chinakat72 Member


  • Dr. Jason Fung has done some great research into how our bodies react to fasting. Here is a link to a general page, but his website is full of data and advice. I'm having great success. And you can adjust how long you fast (23 hr fast would be what you're talking about) and how often. Good luck!…
  • Hormones do in fact have a relation to weight gain and weight loss. Whether this is the OPs problem or not is a matter for her and her doctor. I would recommend talking to a medical professional to identify the real problem. Hormone imbalances (both too much and too little) can cause not only appetite changes, but also…
  • Ten years ago I lost nearly 100 lbs to get healthy enough to have my first child, then gained 60 lbs during pregnancy. I was not prepared for the cravings I would have, not prepared for how tired I would feel, and fell into the "eating for two" trap. Then I got a blood clot and was on bed rest for nearly two months after…
  • You look amazing! Congratulations!! I also had a blood clot in my leg about 9 years ago, which ran from my femoral artery to my ankle. Turns out I have two clotting factors, I had just had a baby 2 weeks prior, and I was overweight. All big clotting risks. I have been trying to get my weight under control ever since, to…
  • I think that at first, counting calories can sound obsessive to a lot of people. That is, until they start to see how many calories they are really eating. It's easy to live in denial and say, "Sure I ate a cheeseburger and fries, but I worked out today so it cancels it out". But challenge him to just keep track of what he…
  • My husband and I went to Cancun for a week the first of June two years ago. It was humid and a few showers here and there, but they don't last long and then the sun comes out again. I thought it was perfect weather. As long as you're flexible with your plans so you can do other things when it's raining, it won't be a…
  • 56 lbs is an amazing accomplishment! I know some people see results in their clothes and body right away, and others it takes a while. But you must have noticed some changes? For me, it's been the little things. It's easier to bend over and pick things up off the floor. I have to scoot my seat closer to the steering wheel…
  • Setting aside the debate over additives like Aspartame, Splenda etc, water doesn't necessarily have to be "clean" to count. What you are counting is the water content, regardless of what else is in it. Technically, your daily water intake can come from soda, milk, Kool-Aid, juice, etc. It can also come from fruits and…
  • Sounds like your "problem" is in your head. You didn't make your goal last month, so you want to make up for it this month. I TOTALLY get where you're coming from; I've been there so many times before. But you need to take a step back. Goals are great, but they aren't absolute. You have said yourself that you know what…
  • Thank you for saying this!! I could have written this post myself! I have lost so much weight in the past, but always gained it back because it was a completely different way of eating that I couldn't mentally stick to. This time I am trying to eat "more reasonable" food and focusing on portion control and have lost 36 lbs…
  • My husband has been so supportive of me, while I've yo-yo'd up and down 60-100 lbs several times during our 15 years together. But no matter how supportive he is, I can tell that he just has no clue about my struggles. He has no problem with his weight, and no issues with food. He listens when I cry on his shoulder, and he…
  • You sound like you get enough cardio in, so if you're not losing then I would look to your diet. The other posters advice is right, the healthier you eat the more you will physically and mentally crave it and junk food starts to not hold as much appeal. Being so busy, planning is the key. Try to plan out your food at the…
  • This was the first thing I thought of when reading this post. This blog post says it all. For every idiot that tries to tear you down in order to make themselves feel better, there are people like this guy that know your struggle and respect you. Keep on going!!
  • I totally hear where you're coming from. A friend recommended a book that has worked for me, called "The Beck diet solution" By Judith Beck. It's not a diet book, but a book that teaches you why you eat and help you retrain your brain (she is a clinical psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy). Once I…
  • Don't keep tempting stuff in the fridge! I know, easier said than done, especially if you don't live alone. But seriously, get rid of as much as you can, just don't have it around. Then stock up on stuff you can feel good about. I know it doesn't always sound as good as a bag of chips, but a crunchy apple can be…
  • Arggh! I hate the food at work problem!! But give yourself credit, you only ate two pieces. It's so easy to just throw your hands up and give in. Personally, I never fast so I can't give much advice on that. But you do have a few things left to eat so don't panic. The more you panic, the more you will feel hunger…
  • I've just started as well, so no after pics...yet! But thank you for posting this request. I am 5' 10" and have a large frame. On the one hand it's nice because you can usually carry your weight better when you are tall and have a large frame. It looks more proportionate. But it's also bad because I've found in the past…