So much for people NOT watching.

So, what is it about people that make us hard wired to try and hurt each other? Why do perfect strangers have to be so hurtful? You always see people post here (and say it in real life) don't be worried that others are watching @ the gym, park, etc. They're not worried about you or what you're doing. This is so not true. A girlfriend and I have been walking at a local part together. The other day we decided to get ambitious and we actually managed to run up most of the hills. So, the next day, I went walking alone and went to a different local park (the one I normally go to when I'm alone). I decided to try and run some of this trail due to it being flat, I figured, if I ran uphill, I should be able to run longer on a flat surface. I forgot my headphones this day so I didn't have music blasting like I usually do when I'm alone. I was the only one on the trail that day (it circles a lake). So, as I'm running, I hear someone yell out., "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that fat girl trying to run?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHA". And, then, several people burst out laughing. Needless to say, that about killed me emotionally.

Something like that could derail someone's journey completely. I did go walking the next day (Tuesday) and again yesterday. (Not Wed because I worked a double shift at work) but, I have a feeling going back to that park, alone, is going to be difficult. Has anyone else had something like this happen to them? I know, be strong, don't let the haters get you down, etc. but, as most of you will be able to agree with, this is hard enough on it's own, why the F do people, and I use this term loosely, have to try and make it more difficult? Today's weigh in day for's hoping the scale moves in the correct direction...if it doesn't, after this, I'm going to be very extremely upset.

Happy Friday everyone.


  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Some people are jerks. You can lose weight they will always be jerks. Do this for you and don't let imbeciles derail you. You and your health and fitness are worth more than some fool in a park.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    , "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that girl running!!"

    There, I fixed that for you. I know it sucks, but forget about them. Anyone who gets their kicks off of something like that is extremely immature. When life catches up to them and suddenly they are the fat ones huffing up the stairs and you are smoking hot, justice will be served. Karma is a bi***.

    Happy friday to you too!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    People can be nasty. This is life. This is not a newsflash. The world is not filled with rainbows and butterflies and unicorns.

    Sometimes people flat out suck. But why would you let that "derail" you? Seriously, how could being made fun of for being "fat" derail anyone? Isn't that why you're here? Because you're tired of being called fat?

    Use it as motivation. There are rude, inconsiderate, nasty people on the planet. Crying about them is not going to change that fact.
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Oh bless you. Please don't let ugly people get you down. You can lose weight, they cant do anything about their horrible, nasty personality. You are stronger than them in so many ways. Let this spur you on to succeed at everything you want to do. Just think, sometime in the future they will be looking at you enviously and you can run past with your friends saying "oh my god, look at the state of that!!!!"
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    I'm sorry :( I have little faith in most of the population to be decent and thoughtful. Keep doing what you're doing. You are strong. Like another friend said here, you can lose the weight. Sadly, they will always have a horrible personality. Go get it girl!
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Making comments like that to cover their own insecurities and "impress" others. People who need to belittle others to do this are not worth allowing them to get to you. By everything you are doing, you will achieve your goals, they will always be the idiot they are. Focus on that.
  • kellyo15
    I am so sorry this happened to you. People can be so cruel and I've never understood why. Just use it to fuel your fire because you are brave enough to try and make a change and take care of your health. That's great! They'll always be *kitten* on top of what I'm sure is a whole list of other issues. Everyone's experiences are different but maybe you'd find a gym more assuring? Some might say they're more intimidating but I find the ones I've gone to, everyone is always supportive of each other and we all recognize that we are there to improve ourselves, regardless of our starting points. Keep your head up and don't listen to the jerks!!!
  • melindadunston
    That is horrible! It sounds like something idiotic teenagers would do. I can imagine how that would ruin your day. I have had comments said to me that weren't that hurtful that put me into a couple day depression.

    I had to ask myself:
    who am I do this for them or me? And I got an I will show them attitude! Keep your head up and keep going. You have lost 26lbs and that is awesome.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I have a neighbor (not the slimmest chick) who sits on her balcony and stares at me in the pool while I swim. She never sez hello or even smiles as we pass each other on the road. I want to punch her so hard.

    The other day at the Walmart I parked in the last space as far from the door as I could get. As I was leaving, this old man (dust old, like 90) shouted out to me, "good job with the walking, fatty" I got so pissed and then burst out laughing. Some things are just so absurd that they are funny,
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    Tell them to kick rocks.....remeber the can't fix the ugly in them
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I've had the similar experiences and I'm a bloke. I've found most people don't care at all when I am out running but I have bumpted into one or two idiots. My solution is to just ignore them (in my head as much sa out loud). They are small minded quite stupid individuals who don't see people as people. I factor this out by thinking why on earth would I be remotely intrested in the crap they think or say. They don't know me, they don't know what is going on in my head and what I am doing. What is wrong is not my extra weight but the crap they are thinking and spewing out of their mouths. Its difficult but rememeber it is they who have a serious personality defect and that there is nothing at all wrong with you. you are a better person than they are so don't let thier emotional sickeness affect you. Its easy to let it trigger negaive thoughts but when it does I deliberly try and sensor what I'm thinking and think about something else - very soon any bad feeling will be over - what will be left is slightly fitter you and a bunch of idiots who haven't impoved themselves at all.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    So, what is it about people that make us hard wired to try and hurt each other? Why do perfect strangers have to be so hurtful? You always see people post here (and say it in real life) don't be worried that others are watching @ the gym, park, etc. They're not worried about you or what you're doing. This is so not true. A girlfriend and I have been walking at a local part together. The other day we decided to get ambitious and we actually managed to run up most of the hills. So, the next day, I went walking alone and went to a different local park (the one I normally go to when I'm alone). I decided to try and run some of this trail due to it being flat, I figured, if I ran uphill, I should be able to run longer on a flat surface. I forgot my headphones this day so I didn't have music blasting like I usually do when I'm alone. I was the only one on the trail that day (it circles a lake). So, as I'm running, I hear someone yell out., "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that fat girl trying to run?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHA". And, then, several people burst out laughing. Needless to say, that about killed me emotionally.

    Something like that could derail someone's journey completely. I did go walking the next day (Tuesday) and again yesterday. (Not Wed because I worked a double shift at work) but, I have a feeling going back to that park, alone, is going to be difficult. Has anyone else had something like this happen to them? I know, be strong, don't let the haters get you down, etc. but, as most of you will be able to agree with, this is hard enough on it's own, why the F do people, and I use this term loosely, have to try and make it more difficult? Today's weigh in day for's hoping the scale moves in the correct direction...if it doesn't, after this, I'm going to be very extremely upset.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    This is when you keep going to that park and show those *kitten* holes who's boss. They can watch you get healthy, while they sit and do nothing. Oh, and I would of yelled, At least this "fat" girl can run!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I have a neighbor (not the slimmest chick) who sits on her balcony and stares at me in the pool while I swim. She never sez hello or even smiles as we pass each other on the road. I want to punch her so hard.

    The other day at the Walmart I parked in the last space as far from the door as I could get. As I was leaving, this old man (dust old, like 90) shouted out to me, "good job with the walking, fatty" I got so pissed and then burst out laughing. Some things are just so absurd that they are funny,

    haha I think I would have had to reply Thanks Grandpa!
  • Nina1007
    I'm sorry you had to endure that. It was probably some punk *kitten* teenager who doesn't even have respect for his own mother. You know you're doing something wonderful for your body and you need to keep persevering. There are people like that jerk everywhere and we have to be stronger then that. Don't let these people hurt you. This journey is not only about making our bodies stronger but about making our minds stronger as well. Although we shouldn't have to deal with *kitten* like them, they're out there waiting to destroy us. We have to be stronger then them. Also, he's probably dealing with issues of his own considering he's such a disrespectful, immature *kitten*. Stay strong and keep going. You're doing wonderful!
  • Iceman1800
    One thing to always keep in mind. Have you ever met a truly happy person that was mean to others? Probably not so most likely thiswas a person trying to deflect from their own miserable life. Enjoy your run in the park today :)
  • 1sophiesophie
    1sophiesophie Posts: 67 Member
    The other day at the Walmart I parked in the last space as far from the door as I could get. As I was leaving, this old man (dust old, like 90) shouted out to me, "good job with the walking, fatty" I got so pissed and then burst out laughing. Some things are just so absurd that they are funny,

    Bravo. I agree - this is hilarious. People are SO odd sometimes, you just have to laugh.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Some people are jerks. You can lose weight they will always be jerks. Do this for you and don't let imbeciles derail you. You and your health and fitness are worth more than some fool in a park.
    Yes! And people like this would have yelled at someone else for being too skinny, too tall, too short, too bald, too ugly, whatever. It just so happens you were the one they saw and they chose your weight as the trait to insult.

    You are taking control over your health and to hand that control over to anyone else just doesn't make sense. (Imagine saying to a loved one, "Sorry, I'm sick from weight-related problems, but there was this idiot who yelled at me when I was out running.")
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I have a neighbor (not the slimmest chick) who sits on her balcony and stares at me in the pool while I swim. She never sez hello or even smiles as we pass each other on the road. I want to punch her so hard.

    The other day at the Walmart I parked in the last space as far from the door as I could get. As I was leaving, this old man (dust old, like 90) shouted out to me, "good job with the walking, fatty" I got so pissed and then burst out laughing. Some things are just so absurd that they are funny,

    haha I think I would have had to reply Thanks Grandpa!
    I did say something like that.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    I know how you feel. I got derailed for 2 weeks when we got new uniforms at work and BOTH my manager AND my boss were like "omg, I cant believe that size fits alanna AND you! That's crazy"

    Unfortunately it wasnt in the "wow meg, youve lost so much weight" kind of way it was in a "but you look so much bigger than her" kind of way.
  • DannyB4
    DannyB4 Posts: 14 Member
    This week was the first time I went to a park and walked for exercise. I was surprised at all of the hello's and kind words of encouragement as people passed me by. I hope you have had a similar experience. It is hard, but focus on the support given to you by those type of people and of the kind strangers you find here on MFP.

    I liked what melindadunsto said above, "I had to ask myself: who am I do this for them or me? "

    You have had success with what you have already tried. Remember that and continue with your head held high.