

  • Overnight oatmeal. You can eat them cold or hot. Awesome and so good for you!
  • I am currently on a 1200 cal diet and no I dont eat rabbit food, and no Im not hungry. I dont judge anyone out there and how they chose to do their diets. I dont know whats going on in anyone elses life, as well as noone knows anythnig about mine. So if someone wants to be too quick to judge and delete me as a friend, then…
  • Goodwill is the greatest, I went from an 18 down to a 10 now, and still have a ways to go. I love being able to buy clothes for a low price and not feel guilty and recycle my others. Good luck and happy clothes hunting!:happy:
  • Hello Amber My name is Robbin,43yrs and Iam retired from the AirForce and am currently waiting on a consult with a neurosurgeon for my neck. I have been waiting for 4yrs between different VA facilities between GA and ID to get a couple of my disc replaced. Its gotten so bad in the last cople of months that I take so much…
  • I think friends are coaches and cheerleaders. Feel free to add me, Im 43 and always looking for supportive friends!:happy:
  • I absolutely ove the overnight oatmeals. I use this site- I change some of the recipes to my tastes, but they are so delish! hope you try them out and enjoy!
  • I feel your pain. Alot of people out there have someone in their life that is a little less than supportive. There could be many reasons of rationality behind it,but the important thing is that you need to stick t your guns. You are doing this for yourself. Dont let your mom sabatoge you. Its gonna get to you at times, but…
  • Welcome Jimmy, u can add me too as a friend if u would like, the more the merrier! I am on everyday and enjoy having people to chat with during our weightloss journey!
    in Newbie Comment by cuffs_r August 2012
  • Cauliflour sauted with olive oil and eliphant garlic! Yum! Or Brussel sprouts pan fried with mushrooms with a small amount of canola oil, sea salt and white pepper
    in vegetables! Comment by cuffs_r July 2012
  • I had the same prbem, I bought mens boxer briefs. They spandex style work the best. You can also use the Monkey butt powder for women, sold at walmart. It helps alot too. I wish you the best!
  • Ur more than welcome to look at mine! I think any pound gone is a success! :happy:
  • Well Im 43 retired military mother of a 21 yr old, who is on meds like beta blockers and anti seizer meds and also am waiting on a disc replacement in my neck so I cant work out. I just basically watch what I eat and do alot of pool time. i have an extreme positive attitude. I love life and most of the time dont know the…
  • Grilled kobobs made with either lean sirloin or pork loin marinated with soy sauce, garlic, honey. Marinate for atleast 4hrs and add ur veggies onions, mushrooms, peppers. I like to grill peaches and pinapple also depending if it pork or steak.
  • Wow thats awesome!:happy:
  • Thanks for sharing, very interesting read!
  • Beautiful, congrats! :happy:
  • Born in Mass, raised in Vermont and retired from the Air Force and now live in Georgia!
  • Hey Ann, My name Is Robbin, I grew up in Vermont. I now live in Georgia, but would ove to be friends and help each other through our journeys!
  • Ouch! Easy people! Medically speaking!
  • 5'6" 1/2 weigh 189lbs size 14 loose soon 12, large frame hour glass shape, wear lg shirts goal weight 150
  • Its a known fact that if you avoid these cravings or desires, one will eventally fall victim to them. You shouldnt be afraid to have them in moderation, like stated in another post, buy the kid snacks, or 100 cal portions. I personally love skinny cow ice cream sandwhiches. I also will take my crackers or chips and…
  • :happy: Thats fantastic! Great job!
  • Sent u a friend request!:smile:
  • Definately Sara Lee
  • Definately wont be any true redhead left in the near future. Scientist found out that the gene is dying out. How sad!
    in Gingers!!! Comment by cuffs_r July 2012
  • Welce aboard! This site is amazing! Ther are so many wonderful people out there with so much support! My name is Robbin and I am looking to lose at least 40 more pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to help motivate you along your journey! :happy:
    in new gere Comment by cuffs_r July 2012
  • I quit cold turkey 3 yrs ago, I still miss it at times. My husband still smokes and it doesnt bother me too much. I feel much better and spend my money on pedis and manis now! :happy:
  • Hello Audrey Im Robbin, Im a month into my weightloss journey and would love to help inspire you on your journey. I have loss 15lbs and still need to lose around 40+. I am 43 yrs old and am retired from the Air Force and have a blown disc in my neck that should be on the way to be replaced sometime in the near future, or…
  • I would love to be added also! I am 43 yrs old and retired from the Air Force and have gained weight due to a neck injury and medication. I need to lose around 40 more pounds and could use some friends who are in the same boat!