MrsSchimmy Member


  • I'm just jumping in as another person with BED. I have not been formally diagnosed but my self-diagnosis has always been spot on. (I've always been able to walk into a doctor's office and tell them EXACTLY what's going on and where). Does anyone have the added trial of being a perfectionist? Or having an All-Or-Nothing…
  • Welcome! How tall are you? Do you have a good arsenal of workout DVDs? Or follow some good workout Vlogs on YouTube? Those will be a game changer for you. I'm not a stay at home mom but I've got 3 little ones and when I don't have time to get to the gym, DVDs or Blogilates (YouTube) are what I go to ;)
  • Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting? That helps control my late night snacking by allowing myself to only eat in an 8 hour window. Diet is key. It always is. It's also the hardest part. I started out a cardio bunny and lost a bunch of weight but didn't get the body I wanted. Then I started lifting and now pay more…
  • I, too, follow some of what @YellowApple666 plan. I try to eat a TON of veggies and low cal snacks while I PMS. I really don't pay much attention to macros during that time, just calorie intake. I never had a problem with PMS until I had my 3rd baby, though. I've since gotten my hormones checked and am in the process of…
  • Oh man... LOVE Tahoe! In fact, I will be there over the Labor Day holiday for our annual family vacation. I can't wait to be there again! <3
  • I've found that eating whatever I want in moderation helps. Also, I only get the urge to binge when I am being too restrictive with my calories. Slowing your weight loss goal when you are that close is key and don't deprive yourself. I don't keep the "trigger" foods in my house but it's not hard to control if I stop about…
  • I think age and/or hormones might play into it. What do your macros look like? You know what they say, "Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen."
  • How often do you do "heavy cardio"? Why is your goal calories set at 1300? When I look at your profile, it says you are 24 years old. If I go based off of that, your BMR is 1400 calories. That's how many calories you should eat to maintain your current weight if you did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but breathe. Given your activity…
  • ^^ Yup! Calorie dense foods. But watch your macros as a lot of calorie dense foods also have a lot of fat and you don't want too much fat in your diet. Fat isn't bad but in BIG amounts, it is. I'm sure you already know, but you can't spot reduce body fat. I also wonder if you have a lingering ED? I see traits from mine in…
  • Are you exercising differently? Did your measurements also grow? I'm not the biggest fan of the scale. In fact, I only use it to help calm my (often loud) lingering ED. Otherwise, I'd just go off of measurements and clothing size alone. I'm currently 15 lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago, but I'm the exact same size. How?…
  • I've heard from many nutritionists and people in the fitness industry that when you are losing a lot of weight and get down close to your goal, those last 10 lbs are "vanity weight." For example, I too struggle with trying to lose 10 lbs that I gained over the course of 1.5 years. But I've realized this is because I am…
  • ^ YES! Not everything works for everyone. IF is just another method to help create a calorie deficit. Also, with IF, there are so many different versions of it! Check out the Intermittent Fasting group for a lot of good info and very knowledgeable people!
  • Have you tried just drinking water?
  • Quest bars are a protein bar... In my opinion, the BEST protein bar out there! They taste delicious and have a bunch of different flavors. Look up Quest Nutrition. Pretty good :smiley:
  • Perfection is a good dream but it's not attainable! It is okay to start over. It is okay to "mess up" every so often. It is okay. It is also okay to talk to yourself how you talk to others that you LOVE. What you think, will be what you become.
    in Pep talk Comment by MrsSchimmy July 2015
  • Water. Green Tea. Small snacks of carrots/string cheese/almonds/Quest Bar.... But I mainly do with my water and green tea :smile:
  • Hey everyone! I'm pretty active on MFP so if you share similar goals with me, let's be friends! I've been at maintenance for about 3 years now. However, in the last year I have been battling a lingering ED from my high school days BUT I am on the road to recovery! I'm only looking to lose about 10 lbs right now. I'd…
  • What is the Leptin Diet? We are the same height and 137 seems so skinny for me. I mean, I could only get there when my ED was full blown and taken over my mind... :/
  • I can relate! My weight is considered normal and because of that, I'm having a hard time cutting to rid myself of a bit of body fat. I'm not where I want to be and would like to lose 10 lbs but am having a hard time. Oh well, I go along SLOWLY. Good luck!
  • ^Yup! I did the same thing. I'm about 15 lbs heavier but still 2-3 dress sizes smaller. Make lifestyle changes. Don't go for a quick fix for the instant satisfaction. It will backfire every time. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but it will someday. I realized I have this ONE body and if I'm going to reach my goal of…
  • Yes! I think it's sad that too many young girls fall victim to the scale mindset. Myself included! I just want to show people that the number on a scale is NOT the end all-be all! Just like strength training won't make you look like a male bodybuilder. Cardio bunnies make me sad. :'(
  • I feel like I should master yoga first :D
  • I think BMI is a pack of SH** . I know SO MANY people that according to their BMI, are obese. But they are some of the most fit and not overly lean people I've ever met. They have defined arms, six packs, strong legs and killer butts. According to my BMI, I'm in the pretty high range of "Normal". Personally, I'm looking to…
  • Good for you! So many people don't understand the concept of "eating too little" when they eat at 1200 calories. OP, finding your BMR and TDEE is advice I give to everyone. Never eat below your BMR and calculate your own calories using your TDEE. TDEE takes into account how active you are and you can subtract calories for…
  • Have you ever thought about functional training? I do a combination of lift really heavy free weights and some lighter weighted functional training things. Think TRX, battle ropes, sled pull/push/ etc.
  • I feel heavy over here compared to some of your "dream weights." I'm 5'10 Current weight: 165 Goal weight: I don't really have one... I think 155 would be good. I've got down to an all time low of 142 and was skin and bones. I picked up some weights, grew a booty and good toned arms and I'm never willingly going back that…
  • How much are you trying to lose? How long has your "plateau" lasted? How much are you eating? Exercising? Doing only cardio? Strength training? So many questions!
  • I'd love to learn! I have a friend who owns her own company doing pole fitness and silks... she just got into some other stuff that I'm curious about! But, I'm the tomboy and have never been flexible or anything like that. But it is intriguing!
  • You will need to figure out what your maintenance calories are. You eat at maintenance with no deficit to maintain your weight. Find a good BMR or TDEE counter to find your maintenance. Adjust as needed. So much is trial and error... just like everything with nutrition/fitness/weight loss/etc.
  • I have low blood pressure as well. But I naturally fall into IF as I'm not ever really hungry in the mornings. Have you tried moving your eating window around? Shortening your fast? Just some ideas. But just like everything else in this world, IF isn't for everyone :smile: