fattyfoodie Member


  • I love meal planning! I usually plan a week at a time on Thursday, after the flyers come out- not sure how it is where you live, but all the sales start on Friday here, so once I know what the deals are for the week, I plan. I also try to plan meals that use similar ingredients, for example if I am buying something that I…
  • I don't drink a lot of pop, but when I do it's always a Coke Zero. As someone else mentioned, sometimes it prevents stuffing calorically dense, nutritionally void foods into my pie hole in large quantities. If I need something sweet tasting I will have an icy cold Coke Zero and that helps me stay on track. Everything in…
  • I have an end date in mind, basically I chose it based on a 0.5 pound loss per week. Mind you, my average weekly loss is closer to 1 pound averaged over time, so as of right now I am quite ahead of my target. However I do realize that as I progress my fat loss is likely to slow down so that is why I chose that target date.…
  • Does it fit in your calorie goal for the day? If so, eat the eggs!
    in Greedy?? Comment by fattyfoodie May 2013
  • It depends on whether I want real chocolate (Green and Black's 85%) or candy (M&M's). I have a square of chocolate or a few M&M's, count them, and enjoy!
  • Thanks for making that important distinction between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease! In my husband's case, he is not a true celiac, he just fares better when we eliminate wheat based gluten. I mostly just buy them when he "needs" some bread, which is pretty rare, but sometimes he just wants a sandwich!
  • Hiya, my husband is sensitive to gluten and I look to some paleo websites for inspiration because their recipes are inherently gluten free. paleomg.com and nonnonpaleo.com are great! Also check the health foods section of your supermarket, there are some great GF foods now... I personally love spelt bread.
  • Disclaimer: I do not eat Paleo, but I do like the high protein, low carb aspect of the recipes, they suit diabetic fairly well. http://paleomg.com/leftovers-curry-meatballs/ Stop whatever you are doing because it cannot possibly be as important as making these meatballs and eating them.
  • +1 for the effects on heartburn. I too use the kind with "mother" and have had significant improvement in my symptoms.
  • I'm angry because it snowed yesterday. Seriously? It's the MIDDLE OF MAY. Old Man Winter can bite my big bum.
  • Hi Crystal, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. I am a mother of two boys, both from diabetic pregnancies. I had my first child, a boy, in 2007. During my pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. He was born very healthy and is still very healthy, though we do have him tested annually…
  • Congratulations! It's so great to see people who have done it, it really inspired me to keep going.
  • +1 Don't need to read any further.
  • What about Greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs (pre-peeled, of course) or cottage cheese?
  • Last night was 5.7 or 102.
  • For a 5000 calorie day? No problem, that used to be my average. Breakfast: eggs Benedict, fruit salad, a couple of Mimosas. Lunch: all the sushi. And a couple of Sapporos. Dinner: A steak the size of my head, Cesar salad, baked potato, and a bottle of Pinot Noir. Cheesecake for dessert.
  • Thank you for sharing this. Happy birthday to your miracle baby, and best of luck to you.
  • I was recently tested for the gene. I am 34. If my results are similar to Angelina's I will be having a preventative double mastectomy as well. I really applaud her for coming out about this. It's an uncomfortable idea, and most people don't understand. I hope that her story will help raise awareness.
  • Hiya- it depends a little on your dose and some other factors but generally speaking it takes about a week for Metformin to completely leave your system. I am a fairly recently diagnosed T2 and have been on insulin because I am nursing. Am now weaning to Metformin. A1C 5.4 (first time below 6) on 60 units NPH at bedtime.…
  • It varies from week to week, but in general: Proteins: Eggs Chicken breasts Chicken thighs Ground lamb Ground pork Steak Veggies: Broccoli Spinach Tomato Avocado Sweet potatoes Cucumbers Carrots String beans Fruits: Lemons Limes Bananas Apples Berries Melon Other: Truffle oil Marinated mushrooms Greek yogurt Almond milk…
  • Nuts or seeds are great, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese.
  • Respectfully, I think the OP has made it clear that in the past she has "dieted" and had great success losing weight, and then gaining it back. For long terms sustainable weight loss, many of us choose not to restrict "bad" foods. We choose moderation. We choose lifestyle change over diet. You can cheat a diet, you can't…
  • I love pizza. We eat pizza every Friday night. I either make it myself or we get it from the local AVPN certified pizzaria. So delicious. Margherita and the Funghi Selvaggi (roasted garlic, fresh mozza, oregano, assorted mushrooms, truffle oil).... perfection. Food are not inherently "bad" or "good." Sure, there are…
  • I agree 100%. Most docs are promoting BG levels that are still far, far too high. My doc wants my A1C in the 5-6 range (last result 5.4) and wants me at fasting 4.- (sorry I don't know the us measurements) and PP sub 7.2, or essentially in the non-diabetic range. I eat low carb (80 g/day which is still not as low as some…
  • Invest in a steamer. A half cup of non-fat milk is about 45 calories. The steaming makes the milk much, much creamier.
  • I was on metformin during my pregnancy and started with 500mg and gradually increasing to 2000 mg daily. I did not experience any side effects at all.
  • +1. I was like "Why, for the love of GOD would you not want to poop for days on end????" Having reread though I think this is a great strategy- I struggled to cut it out.
  • I had a diastasis recti after my first. I actually saw a physiotherapist who gave me some exercises to do to try and strengthen and repair my core. Definite improvement over time, but never back to pre-baby.