AlegriaFitness Member


  • No, no no! Please, don't think that's as good as it's gunna get. You've done an amazing job losing fat so quickly...that's especially hard after just having a baby less than a year ago. Congrats! That said - I have actually had children & had my stomach much like yours. I started my fitness journey 2 years ago & now I've…
  • Butter. Unless you like plastic. :)
  • I just put it all under cardio, to be honest. I wear a heart rate monitor when I work out so I know how many calories I burn, that I don't have to search in the database. Makes things much easier. Sorry I can't be more help. Just wanted you to know you're not alone. I went in there once & thought it was way too…
  • No. I really find insecurity very unattractive. When my husband gets that way ...& they all have their moments.... it upsets me to NO end. Thankfully, it's like a man period thing where he PMS's & then moves on. Haha.
  • I don't know.....I'm 5'6 & weigh 150. I worry more about my body fat than my weight. So maybe go for whatever body fat % you want instead.
  • I definitely would NOT fake it. Look, your body does NOT KNOW HOW TO DIGEST fake **** properly! What does it do? It kind of scratches its head & says, "um, okay..i'll put that HERE" &, slowly but surely, your metabolism will get a screwy. Personally, I'd rather have something higher in calories but that my body can…
  • Hi fanipack, great default! Hehe. & yes I do. Don't get me wrng, you'll see me stumble too, but I'll log it all either way. :)
  • Hell. No. ShaneOSX beat me to it. That stuff is crap.
  • Ok, that all sounds really sucky & whatnot - & I know you can't tell your heart what to feel - but I do wonder why you're letting someone who obviously does not love you, or want you, control how you feel. Ouch. Yes. That was harsh. But you knew it already! He sounds like the kind of dude that chicks get over & he goes…