BiloxiBelle Member


  • You already know that i think you look fantastic, but holy moly you've come a long way girl!! You are AMAZING!!!!! Congrats on all you have accomplished!! :drinker:
  • So far there is nothing I hate about it! It is very fun, yet very challenging. It is harder than TF, but is 10000x more fun than Insanity.
  • In oatmeal, protein shakes/smoothies, mixed in jelly, mixed in greek yogurt...those are all the ways I've had it so far. I also get mine from
    in PB2 Comment by BiloxiBelle March 2011
  • Haha!! You're right...that's what I did! I knew I had to have done SOMETHING wrong to get 4%!!! Thanks!!
  • I don't know...this formula puts me at just above 4%. I don't think that is possible. :noway:
  • I totally relate to your situation. About 2 years ago I was about 8 lbs heavier than normal. I'm 5'5 & have pretty much easily kept between 116-122 lbs my entire adult life. All of a sudden (see profile...lots of stuff happened in my life at once) I was almost 130lbs. Clothes were tight, I was uncomfortable in my own skin.…
  • Thanks for all your thoughts on the workouts! I'm actually not looking for short workouts. I'm looking for a good, intense full body strength workout to do on the weekend. During the week, I have various short workouts & KCM & premixes, etc. But I want to really 'work it' the 2 days on the weekends. Don't know why, but S90…
  • HI EVERYONE!!! Just wanted to stop in & say hello. I also want to report that I'm in STS Meso 3 & LOVING it. I always hear people say that Meso 1 & 2 are the favorites, but if I could only buy 2 of the mesos it would be 2 & 3. I can't believe how strong I have become. I do have a question for you all. I'm going to be in…
  • Of course I'm lurking!! :laugh: Sorry I basically dropped off the face of the earth. It just became too hard to stay on top of the boards. Sometimes I can catch up on stuff on Fridays & SUndays, but not always. BUT, school is going well so far. I ended last semester with a 4.0! We have actually started clinical days at the…
  • Franklin is a great place. I'm anxiously awaiting the opening of the new Whole Foods! The new one is way closer to me than the current one out in Cool Springs area. Good luck with your goals as well!! It's a day-by-day thing...just doing my best each day to stay on track.
  • I've been in TN since about 1996 or so. Started in Memphis. But obviously by my screen name I am a Mississippi girl at heart!! My entire family is still there & that's where I call 'home'. However, I must say Franklin is a very nice place to live. No complaints from me at all! (well, except that there's no water...I sure…
  • WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou: You're the only other person I've seen on here that lives in Franklin!
  • Chalean's workouts are shorter. There are no pull ups/chin ups & way less push ups. It will work 2 or more muscles groups at once (say...squat with overhead press, lunge w/a tri kickback...). More of a 'fun feel'. P90x has pull-ups/push-ups galore & about 15-20 min longer workouts. The nutrition guide is better. You work 1…
  • Personally I think reverse crunches, planks, oblique twists, etc will TONE your abs & give abs definition just like working any other muscle. But to have flat what goes in your mouth. I'm sure you've heard it 100 times, but it is so true...'abs are made in the kitchen'.
  • This is exactly what I did & what I was going to suggest as well.
  • I love Lauren Brooks. I also really like AOS Newport, but it's pricey. It only goes on sale like 2x a year. Target has a 4 dvd pack of workouts by Sarah Lurie. It's a phenomenal deal on some great workouts. Congrats & good luck on starting your fitness journey again!! :flowerforyou:
  • Well, if you go back to my 1st round, not too much happened until about halfway through for me. I still wasn't shocked by my results at the end of the 90 days (I followed the nutrition 98% of time...only a few glasses of wine the entire time). I didn't do another round right after. I followed it with a round of Insanity.…
  • Hummmm why did I always think there was 4 glasses?? :blushing: :laugh: (guess we pour with a heavy hand over here at my house)
  • Great idea to make your own sandbag!! I would want more like just 30 pounds at most I think? I would want it more for endurance type stuff. So, did you make little bags of sand to then put inside the duffel bag? hummmmm something to think about. I live just south of Nashville. I realized I didn't say where I live!…
  • Well there's 4 glasses of wine per bottle. I have always put 120 calories per glass of wine. Sooooo if you consumed an entire bottle, I would say anywhere from 480-500 calories. Have fun!! Zin is my favorite type of wine!! :flowerforyou:
  • You will find quite a few people on here who like to use kettlebells! I actually really only use them with follow-along dvds though. I like Art of Strength Newport combines body weight w/kbells. I also like Atletica & Lauren Brooks for the same reason. I've been thinking of getting a sandbag here recently. I like…
  • I agree with everyone else who said that you look like a totally different person! Your success is AMAZING!! GREAT JOB!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Power 90!!
  • I'm not sure Rodney Yee can be classified as a random celebrity (or really any kind of celebrity)...although he has appeared on PBS & Oprah! :smile:
  • Well his newer one, 'Ultimate Power Yoga' is set up the same way....5 20-minutes practices. But don't let the 'ultimate power' scare/fool you. It's not really that much different difficulty-wise from the AM For Your Week. SO if you like the AM 4 Your Week, you'd probably also like the Ulimate Power.
  • Verda, wanna_be, & Mindy: GET WELL SOON! :flowerforyou:
  • 1/7: 55 minutes of Turbo Fire :love: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!!! & BIG CONGRATS ON REACHING YOUR GOAL!! :drinker:
  • Well now that's just brilliant!! I sure wish I would've thought of that!! :happy:
  • Just to make sure everyone knows that there are tons of people who have done quite a few Beachbody products and are not coaches. My husband & I have completed P90x, CLX, p90x+, Insanity, I'm doing Turbo Fire...& neither of us are coaches or ever plan to become coaches. We do, however, plan to buy Asylum & MC2 (the next…
  • Rodney Yee AM Yoga For Your Week. Very simple, straight-forward yoga. The dvd has 5 20-minute practices on it....very easy to fit into your day. It is now available at Target for a very reasonable price.