QUIET snacks

Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
I work in a small office. Any obnoxious crunching and munching drives people crazy (doesn't help to try to chew quietly, the walls are all glass and there is an open area...every noise travels). Is there such a thing as a quiet healthy snack? Whenever I bring raw veggies, nuts or apples I feel bad, because it's all anyone can hear, lol. There's yogurt I suppose. I am trying to stay away from cheese. Ideas?


  • Vehicon
    Vehicon Posts: 22
    Some kind of berry might not be too bad since they tend to be rather soft. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries maybe? Cherry tomatoes are quite good, too.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Peanut butter sandwich
    Any other type of sandwich, really, with no crunchy things added: Chicken salad, turkey, ham, BLT, etc.
    Eggs - boiled/scrambled/however
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Chicken. Seriously. I know nomming on chicken as a snack sounds nuts. Follow me here:

    Grill several boneless chicken breasts (season how you like) and cut them in to bite-sized pieces. Divide each chicken breast into 2 (two) portions and put it in a zip-lock. Now you have a 2-3oz(ish) high protein snack that doesn't sound like a rock crusher.
  • esballet
    esballet Posts: 51 Member
    Berries are a good idea. There's also unsweetened applesauce, no sugar added fruit cups or dried fruit.
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    What about Greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs (pre-peeled, of course) or cottage cheese?
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Are nuts really that loud? I snack on cashews daily but only bring about 20 cashews in so I eat them fast.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Lara bars. It's just nuts and dried fruit but they're not crunchy. You can even make them yourself using a food processor.
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    Wish my cubicle co-workers were even half as concerned about this as you are...
  • SunshineCharm
    I would do a banana with reduced calorie peanut butter for a snack. You also have turkey links, hard boiled eggs, pouches of tuna, etc etc Remember, your body has to burn through sugar to get to fat. I know sugar is broken down differently in fruit; however, nonetheless, it is a content of sugar. I recommend most women avoid fruit after around 2pm.
  • GatorGirl0890
    GatorGirl0890 Posts: 41 Member
    Lara bars. It's just nuts and dried fruit but they're not crunchy. You can even make them yourself using a food processor.

    I second this. Larabars are amazing.
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    I LOVE the chicken idea someone suggested. You can also drink your snack. Some pre-made smoothies that need little to no refrigeration would be a great idea.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Are nuts really that loud? I snack on cashews daily but only bring about 20 cashews in so I eat them fast.

    That's what I was thinking, but I eat roasted almonds. OP, do you tend to chew with your mouth open? That exacerbates chewing noises so close it if you do.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Lots of great suggestions. Anything that you would regularly eat can be portioned down to a snack size. I like oatmeal, and cottage cheese, dried fruits, hard boiled eggs, even bacon I make ahead of time.
  • Brandilynnrose
    Hummus with whole grain pita

    Granola bars

    Banana, strawberries, melon, mango, kiwi (etc...there are tons of softer fruits)

  • Vehicon
    Vehicon Posts: 22
    Are nuts really that loud? I snack on cashews daily but only bring about 20 cashews in so I eat them fast.

    That's what I was thinking, but I eat roasted almonds. OP, do you tend to chew with your mouth open? That exacerbates chewing noises so close it if you do.

    Especially if you make smacking noises with your mouth - that certainly doesn't help.
  • nminden
    nminden Posts: 55 Member
    You can suck the nuts ( I can't think of a better way to say this - sorry! :) )Seriously though - I did it a retreat once - one nut at a time. It gets very soft and lasts forever. Very Very Zen!
  • anarjackson
    anarjackson Posts: 79 Member
    String cheese, hummus with not so crunchy veggies, unsweetened apple sauce, strawberries, banana with low fat peanut butter.
  • karenb3336
    karenb3336 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried berries? There must be a kitchen area of some kind there. You could bring a small blender and make a smoothie with mixed berries, almond milk, and protein powder.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    People really complain about crunchy snacks, really? Over sensitive people
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Are nuts really that loud? I snack on cashews daily but only bring about 20 cashews in so I eat them fast.

    That's what I was thinking, but I eat roasted almonds. OP, do you tend to chew with your mouth open? That exacerbates chewing noises so close it if you do.

    I don't tihnk it's an issue, that's just how life is... but if this is the hill you want to die on. Dates. Mushy, quiet. Same with mashed potatoes, bread soaked in milk, and baby food.

    The chicken is a good idea, a 4oz grilled chicken breast is about 240 calories, which makes it a great snack.