So much for people NOT watching.



  • revlbs
    Best quote ever...don't listen to the critic.. keep daring greatly!
    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; . . . who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” —Theodore Roosevelt
  • tequilasunris3
    Truth is if they weren't laughing at your weight, they would probably be laughing at your hair or your shoes. There's no fixing people like that. Just let them get on with it :)
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    you are NOT alone! i have had incidents (plural!) of being called fat *kitten* and one time a guy hung out the window and mooed at me. You can't help peoples ignorance :(
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    Hopefully the @ss that said that never has to deal with what you are dealing with. but I feel karma will make her way around one way or another.

    You are DOING SOMETHING about your weight and that is AWESOME-period and no one can take that from you.

    Next time ( if you ever have that happen again) Hold your arm high, Flip the middle bird and keep on running!
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Man this sucks.
    I walk past a museum everyday where I walk on my lunch breaks. All the adults are awesome, either they are just doing their own things or just say hi.
    The school groups are murder. Guaranteed the group of kids sitting on the grass will always say 'Hey look at the fat lady' followed by evil giggles.
    If they were my kids they would be punished for a very long time. Thankfully my step kids wouldn't dare.

    I'm glad the adults are nice and realise that losing weight doesn't happen just because you walked once and ate a salad instead of a pizza.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    99% of people are not like that, but obviously there are going to be a few creeps. Keep doing what you're doing. If I saw you, I would probably notice, but I would think, "Good for her!" and keep my mouth shut. Unless I knew you or saw you a lot and then I might say something nice.

    This exactly.

    I know that it is hard to be proud, especially when people are cruel. I know it hurts to get dressed, wondering what they'll say. I get up every morning and have to force myself out of bed because all I can see is the girl I was before I started all of this. It sucks and it's rough, but just keep going. It will make you feel better if you're proactive. If you sit around, chances are you'll just hear those words over and over again in your head. He already got to you once, don't let him keep you forever.

    He doesn't deserve you.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    The best revenge is to just do it.....if you quit, if you do not go back there.....they won.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    You will lose weight. They will continue to be stupid.
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    Making comments like that to cover their own insecurities and "impress" others. People who need to belittle others to do this are not worth allowing them to get to you. By everything you are doing, you will achieve your goals, they will always be the idiot they are. Focus on that.

  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    I'm sorry you that happened to you. There are people out there who like to bring other people down to distract them from their own issues. Please don't let it stop you from improving yourself. Don't let some stranger's "assholish" comments derail your journey. While you're getting healthier by the day, that person is probably still being a miserable person-their nasty comments are not a reflection of you, but of them, and only them.
  • SlimsLiftingMoreThanLipstick
    Other peoples comments can get in your head, but only if you let it! Remember you were the one running while they were only running their mouths! Just keep going! I cannot tell you haw many times I've had hecklers around my neighborhood yell "Run Forest, Run" Once, I yelled back "Stupid is as stupid does!"
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I know hearing that hurt. Others here have already given you good advice about immaturity, etc. I just want to tell you that the older I get, the more I see that Karma really is a b*tch. The old saying: What goes around, comes around? It really is true. Those folks that laughed at you? They will get some form of retribution in time. I know that doesn't take away the hurt now, but keep doing what you're doing and that other old adage will be yours:

    "Living well is the best revenge."
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Keep doing your best, and then when you've reached your goals you can be like "LOOK AT ME NOW" :wink:
  • heididjordan
    heididjordan Posts: 5 Member
    sorry that happened to you. people are so cruel. dont let it get you down. hold your head up high and keep going. uuggghhhh!!! That makes me so angry.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Lots of great support here! Just goes to show most of us at some time have had to suffer unwarented abuse at the hands of a stranger.

    One of the things that really helps me is to write down any bad experiences and to write down how I felt ie 'I feel that no-one loves me' and then rationalize it out by writing things like 'thats no true my partner/family/friends love me' and as many reasons why it's not true as I can think of. You have to write it down as soon as you can after you had the thought and it takes a while to get into the habit but long term this approach has really helped me feel better about myself.

    If your interested in running, see if you can find a local running club where you can run in a group. People are more reluctant to say things when your with others (cowards) and the group will be able to help you build up your running and teach you techniques to use. When I started running in Dec 2010, I couldn't run a quater of a mile. I stuck with running with my group and in March 2012 I ran my first half marathon.
  • heididjordan
    heididjordan Posts: 5 Member
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm sorry you had to endure that. It was probably some punk *kitten* teenager who doesn't even have respect for his own mother. You know you're doing something wonderful for your body and you need to keep persevering. There are people like that jerk everywhere and we have to be stronger then that. Don't let these people hurt you. This journey is not only about making our bodies stronger but about making our minds stronger as well. Although we shouldn't have to deal with *kitten* like them, they're out there waiting to destroy us. We have to be stronger then them. Also, he's probably dealing with issues of his own considering he's such a disrespectful, immature *kitten*. Stay strong and keep going. You're doing wonderful!

  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    People suck. Simple as that. But you have got to remember for every bad person out there, there is a good one. Dont ever let them take your power from you. If it happens again, confront them. Ask why would they do that? If they are mean to you even after that... Id tell them. "well at least I can fix fat by running, You however will need a lot of money to fix that face". Man... I'm mean haha. If you want to take a kinder "high road approach" Id say something like, "well at least I'm a good person, all I have to do is fix is the outside of me, you however will need a years of therapy to fix your cold bitter heart".
  • morah29
    morah29 Posts: 107
    people these days don't care for other peoples feelings... it's sad... I live in a small town.. (there is no store, bank, post office ect) and you pretty much know everyone here.... and I walk a ton alone.. or with my kids... I've had ONE person make a rude comment... it was someone who is not local.... and that ONE comment hurt.... someone I didn't know Judging me... people are hateful.... but you are doing great... take that hateful thing they say and remember it every time you want to give up... prove you can do this... and if you need another friend on here... go ahead and add me!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I'd go back to that park and keep running. They win if you don't go back.

    Some people are just so insecure with themselves that they tend to pick on others to build up their self-esteem. By shining a bright light on your short comings, they're just trying to hid theirs in the shadows.