So much for people NOT watching.



  • those people sound like complete jerks!!! You are doing great things and should be proud of yourself.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Those idiots will one day learn their lesson:

    " Never ever LOOK DOWN on someone unless YOU ARE HELPING THEM UP!"

    All the best to you... stay strong!
  • When I first started running in June, people would slow down their cars and ask, "Oh, sweetie, do you need a ride?" THAT hurt, and they were just trying to be nice!

    Keep doing what you're doing. Yes, people are rude and say terrible things (I work with teenagers, trust me: I see it all the time), but don't get down on yourself. If anything, feel sorry for them. They have to say mean things to others to feel good about themselves.

    Next time just wave! Maybe a hearty, "Thanks for the encouragement!" :-)
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Thats horrible! How can people do things like that! I would never and I hope that my kids have more heart than that. Seriously pisses me off! Do not let them bring you down!
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Hang in there. Yeah, it stinks and it hurts and you can't always avoid it. All you can do is decide you're not going to let them "win", not going to let them derail your dreams and goals.
  • jennyvondoom
    jennyvondoom Posts: 17 Member
    First read this...

    And now the why.... I love love love this blog post. This morning when I was at the park doing my C25K work out and I passed these these two condescending women in their track suits with their perfectly done hair and make up I thought of it. I thought... "How dare they look down their noses at me." Because you know what? I'm the one out there sweating while they are out sitting there on the bench as close to the parking lot as they can get and still say that they were walking in the park. I might not be the fastest or able to go the furthest yet but I'm determined and I'm following my training program without cheating. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself, especially if you are honestly giving it your all. It is possible that those people who are so mean do it because they feel guilty that they aren't fit even if they are thin. I also always make it a point to nod and smile or wave at other people I pass along the trail and, even though I don't live in a particularly friendly area, people are always nice and smile back. Own what you are doing and enjoy it. And if all else fails... it also helps me to think things like "You know... if the zombie apocalypse were to happen three months from now I bet I could outrun that person... and you don't have to be the fastest... just faster." =) Rule #1 Cardio.
  • Tell them to kick rocks.....remeber the can't fix the ugly in them

    this & use their spite to spur you are amazing & are on a fantatsic head high & dont let them stop you doing your thing xx
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    As Dr. Cox from Scrubs says, "People are nothing but *kitten* coated *kitten* with *kitten* filling".

    Don't let those jerks get you down for more than a minute. I know the natural reaction in to get hurt. But move on. This journey is for you.

    Also, you will eventually drop the weight and change, but they will always be jerks :P
  • I'm really sorry you had this happen to you. Some of the prettiest people in the world are the ugliest. People who feel the need to make comments like this are just showing off trying to be the big man.
    I like to think , when anyone makes a comment, that in 5 years time they're going to be the fat ones, who have done nothing with their life and are bitter at that fact and I'm going to be the healthy me that I want to be :).
    I agree with an earlier post, Karma will come back and get them, 3 fold, so don't let them get you down !

    I always remember a girl back when I was in highschool , who was large like me going up to someone who had said a comment about her and said "Well, I maybe fat, but you're ugly, and you know what? I can diet" and then walked away.

    I hope you don't let these people make you upset, you're stronger than them, and a whole lot nicer.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I noticed your ticker down at the bottom of STL. I am a native of STL and am disgusted by locals doing that! Keep running!! I always run by myself but like to think us runners are doing this together and wave and smile at each other on our runs. :)
  • All I can say hun is you can lose the weight, but they can never gain a decent personality. This is one of the reasons I work out at home. You are on YOUR journey, they will always find something to talk about, it just goes to show how pathetic their lives must be and how insecure they are emotionally if that is the only way they can feel better about themselves.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    When I first started going to the gym I was 201 lbs. I decided I was going to take the belly dancing class. While I was there, there were two women (probably not much younger than me), just having a good old time laughing at me. I can tell you that they hardly made it through the class and I never saw them at the gym again.

    Here I am, still going, three years later. I've lost 38 lbs. I've gain a ton of strength. I look and feel better than I did 10 years ago before I had my babies. I wonder where they are now.

    Basically, what I'm saying is "F them and feed them beans". If you keep it up, you'll be able to do more than they have ever dreamed. It just takes time and consistency.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Well.... not while I'm exercising in any more.... but I did have a friend of a friend say some crude comments.... I just used it as fuel to motivate me and have since lost 20 lbs.
  • chinakat72
    chinakat72 Posts: 21 Member
  • chinakat72
    chinakat72 Posts: 21 Member

    This was the first thing I thought of when reading this post. This blog post says it all. For every idiot that tries to tear you down in order to make themselves feel better, there are people like this guy that know your struggle and respect you. Keep on going!!
  • dValkyrie
    dValkyrie Posts: 127 Member
    You can change your body, change your health, and change your direction in life, but short of a 2 by 4, you cant change when an *kitten* will open his mouth and you certainly cannot fix stupid.
  • AbiJj
    AbiJj Posts: 26
    "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that fat girl trying to run?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHA".

    Yeh! YOU were running!
    Amazing! you did it and just keep doing it!!! Well done!

    I'm still not over that hurdle of having the confidence to do it!

    once a jerk, always a jerk, once a fat girl... but now... sexy mama coming through!

    stand up and take that bow!:flowerforyou:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    , "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that girl running!!"

    There, I fixed that for you. I know it sucks, but forget about them. Anyone who gets their kicks off of something like that is extremely immature. When life catches up to them and suddenly they are the fat ones huffing up the stairs and you are smoking hot, justice will be served. Karma is a bi***.

    Happy friday to you too!

    THIS! what exactly where THEY DOING????? sitting on their *sses watching you work yours off! at the end of the day those individuals do not matter. it's the people who know you, love you, encourage you and treat you with the respect you deserve as a person these are the people you need to listen to. i spent my teenage years being called fat and those very same people now struggle with their weight. Karma is a B**CH! I like Karma! :) Happy Friday and GO BACK to that park and show those individuals YUP THIS CHICK RUNS!
  • allie316
    allie316 Posts: 13 Member
    You can change your body, change your health, and change your direction in life, but short of a 2 by 4, you cant change when an *kitten* will open his mouth and you certainly cannot fix stupid.

    could not have said it better myself. i have friends who will pull me up and tell me what i NEED to hear, but only because they care. if you have nothing constructive/nice/beneficial to say, keep your nastiness to yourself :)
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    I know exactly how you feel because it happened to me when I used to ride my bike in my old home town (now live in a town where people actually stop to tell me I'm "a very pretty young lady" lol so that's a confidence boost, but not telling you to move towns... you just have to say to yourself "Hey, at least I'm doing something" how many of these people who yell out are sitting on their arses being lazy? You're jogging and they're walking? Just because people are thinner than you DOES NOT make then fitter or healthier. You can be a FIT overweight person and you can be an UNFIT skinny person. Use their attempts to demotivate you as motivation to prove them wrong, keep going xx