misspenfold Member


  • I had mine out in an emergency surgery in May this year (keyhole). Even then, just as others have said; though the pain of recovery isn't pleasant it's nothing compared to an attack! My abdomen was really sore and I was taking ibroprofen and paracetomol for about 5 days after the op. I wasn't able to lift anything heavy…
  • There aren't enough crying emoticons to express my feelings about this. :sad: I was sad to see Nine go, relieved when Ten went, but I LOVE Eleven, I don't want to lose him. :sad:
  • I can't watch the video as my computer is rubbish but I do believe that's a reference to Spaceballs! In which case YOU are awesome. :drinker:
  • I used to watch it with my dad when I was a nipper (like 5 or 6). Don't remember any of the storylines, but I do remember McCoy as the Doctor and Ace, who I thought was brill! I've never gone back to watch it because, well in all honesty I've heard/read it was a bit rubbish really, and I'm afraid if I watched either mccoy…
  • Cool idea! I'm not sure if I want to lose another 50 - so I might be a bit unconventional and say I'll lose 40 for the 50th?!
  • I got spoiled over at digitalspy (can't remember the topic name), though a lot of people said that what was purported to be spoilers from someone who'd seen the episode is the same as stuff that had been around for about a month or so.
  • I'm sure you're right. It's just... his hair was so beautiful. :cry: Okay. I'm over it. I'm okay.
  • I've not been too fussed about 7b to be honest. I didn't like Victorian Clara in the christmas special, but everyone seemed to love her online so I told myself to give her more time, but apart from the Ice Warrior episode - where she actually seemed phased/freaked out/scared by what she was seeing - she really hasn't grown…
  • The hair! :sad: :sad:
  • I've quietly been lurking my way along this journey (starting at bag end back in September), but yesterday I made it to Rivendell and it's inspired me to post that I am now 3.9miles on my journey to Lothlorien!
  • I'm also signed up for the Yorkshire one, but am doing it on the 7th. It'll be my first event like that and I'm a delightful mixture of terrified and completely buzzed about it.
  • Happy Birthday to Matt! :drinker:
  • You're awesome. Randy's awesome. We're all awesome. Except for Bono; he's crap.
  • Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven. :bigsmile:
  • Not sure how much I should say here in case of spoiling things for those who haven't seen it yet. I guess if you don't want to be spoiled you wouldn't be in this thread though? Anyway, I hated and loved Rory's on-screen end in equal measure. Hated because after all he's been through: POOF! and he's gone. Loved because it…
  • Agh! I'm excited.. but also rather scared because I am going to miss Roranicus Pondicus and I don't want him to die. Again. Edit: not that I'm saying he is going to die. Nothing spoilerific here. I just hope he doesn't.
  • I love Matt! I remember watching classic Who as a kid (Slyvester Mccoy and Ace were my era), and I had a fair interest in Nu-Who when it relaunched, but was never really taken to it until Matt and my beloved Eleven came along. I think he adds such an infectious energy to every episode, every scene! I like the allusion to…
  • I enjoyed it a lot. I'm not usually a fan of the dalek episodes but the whole asylum angle added something extra. Loved Rory and the "eggs...stir...min...eight!" (but then I love Rory!). I didn't quite understand the point of having Amy and Rory divorcing, especially as it was resolved so quickly. I mean, they could have…
    in s7 Comment by misspenfold September 2012
  • But the world series still gets shown. There is still an audience for it. I know the paralympics would not be on the same level as the world series over there, but I think that supports my point. A tv channel wouldn't say "we're not going to bother airing the baseball this year because its up against NFL" - likewise the…
  • Without getting drawn into the America bashing argument; the soccer season has started here as the college/NFL has over there, so I don't think its fair to compare the national US leagues to an international competition like the euro finals (forgive me if I've misunderstood the point). Plus PLENTY of sports fans over here…
  • Excellent point! I am sure I read that NBC thought the Olympics would be poorly watched in the US this year too (maybe because of the time difference), and it ended up being one of the most watched ever! Some times you - that is, the networks - have got to be brave and go for it. That's what the commercial channel in the…
  • Hi I'm Emily. I'm generally going to be a lurker but I thought it's only polite to introduce myself. I used to be obsessed with football as a kid, and played as a goalie until I was about 22. Unfortunately life ended up getting in the way of that (and other things). One of my fitness goals now is to be fit enough to…
  • Princess Bride is enough to get me to de-lurk! It was the book my father read to me when I was sick, and I used to read it to your father, and now I'm going to read it to you.