Gonzaln2 Member


  • This just made next week's menu! THANKS!
  • Thought of acupuncture?
  • In the past month I've gained 7lbs of lean muscle by eating a 1:1 ratio of protein and lean body mass (LBM). I also eat lots of healthy fats with low amount carbs. I lift heavy 3 days out of the week, like olympic lifting. I've recently dropped the ratio to .7g:1lb LBM to help lose the fat after the gain.
  • It may be more related to how your foot strikes the ground which is causing the pain... Which ultimately is back to your shoe and running style. What my trainers say to sit down, lay out a towel on the ground and bunch the towel up with your toes. It seems ridiculous, but its very helpful. Try doing this before and after…
  • Spaghetti Squash has the tendency to be on the sweeter side. I personally like mine with tomato sauce, roasted garlic and a spicy protein... like spicy itallian chicken sausage.
  • I used to use a HRM when I was going to the gym.... After seeing a cardiologist b/c the HRM gave me a scary number I threw it away... The cardiologist said gauge more on how you feel than what the number says... If you dont have any health issues you don't really need one. (IMO) If you bought it to make sure you stay in…
  • I do the general rule of thumb weight loss calculation..... Take your ideal healthy weight (depending on legit body fat percentages) .... multiply by 10... and BAM there's your calorie intake.
  • Don't skimp on the protein.... sacrifice carbs. Your muscles will thank you! (imo)
  • Woo!!! You can do it! Betty Page is an amazing visual to have for a goal. Dangerous curves are in your future!!! =)
  • Have you gotten lab work done to check your thyroid, blood sugar, etc? Maybe you need to rotate your workout routine. I rotate mine every three months so my muscles don't get used to the same movements.
  • Go somewhere that someone can do pinches on you and calculate your BMI. I had the same problem, my weight went down but I wasn't losing inches. I went to my 24hr fitness and got a trainer to pinch my fat and I lost a good amount of body fat. The trainer pinched me, weighed me and then measured me for an accurate reading.…
  • Anything that makes me feel strong and empowered! For weight lifting I listen to a lot of alternative rock (Deftones, Chevelle, Crossfade, Flyleaf, Limp Bizkit, etc) and some hip hop (Ludacris and Eminem). It makes my lifts feel more solid and purposeful. For Cardio, I tune into anything with a constant steady beat like…