It's So Much Easier to Not Buy than to Not Eat

I find that its much easier to just not buy something than to buy something and TRYYY not to eat it- or try to limit my portions.

Some things I don't buy anymore:
Chips- Any kind :/
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Ice Cream (for home)
Chocolate Syrup
Premade deserts
Nacho Cheese

Am I crazy? How do you cope? Do you buy and limit (succeed? Fail?)? Or are you like me and just don't even tempt yourself. I feel when I have add the extra step of going to physically seek it out... or pay for it at the register I just... Don't. What sort of things don't you buy anymore because they are your weakness?


  • terrara715
    terrara715 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm with you. I don't buy. I have no self control. I even limit visits to my parents house. They always have tons of sweets and junk food.
  • julesboots
    julesboots Posts: 311 Member
    So true!

    sunflower seeds
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Baked goods - cookies, cakes, pies, muffins, and OMG especially Brownies - are my particular weaknesses, and I have never been able to exercise much self control where those foods are concerned, so I don't keep them in the house. I do have a container of mix to make 321 cakes, which has helped me indulge in this weakness with control and moderation.

    Other types of snack foods I can keep in the house without much problem. I have dove chocolate, and ice cream, and cheese its, and chips in the kitchen now. The salty snacks are not a particular draw for me.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    That's the best way to fight the temptation. I am terrible at portion control for ice cream, crackers, pretzels, etc. If I buy it, I eat it. Therefore I do not buy it if I don't have to. I also have a personal moral code of not buying ice cream that is in the silly 1.75 and 1.5 qt packages. It should be a half gallon! Don't give me less product for the same price. It's not right. :o)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I know this is a lifestyle change for me and I have to learn to live with those foods that trigger me, so I have been buying those little bags of chips you send with your kids to school , 40 calorie fudgicles, 100 calorie portion sized foods. I love chocolate and when I started MFP I had a bag of fun sized 3 muskateers, I worked one piece (serving size was 3) into my plan per day. My philosophy is if I bite it, I write it and since I'm not on any specific "diet" plan (counting calories & carbs) I need to know what I'm eating and what I've got left to eat, so logging religiously. I use some Walden Farms products (chocolate dip, chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup) as they are no carb/no cal, no nothing, not real but I'm fine with that. Just bought a bunch of vitalicious brand stuff (brownies, mini cake and vita tops)
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I'm the same way. I know that if I buy snacks I will eventually give into temptation, especially if I'm drinking. So I just opt to not buy things that I used to. I still have a few treats though, you have to indulge once in awhile :).
  • cuffs_r
    cuffs_r Posts: 41
    Its a known fact that if you avoid these cravings or desires, one will eventally fall victim to them. You shouldnt be afraid to have them in moderation, like stated in another post, buy the kid snacks, or 100 cal portions. I personally love skinny cow ice cream sandwhiches. I also will take my crackers or chips and seperate them into snack size bags so they are portioned right and the temtation is reduced. You need to find what works for you. I wish you the best! :smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Its a known fact that if you avoid these cravings or desires, one will eventally fall victim to them. You shouldnt be afraid to have them in moderation, like stated in another post, buy the kid snacks, or 100 cal portions. I personally love skinny cow ice cream sandwhiches. I also will take my crackers or chips and seperate them into snack size bags so they are portioned right and the temtation is reduced. You need to find what works for you. I wish you the best! :smile:

    It is not a known fact. The longer you go without the crap the less your body wants it.

    No one needs to eat that crap. It is not even real food, it is industrialized food product.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Its a known fact that if you avoid these cravings or desires, one will eventally fall victim to them. You shouldnt be afraid to have them in moderation, like stated in another post, buy the kid snacks, or 100 cal portions. I personally love skinny cow ice cream sandwhiches. I also will take my crackers or chips and seperate them into snack size bags so they are portioned right and the temtation is reduced. You need to find what works for you. I wish you the best! :smile:

    Not entirely true and doesn't apply to everyone. We purposely didn't buy this stuff because it would have lead us to possibility of bingeing. In 6 months I never "fell victim" because I allowed myself a chest meal once a week that included whatever sweet I was craving for dessert. I try to explain this to many on my FL who have bingeing issues yet they try the moderation approach, the result for them is more bingeing. So for some complete removal is needed.
  • cuffs_r
    cuffs_r Posts: 41
    Ouch! Easy people! Medically speaking!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Ouch! Easy people! Medically speaking!

    Calm down, no one is bashing you. Just goes to show that it is all individual based and even the rules of medicine don't always apply and that loosely based studies don't make them facts.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Awesome to know Im not the only one- And I'm not on any specific diet either- But I won't even buy the 100 cal things or candy bars (no candy bars is bigggg) If it's 100 cals its even worse- I will eat alllll of them. (throughout the day ) Each time going it's only 100 cals. I'm not afraid to have them in moderation- and fall victim to them? That sounds like you are empowering the food. I have gone without a candy bar for 2 years. That doesn't mean they weren't offered or available... it just means I avoid them and when they are offered its easy to say no right away. The only weakness I have that I cannot resist are doughnuts... mmmm. Especially fresh ones. Good thing my favorite kind is only 190 calories for 1.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Its a known fact that if you avoid these cravings or desires, one will eventally fall victim to them. You shouldnt be afraid to have them in moderation, like stated in another post, buy the kid snacks, or 100 cal portions. I personally love skinny cow ice cream sandwhiches. I also will take my crackers or chips and seperate them into snack size bags so they are portioned right and the temtation is reduced. You need to find what works for you. I wish you the best! :smile:

    Not entirely true and doesn't apply to everyone. We purposely didn't buy this stuff because it would have lead us to possibility of bingeing. In 6 months I never "fell victim" because I allowed myself a chest meal once a week that included whatever sweet I was craving for dessert. I try to explain this to many on my FL who have bingeing issues yet they try the moderation approach, the result for them is more bingeing. So for some complete removal is needed.
    ^^ This. Exactly.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Ouch! Easy people! Medically speaking!
    Medically? Confused-- Are you referring to the giving into temptation being Medical? Because that's not even... possible? Cravings are psychological normally-- And if something is available yes you will most likely give into it--- Thats why I posted about what people gave up buying. So you are on the same page as us- but it's hardly medically proven that you will eat all the crap you avoid lol. Thanks for posting!
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    I know it's more expensive but if I want something sweet I'll get a 6 pack of oreos, or the single serve ice creams, or a slice of cake. So if I eat it all I don't feel as guilty.
  • llstacy
    llstacy Posts: 91 Member
    I don't buy or eat them anymore. I'd eat my portion of whatever the junk carb of the day was and then I couldn't stop eating so even though I wouldn't eat any more junk food I'd still be eating too much good food. Too much food is too much food. It's like I'm physically unable to eat that stuff in moderation so I do much better not eating it at all rather than set myself up for failure.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I have amazed myself by not actually wanting much of the things I used to love and crave, especially chocolate. My husband can't believe I rarely touch it anymore. Having 3 kids isn't an option not to buy any of these things, they all eat healthy home cooked meals so a small amount of these things we don't mind them having....and if I do want some it's there lol!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    There's no way I can avoid temptation foods. Even if I don't have them in my house, they will be everywhere I go (shopping, parties, out for a walk, etc.). I'd prefer to learn self-control than make my friends and my husband change their eating habits. Yes, I eat from the "naughty" food list daily, though I limit myself to 2 cookies or one Jos Louis 100 cal bar or 30g of chips.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    CHIPS. Chips are and always will be my weakness.

    I am totally an "everything in moderation" type of gal and I have no problem treating myself to some junk food every now and then...but I know I can't control myself when it comes to chips, so it's the only thing I have completely cut out.

    Now I want some Doritos. Lol. ;)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Love this post!! I am the same way, I don't buy it so I don't eat it. That's not to say I don't go for a treat, but it's usually when I got to someone elses house for a special dinner or maybe out to a restaurant. Then it's guilt free because 90 some % or whatever, of the time, I am eating right and it doesn't effect my progress. What I do notice is I only want a little bit because my body is starting to like the taste of healthy foods! I never want to go to someone's gathering though and say "sorry, I'm on a diet" . Hopefully, they will just see a firm bod and wonder how I get away with eating pie at their party;) Then I get to share MFP!! Open that door and I will grab the opportunity :laugh:
    I find that its much easier to just not buy something than to buy something and TRYYY not to eat it- or try to limit my portions.

    Some things I don't buy anymore:
    Chips- Any kind :/
    Ice Cream Sandwiches
    Ice Cream (for home)
    Chocolate Syrup
    Premade deserts
    Nacho Cheese

    Am I crazy? How do you cope? Do you buy and limit (succeed? Fail?)? Or are you like me and just don't even tempt yourself. I feel when I have add the extra step of going to physically seek it out... or pay for it at the register I just... Don't. What sort of things don't you buy anymore because they are your weakness?