So much for people NOT watching.



  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Please tell me this person that yelled at you was a punk kid... as a grown adult I couldn't imagine saying something so incredibly hurtful out loud to another person. I make it a point to think something positive about every person I see out pouding the pavement, sending good vibes their way for an awesome run. I don't care how big they are or how slow they're going, they are out on the road running... that's a win right there.

    I know this is cliche, but don't let it get you down. If that happened to me, I would just imagine that they saw me doing something they aren't willing or able to do and therefore their statements are just a way to make themselves feel better. They aren't out there beating feet like you are, they aren't on the same playing field. Ignore them.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I've had similar comments. I called a guy on it once. I turned around and said, "Yeah, I'm fat, but I've lost weight already and I'm still losing more, so I'll not be this size and shape forever. What's the expiration date on you being a total knob end?" and kept on going. I used my anger at him to fuel me and I had an awesome work out that day.

    It was funny, because I had actually NOT said the above to the previous guy who did that. The previous exchange went like this:

    Him: Porker!
    Me: Knob end!

    In my head, I had the longer exchange, so next time it happened, I had the words ready to hurl back at him!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Some people are just's really sad.

    Use it as fuel, get back out there - DO NOT LET THIS STOP YOU.

    For every nasty comment towards you - there are hundreds of people like me who are silently cheering you on!
  • aquamarine78
    I have had experiences like that. I used to teach English in Japan where most of the population is thin, so being a big girl there I looked very out of place. People would think I couldn't understand the language and make comments about me as I was sitting right next to them....look at that fat girl etc. Some of my students would even come out and ask me "why are you so fat?" I just kind of learned to let the comments roll off of me. Yes, I am fat and I am working hard to change it. No one can do this but me. So I say, be hurt, have a cry, let it out, then pick yourself up, brush yourself off and get back out there!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Did this really happen? Was it some bratty teenagers?

    Dont condemn everyone as being like this because you may have found a rare exception. And don't ever let yourself think so much about it that you start hearing it in your head and believing it and thinking everyone is reacting to you like this. They really aren't.

    People lash out and say awful hurtful things because they hate themselves, not you.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Sometimes it is appropriate to yell creative obscenities at total strangers, you know. Think some up. Arm yourself. Then next time, let 'em loose. Surprise the hell out of them. :wink:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I totally WATCH people. all the time. I would think you watch too right? We might not scream things out at people but we watch. I don't judge people, I watch.

    I've had something like that hollered at me as well, but it was by 3 teenage boys. So even though it hurt I took it with a grain of salt.
  • XxXWhitneyShereeXxX
    Im so sorry that happened to you and yes similar things have happened to me it sucks but F those ppl you keep at it and do U people think that if they make fun of the "fat" girl theyre funny and look cool and they arent and dont its stupid and childish. But look at it this way those asshats have to live with the fact that theyre cruel and more than likely unhappy with themselves and just jealous because you are actually trying to better yourself rather than just ***** about it.
  • xoleanne
    xoleanne Posts: 38 Member
    oh my god, that's terrible! people are mean.

    don't give up on what you're doing, if i were you i'd continue because you can't let a bunch of disrespectful little rats keep you from reaching your goal, atleast you're making a change in your life, unlike them.

  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Tender78>> you just stay determined and keep on keeping on! Leave others behind you in the wake you create! Be successful and be assured that you are doing everything you can to improve and go in the direction of your goals! I applaud you!
  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member
    Making comments like that to cover their own insecurities and "impress" others. People who need to belittle others to do this are not worth allowing them to get to you. By everything you are doing, you will achieve your goals, they will always be the idiot they are. Focus on that.

    I absolutely agree. What these people saying are truly reflections of themselves...this roars 'insecurity'. So keep you're head high. They've just showed their true colors. May God help them if they struggle with something down the road.
  • xoleanne
    xoleanne Posts: 38 Member
    Let the little dogs bark. And keep running!

    love this little quote! :)
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry you had a bad experience. I've been picked on and bullied my entire life; not because I was fat but because I had buck teeth, because I was short, because I got straight A's, because I had no friends.....the list is endless. People are who they are. I admire anyone who can (and does) run! Keep up the good work!! You're doing great!!!
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    A philosophy professor once said to me "it's rare that people are nice, why do you expect them to be?". That was good to hear. Now I expect to get spat on, take a kick in the face and the balls lol when I leave the house. If **** things happen, I see it as normal human behaviour, although I am still a little human so it will remain with me a little while afterwards. I'd be a liar to say it didn't. Overall, an uneventful day is a good one!

    Pickup your flak jacket and head out (do it afraid but do it) and ask people to do their worst cos you've seen it all before!! :) I mean they're not exactly original are they? :)

    When you reach your goals, you'll see a heavier person running and you'll have the empathy to be the exception to the rule.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Our weight can be fixed, but stupid is forever!!!!!

    I'm sorry you went through that. When I was thin, I used to run and I would get obnoxious comments all the time out car windows like "Run Forrest Run!!". Of course most of the time I had headphones on so I would just see them point and laugh. Whatever....I was out there running and they were riding in a car (although I admit, slightly mortified when it happened but I ran anyway)!!! THIS happened when I was thin! People are stupid and will make fun of other people because they are bullies. Being overweight, unfortunately, is ALWAYS a target.

    Now I walk with a walker and get made fun of for that! I couldn't believe it when someone in a parking lot shouted "Grandma" at me as I was walking by!!!! I'm not a person who takes themselves seriously by any means, but that was really jarring!

    The best thing to remember is that YOU are taking control of your weight and your health. Don't let stupid people stop you.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I usually just give a huge smile and an overly friendly wave anytime I encounter something like this... nine times out of ten it completely bewilders the people or group of people who made the comment.

    The look on a person's face after they've tried to insult you and you greet them like an old friend is pretty priceless, plus you get to exude some positivity instead of getting negative.

    Or, if you're a big guy like me, sometimes you can stop, turn and then sprint in their direction with wild eyes and watch them run for their lives :laugh:
    , "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that girl running!!"

    There, I fixed that for you. I know it sucks, but forget about them. Anyone who gets their kicks off of something like that is extremely immature. When life catches up to them and suddenly they are the fat ones huffing up the stairs and you are smoking hot, justice will be served. Karma is a bi***.

    Happy friday to you too!

    ^^ agree Karma is a bi***. I had a "friend" that referred to me as a hippo one time and guess who's more overweight now than I am woot-woot!!! but I would never say anything to her like that because I KNOW how it makes you feel. Some people are just jerks, I am sorry you had to go through the pain it causes when someone is SO inconsiderate.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    to op: Were the people who said that young?

    I have had people say things about me when i am doing my workout and I think I am fine just as I am. If they can find something to say about me..they'll say it about anyone! Usually young people. (now all you young people, don't send me hate mail but usually that is the case... I look young but I am actually older than I look)

    I work out at a college gym(I work part-time at the college so i get free access, yeah!) and I am always looking at myself in the mirror because it helps me concentrate on the muscle I am working. To others it may come across as vain.

    Well, this guy at the gym says, "sOmeone is in love with themselves." He also mentioned to one of his friends that "She's so full of herself."

    This made me upset, I am not going to lie and took a bit of the wind out of my sails. I can't imagine how hurtful those comments are for you. I might not exactly understand but i sympathize and no matter are part of the fitness sisterhood because you are taking steps to care about yourself. You are one of US.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    World is full of what I cal losers and people who say hurtful comments due to health issues, mental issues etc. fall in that category. I have a mentally ill adult son and can't tell you the number of rude comments heard when out in public. It use to sting and hurt deeply but my skin has thicken over the years and I smile and usually say nothing because even with his illness, my son has 110% more class then the person taunting. Also, this journey is about you and your goal of has to be a self satisfaction and what others think really doesn't matter in long run as you'll be the one reaping the benefits.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I'd bet a dollar to a dime it was a bunch of miscreant teenagers with less than nothing to do. They lurk around town and around the parks in my neck of the woods, too. I get snide remarks or snickers from some at times. I usually do my best "mom" impression and say something sweet and nice with just a touch of snarkiness in my voice.

    Not necessarily. When I was 16 I had a grown man (looked to be in his 40s) tell me everything that was wrong with me right to my face. I was working at a fast food restaurant at the time and doing the drive through window when he pulled up, took one look at me, and told me in explicit detail how fat and ugly I a 16 year old! Like I didn't have enough problems! His wife was with him though and I could still hear her yelling at him when they got down the road. :laugh:

    It's true though, some people just suck. There's no age limit. It was definitely hard to deal with, I don't think I'll ever forget that experience. I honestly don't understand what makes people think they need to say things like that to another person, but it happens. All you can do is deal with it and move on.

    Don't linger over it, just keep pushing. Then, when you reach your goals, those comments won't even matter anymore. :flowerforyou: