New to MFP

Hello MFP! I've been here about a month now , seeing if I like the system and it works. I'm 48 and have over 100lbs to lose, and am dealing with menopause which affects your weight. My goal is I'm determined to find the zipper of this fat suit I'm wearing and get it off! I'm not dieting, I starting new and getting healthy. I've mostly eaten healthy, just not enough. Was anorexic as a young adult and always had a hard time eating enough. Now after kids always skipping meals and only eating at night put on alot of weight. Ready to stop this and get healthy. I started a group called Pacific Northwesterners for people that live in the northwest for local support. I love reading all your stories of support. This seems to be a very diverse place for people from everywhere, coming together for support. If you have similar goals please feel free to add me.


  • JMC529
    JMC529 Posts: 14
    Hi Thndr63! I am 44 and just started this MFP myself. I have about 85 pounds to lose and it looks like our paths have a lot of past similarities! We can do this!
  • Thank you! Accountability here helps alot, i like logging in and putting in my measurements etc..helps you see your progress. I'm also keeping photos monthly to show myself how Im doing. Just started that.
  • mamajenny2
    mamajenny2 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there! I just joined the other day and would like to achieve the same goal of getting healthy. I usually don't eat enough of the right foods and wind up in trouble with my weight spiraling out of control within days. It is very frustrating and hard to do everyday. I decided to join here because it has so far kept me very honest and let me see exactly what I am getting in each day! Everyday and every meal is a struggle sometimes, so the more support, the better!! :smile:
  • Reading other diary journals will give you good ideas on eating also, I have been reading alot of foods too at the Dr. Mercola website and Dr. Oz, love both those guys. I just started adding coconut oil to my eating too.

    thanks everyone for the support!