it does track the intensity of the workouts and how high your heart rate goes so you can see all that in a moments notice. Good…
  • People are looking for a quick fix and the magic pill. I tried those about 15 years ago, not anything that was banned, but it was still full of caffenie and ephedra. Not good and I thought I was going to have a heart attack because my heart was pounding just about out of my chest! Scared the crap out of me so they went in…
  • I actually borrowed it from a friend because the cost was too much for me to afford right now and it is INSANE!! I made it through the fitness test part of it, which is where you would start anyway and I was soaking wet from head to toe! Felt awesome though and definitely helps to push you a lot! I haven't tried the other…
  • I did level one of the 30 day shred for about a week then moved on to level 2 and have been on that one on and off for a couple weeks. 10 days for each level seems right but level one was pretty easy, so I moved it up a little sooner. It is a great workout though!! I have a love hate relationship with Jillian now!! LOL She…
  • Hi there! Welcome aboard!! Just take everyday as it comes to you. I agree with anifani4 as far as being honest about what you really eat and all of the logging. If you are not true to yourself, then you won't see the true results your are going after. I have been on here for about 4 and a half months now. I have only lost…
  • You look amazing!! I'm sure you feel alot better too! Awesome job though!! What a great accomplishment!! You are an inspiration to us all! :-)
  • If you would of asked me this a year ago, I would of said a piece of chocolate cake. But I can have that now!! :-) YAY!!!! Loving my new healthy lifestyle! I think the first thing I would buy would be a cute 2 piece bathing suit to show off my super lean muscles and tight body!!! :-)
  • I'm in too!! I have 27 flights of stairs in the building I work in! Game face is on! I try to do at least 12 flights a day if I can get up there! Great challenge!!! :-)
  • I agree on moving on! If you want children and he does not, that is a big deal. You will find someone much better suited for you and your personal needs. Best of luck either way! :-)
  • 4:30am is very early, and I can't get up that early myself, however, the past week I have been able to get up an hour earlier than normal, tired as hell might I add, and got in the workout I wanted and felt awesome!!! I felt so great that I did it again that night and then got up the next morning and did it again!! Once…
  • Hmmm....that is a good challenge though! I could try it, afterall, it's only 31 days, it's not a lifetime! LOL
  • Great job!! All your hard work really paid off, you look amazing!!! Now there is motivation!!! Enjoy the new healthy, happy you! :-)
  • 1. Cheese 2. Milk 3. Eggs 4. Bread 5. Peanut Butter That was easier than I thought it would be! Those are my essentials. Of course there are more, but those are the basics for sure! :-)
  • Hi there! That is too funny!! I love a healthy balance too! You have to enjoy life and live for the moment but still get to where you want to be and be happy in the end! :-)
  • Hi there! I just joined the other day and would like to achieve the same goal of getting healthy. I usually don't eat enough of the right foods and wind up in trouble with my weight spiraling out of control within days. It is very frustrating and hard to do everyday. I decided to join here because it has so far kept me…