Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    So today was the certification exam for the Food Manager Safety course and man am I tired:yawn: Due to the switch in shifts I was having a hard time falling asleep at night, and I started my melatonin pills again so last night instead of my late night study and review my body completely shut down and I was asleep by 10pm:huh: I was the first to finish the exam:frown: which may be a negative or positive but truly the best part this week was the great instruction and the wonderful people from all over the country that I was lucky enough to meet and exchange information with this week. Afterwards we went out to a great lunch and the director from Seattle actually paid for our meal which was completely unexpected but truly appreciated. Meanwhile the group continued on to the RiverWalk and I came home and cleaned house and spent some time with my four year old:bigsmile: always a pleasure:love:

    Erika- Coffey's 30 mins TLC is on pre-order and it definitely looks great, her Upper/Lower body looks wonderful too but Tracie is a must for the next 4 weeks:laugh:

    Laurel- Yes the inner thighs are still sore but I also added some swings and one legged deadlifts with the KB after his workout. Ouchie! 35 mins is good depending on the exercises, intensity, etc..with everything else it is a balance.expenditure vs. consumption. I have been having a hard time with thinking I need 60 mins which then becomes frustration and instead of being happy with 30mins I just give the day up:blushing: . Our routines are definitely not beginner so 35mins can be effective..of course calories must be watched to account for calorie burn. Interesting this discussion because in my early twenties/military days my workout days were at least 1hr weights, a group run and then 1.5-2 hrs playing tennis with a coach:noway: now I wonder why I have so many aches and pains and a lightbulb suddenly went off while reading the posts not to mention the many medical visits hubby has been dealing with as they try to figure out how to repair his knees and telling him the scans are abnormal.

    Laurie- Sending Sun your way although our mornings are quite chilly until approx noon when it heats up to the mid-seventies. I was contemplating attempting to do an easy run with Capone in the mornings...keyword being contemplate:laugh: I'm hoping to convince hubby to do it with his new Vibram five finger shoes.

    Tami- Glad that you are enjoying the S90 dvds, maybe if I see it in one of my Walgreens I will purchase but everytime I put it in my cart online I tell myself there is something better to purchase:laugh:

    Have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Last night I got in KPC Kicking & Punching pre-mix after work along with the abs section. :wink: After Legs/Tabata in the a.m. I could feel it in the legs on the jump kicks forsure but no DOMs today so that’s good. This a.m. was STS Total Body and since we are having our one “no rain” day today I may just head home after work instead of cycling to take the kids for a walk. . . . the sun has actually shown itself today. :drinker:

    Erika: Sounds like your rest day was definitely a good idea. :smile: Good workout this a.m. too! I bet your arms/shoulders felt it throughout the day. I know for me if I am feeling shaky before the workout is over my arms feel tired throughout the day. 1 out of 10 on S90 not being in the LOVE category is a pretty good record. :bigsmile: Haven’t tried that one yet. On S90 and adding on, I think see how you feel day-by-day. I know you have mentioned before that you work harder in the 35-40 min range and that is excellent! If it works, don’t fix it. :wink: Hope you have a blast at ZUMBA tonight …. Can’t wait to hear about it! :bigsmile:

    Laurie: Very true, S90 does have abs in each workout. :tongue: I will see how I feel as I go. I definitely notice also how much Cycling works your abs. Who would have thought, but a year ago when I was learning better form, etc. my abs would get sore a little bit and the more I learn the more I learn to use my abs w/out even thinking about it. Good choice on workouts this a.m.:bigsmile: We are twins this week!

    Laurel: My heart goes out to those poor people in Japan. :flowerforyou: I hope you are able to make contact with some of your friends soon. P90X Week# 2 down already?! This rotation will fly by I’m sure for you. I’m glad I’m not alone with that thought either on workouts and the time frame.:blushing: I have read that as well and understand the concept behind it but just seem to be happier w/ longer workouts. I will see how I go and modify if need be.

    Michelle – Hope you had a good Friday:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    OK daylight savings time can go away! I want that hour of sleep back. :laugh: Saturday I did STS Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Sunday I took a complete rest day, and read a book. This morning is my las week with STS undulating, and I started it all off with One on One Plyo Legs.

    Laurel, Yes that was quite a earthquake! It moved the island of Japan! :noway: I was so very glad to hear that all service people where accounted for, our church missionaries are all safe too. The devistation is incomprehensible for me, and I always wish I could do more than just send money. I only did Back and Legs for three weeks, that was one workout that I absolutely dreaded doing. I liked the leg portion, but all those pull ups where just overkill as far as I was concerned.

    Michelle, It is hard to get a dog to run properly at first, they want to stop and sniff. Well at least mine does. :wink: My oldest wants a pair of those shoes, how does your DH like them?

    Tami, Some great workouts you are doing. We have been having sun, guess Michelle did send it to us. It sure does feel good. I was surprised at how my legs have been feeling after the S90 Legs workout. I don't feel to bad right afterward, it all starts up in the afternoon. I'm ready to start this next rotation, I'm hoping I have some fun with it.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    I am one sore girl today! :ohwell: Friday, a girlfriend and I tried a new ZUMBA instructor. Ok, THAT kicked my butt! She does all hip-hop songs, and is a dance teacher by profession, so had AWESOME choreography. I felt like I was a dancer in a JLo video. Her style of teaching, though, is Jillian Michaels all the way! If we were doing a squat, she wanted our butt almost touching the ground! Let's just say, I was wiped out after that one! I ended up taking ANOTHER rest day on Saturday, because I was so sore from S90, KB Swings and Pushups and ZUMBA on Friday! Sunday I woke up with so much energy, and decided to take 2 ZUMBA classes back to back, with the same instructor from Friday night and then a different one. Well, that resulted in me not being able to move this morning. Literally, I got up, got my workout stuff on and couldn't even walk properly down the stairs without every muscle in my body hurting, so I went back upstairs and went back to bed for 2 hours! Ugh! Needless to say, I think I need to take a little break from extra ZUMBA classes...that's good that I'll be on vacation starting Saturday, so I won't be tempted to try to go!

    Tami--Great job getting in some KPC! :happy: I bet Total Body felt great, esp. without having to push through DOMS. Seems like I'm never going to get rid of mine! :grumble:

    Michelle-Glad to hear the course is over, and I'm sure you rocked that test! Sounds like a great group you were with, and got to end the day with some time with your DD! Can't get better than that! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Congrats on finishing up week 2! :drinker: I can't remember that Legs/Back workout very well (I sold off the set once I was done with it, as I knew it wasn't my thing), but I have heard many people complain about it, so I'm sure it bugged me too! I bet you could sub that one out pretty easily!

    Laurie--Great job on Tabata Inferno...I really need to get that one in this week, I just keep getting thrown off with all these DOMS! :grumble: Maybe I can bring that one with me on vacation...we'll see! I hope you had nice weather this weekend...we had lots of the cold/windy crap!

    Well, I've got to get some work done, and then on the road again! Have a good one!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I forgot to ask...any word from your friends in Japan?? I just can't believe how bad that quake was, and the aftershocks, and now the nuclear explosions too. I can't imagine the sheer panic and devistation over there right now. I have a friend that is in Osaka (more central Japan) right now, and all I heard was that he was fine, but not really much more, as I guess the communication lines aren't working too well. I'm sure everywhere in Japan was affected by it in some way, shape, or form.

    Keep us posted!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Saturday was my much needed rest day for the week, and it came at a good time. Yesterday I felt alot of energy, so I did STS Disk 9/Legs (I love those STS Leg workouts) followed by Cathe's HiiT 40/20. What a great combo! Today was back to P90X with Chest/Back. What a difference a couple of weeks make in this program. It felt like a completely different workout to me than it did two weeks ago. MUCH better! After Ab Ripper X, I took a long break....then did Turbo Fire 45 with the cardio portion of Insanity's Fast and Furious added at the end. So much fun and such a great workout. I feel totally energized now! I think my body is finally adapting to P90X. Hopefully that means the end of the comatose state for me. :yawn: :tongue:

    Erika, what were you thinking doing back-to-back Zumba classes like that, especially with one of them being from an instructor like Jillian Michaels? :noway: No doubt you were sore today!! But it sounds like you had fun getting sore. Glad you took another day off because, no doubt, your body needs it right now. But I'm really glad you are enjoying the Zumba classes. I hear such great things about them. Thanks for asking about our friends in Japan. We haven't heard anything specific, but we do know the bases over there are up and running right now, which is a great thing to see. So much of the humanitarian effort is being shuttled through the bases, and I'm glad we have facilities/people over there to help. I think it is going to take quite some time for Japan to recover. But I have no doubt they will. My husband and I were talking about that this weekend. I feel so badly for the people over there because the Japanese, by and large, are such wonderful and beautiful people. But after having seen Japan and experienced the culture/people in Asia, I have no doubt they will be able to come back. It is just going to take time, help and will, unfortunately, not take away the pain and loss they've experienced. But the photos and videos are things I still can't believe I'm seeing....much worse than any movie I've ever seen.

    Laurie, congrats on being so close to the end of your STS Undulating Rotation!!! Have you enjoyed it? I hope so. I really liked the variety in the undulating rotation. I never got bored, that's for sure. Regarding P90X Back/Legs, I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to substitute in for it. Any recommendations? I thought a total body workout but my arms are feeling these workouts more than I remember right now so I'm not sure I'm going to have it in my arms to do that. Maybe I'll feel differently doing next month's workouts. If I recall correctly, they didn't burn me as much as the first month's workouts do.

    Tami, glad to hear you finally got some sunshine at the end of last week. Great job on the workouts!!

    Michelle, congratulations of finishing your course/exam for Food Safety. Do you already have the results? Everything you said about longer vs. shorter workouts is SOOO true. The longer workouts/more workouts really do take a toll on the body. I think the reason I feel like I constantly need to workout more is because of the contradictory information out there about exercise. Yes, there are people who say that you only need to workout for 30-45 minutes a day. But then there are others that say each body part needs to be worked out twice a week to be effective. And then, of course, the Surgeon General recommends something like 60 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. And others say you need to do cardio a given amount of time per week for it to be effective. And when you add it all is certainly more than 30-45 minutes a day. :grumble: Right now, I'm trying to come to a place where I only do that which I enjoy. Like today....I loved my workouts so I don't feel like I overdid it at all (despite the fact it clocked in at over two hours). But other days, I don't love it as much. And those are the days I need to listen to my body more over what I think I should be doing. I'm not getting any younger and my body is beginning to remind me of that....alot! :laugh: But thanks for sharing your experience/philosophy because it really does give me somethink to think about. I definitely don't want to be in a position where I need to have a knee replacement or whatever simply because I thought I needed to add more workouts in when I didn't.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night I stayed up until 3am to prepare for the late shift and it least for now:laugh: Spring break starts today and the sun is out and the girls are enjoying their day with me until I head out tonight. On Saturday I did PK Kettlebell and it definitely worked me out..the clinic is instructional but in the drill portion he combined moves and at one point my HR was up there and I felt sick:noway: On Sunday it was yardwork and my booty was definitely feeling the pain from Saturday:love: Today is KB Bootcamp with Angie Miller which includes some great moves.

    Erika- Ouch on the double Zumba but it does sound like fun:bigsmile: Yeah on your family vacation rapidly approaching:wink: The weather is great so have a blast:drinker:

    Laurie- Hubby loves those shoes and he is not big on things but man if I had known I would of truly purchased 3 pairs for him at Xmas. He wears those things everywhere when he takes the girls out to play:grumble: The Army is not allowing soldiers to use them on their PT test which was a bummer as he wanted to test his times with those but he definitely enjoys the way they feel completely.

    Laurel- The results have to be sent out to score so we will know by Friday. Yes, unfortunately the information is all over the place but it seems to apply for those who do not include exercising in their everyday routine. For those of us who are truly into nutrition, exercise, becomes more of knowing your body and how it responds to different things to includes what works for you vs what my endomorph body might respond to in reps, sets, etc. Ask the average joe on the street what their body type is and they dont have a clue:laugh: Stating 60 mins is also great because if you get in and do at least 30 mins then you are at least working on it:laugh: I also think about the people at the gym who are on the machines for an hour or more and they're talking or reading a magazine...argh:ohwell: We all know that you work hard:wink: and seem to listen to how your body feels which is key but it is truly now that I'm watching hubby who use to run marathons, jumped out planes, helicopters, etc suffer without any help from the specialist that my lightbulb is truly on alert on the longterm repercussions. Also glad to know that your friends are okay in Japan.

    Tami- So 1 out of 10 for S90..ok the seal of approval is in but I will keep it on the future list as I'm trying to be a big girl and stop buying all of these dvds that I don't have time to complete:blushing: I'm a shopaholic who has transferred my spending habits into exercise dvds looking for the magical dvd that will do it:tongue:

    Have a great day everyone..time to crack the whip with training this dog as he has decided to remove the inground covers of the sprinkler system and rip out more wires:explode:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    I had a nice weekend! The non-rain really did me good mentally. :bigsmile: I took a REST day on Sat. and took the dogs for a walk early in the a.m. just in case it rained later. :wink: Cleaned house, errands & met a friend for dinner. Then yesterday we had our Spring league volleyball start up so played 2 matches there and came home, did Max Intensity and cooled down with another walk with the dogs. Felt great! :smile:
    Today’s workout is going to be Turbo Kick tonight …. No a.m. workout. Yikes on the one hour loss of sleep this a.m. :yawn: – I love the longer days though.

    Laurie: Can’t believe it is your last week w/ Undulating already! :drinker: Great job. I’m curious as well if you have enjoyed it & would you do another Undulating? I really loved that rotation. I’m excited to start up S90 as well, looking forward to see how my body reacts to it and the difference in styles of workout. :wink:

    Erika: Yowsa on the back-to-back ZUMBA. :tongue: I bet it was tons of fun though ….. probably was a good idea when you realized you couldn’t really walk down the stairs that back to bed & relaxation was the best thing at that point. Hope those DOM’s don’t last too long for you. :wink:

    Laurel: Sounds like you got in some great workouts! :bigsmile: Good to know that your strength has improved for you in just the 2 weeks, always feels good to have some confirmation of whatever program you are doing. Glad to hear the bases are up & running in Japan. There is truly so much devastation and I just feel so bad for them. :sad: I was watching some news coverage on Sat. and just cannot even comprehend it. Some people at work were having the same conversation about how much the Japanese culture is so beautiful and the people are so strong that they will eventually come back from this but what a long road it will be.

    Michelle: Congrats on finishing up your course! :bigsmile: I hope you did well and have great results Friday! I bet you did fantastic. LOL on S90. Yes, I haven’t tried that one yet that Erika said wasn’t her favorite but if that is the only one out of the set, it is a great record forsure! I am looking forward to the new rotation w/ S90. That Mr. C and his mischief …. I bet you are just beyond shaking your head at him anymore. :noway: My DH’s lab that he used to have chewed the wiring off his boat trailer one time and also several hoses and vents along the side of our house. You just want to strangle them at times. :grumble: Hang in there! Hope the training session went good.

    Hope you all have a great evening! :flowerforyou: Talk to you tomorrow.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I think that daylight savings time is getting to me! I had a really tough time pulling myself out of bed, and then didn't really feel like doing much of a workout this morning. :grumble: But, I got on the treadmill for a 20 minute walk and then did about 20 minutes of just dancing/moving around the room to some tunes. Not what I was hoping to do for my workout, but figured it was better than crawling back in bed! :laugh:

    I've been experiencing some pain in my achillies tendon, but not sure what it's from for sure. I'm thinking it's Zumba though! :sad: It hurts right after I'm done with Zumba, and then gets better on my non-Zumba days. I have been trying to weed out anything else that's causing it, and Zumba just bringing out the soreness more, but I think it's Zumba. I'll know for sure next week, as I'll have a full week break from it. I sure hope it's not from Zumba, but if it is. I know I can't continue with it and deal with the pain...esp. with my Jillian Michaels like instructor!

    Tami--I bet that rest day felt good, but sounds like you got a lot done too!:happy: Way to go on getting the dogs out for walks with the nice weather! We're supposed to start getting that this week. Hopefully it's still here when I get back from vacation too! I hope TK was fun last night!

    Michelle--Sounds like you are getting back into a "normal" schedule this week, and the weather sounds great down there! I can hardly wait! Enjoy the time with the girls, and hopefully your sleep pattern gets back to normal. Great job on the PK workout!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Sounds like we were on the same schedule this day on Saturday, and amazing amounts of energy on Sunday. That's why I did Zumba 2 times on Sunday...I had SOOOOO much energy, and knew if I didn't burn it off, I'd drive my hubby and boys nuts! :laugh: Now, I'd like to take some of that energy from Sunday and bring it to today...I'm dragging! Glad to hear that the bases are up and running, that's a good sign at least. I just can't get over how much damage there is, and now with the fear of radiation, it's just downright scary! I'm praying for everyone over there, as it's going to take a long time to clean-up from this, but I believe you are right, they will pull through!

    Laurie--Good morning!! Looks like you and I were posting at the same time yesterday. Yahoo on finishing up your last week of STS! :drinker:

    Off to get ready for work! Have a great day! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    STS Disc 16 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps.

    Found out yesterday that my youngest has strepp, so she is home today. The warts on the bottome of her foot seem to have been taken care of thought, so she didn't have to get her foot frozen again. :wink:

    Erika, Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with that tendon pain. Hopefully you will be able to pinpoint the problem with a little rest. Does the instructor do really hight impact? I'm hoping you do not have to give up the Jillian instructor.

    Laurel, I have not done Fast n Furious in quite a while, might have to pull that one out soon. I have enjoyed the undulating, it was nice to change up the Meso's from week to week. Made it even more challenging that just doing the rotation as is. I usually did just a plain old leg workout, on the leg day. I would also add in some kickboxing. If I had really thought about it I should have done some of the KPC/Legs & Glutes premixes. :huh: Now I think of it! Maybe combine a leg workout with just the back portion of another workout.

    Michelle, Guess I'm going to have to look into gettiner her a pair of those things, but it will have to be after track. I don't think that they will be allowing those shoes at the track meets anyway. Looks like you are getting a better handle on the work/exercise part of life, even with your crazy work schedule. Glad you get to enjoy the time with you dd's.

    Tami, I love my rest days, they can be so needed at the time. :wink: Oh yes I would probably do another rotation, because it really did do some nice things for my upper body and legs. Just not that great on the waist reduction though. :huh: But again that is probably because of my eating, end of the day is still killing me.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Started off the day with PlyoX. My legs were feeling a tad heavy during the warm-up, but that cleared away during the workout and I had a good time with it. I finished it off with the floor work premix from Butts&Guts. That was a great combo for the legs today.

    Michelle, great job on the workouts. Sounds like the PK Kettlebell really is a killer workout. I don't like workouts that make me feel sick. :sick: Hopefully that's won't happen to you again. I totally agree that most of the 'guidance' out there on working out is aimed at those who don't workout AND is completely contradictory. It is difficult to wade through it. But I've always had the goal of staying active (intensely active) for as long as I can, and I think that's what pushes me forward in my workouts. But I'm also aware I may pay for this activity later in life if I'm not smart about what I'm doing now. I think the one and only benefit of having as many serious injuries as I've had (none of which were workout related injuries oddly enough) is that I'm much more careful working out than I otherwise would be. Hopefully that will pay off in the future.

    Tami, sorry to hear you didn't get a workout in yesterday morning. These darker mornings are killing me!!! I love having the light later in the evening, but it is still dark at 7:00am....and all I want to do as a result is crawl back into bed. That seems unusually late for sunrise this time of year. That's one of those things I've had to learn with each adjust to the sunrise/sunset hours. Here....sunrise just is going to come later than it has most places we've lived, regardless of the time of the year. Not a great motivator for early rising. :grumble:

    Erika, I suffer from achilles tendonitis periodically. I only have a couple of recommendations for you. First, make sure your shoes are good shoes for Zumba. I don't know what good shoes for Zumba would be, but make sure your shoes have the right lateral support, etc for what you are doing. I find when my achilles acts up, I usually need new shoes. The second recommendation is to pay really careful attention to how you are placing your feet on the floor during the moves. Again, mine has a tendency to act up if I'm spending alot of time on my toes (without realizing it). This happens to me sometimes with step because I all too often step off my step onto my toes and then lower my heal instead of placing my whole foot on the floor when I step down. So....those are some recommendations based on my experience. But rest it because that just isn't a fun injury at all! And I'm dragging more today too! I want Sunday's energy back!!! :sad:

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your DD. Strep is NOOOO fun whatsoever. I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Thanks for the workout recommendations for substituting Back/Legs. I was thinking this morning about why that workout bothers me (because I don't actually mind the back work OR the leg work)....and it is the background exercisers. It's one of the very few DVDs that I own where I want to mute the background exercisers. They grunt and groan and moan throughout this workout....and it isn't that tough a workout. I don't like background exercisers who make things look harder than they are....especially really fit people who are 'struggling' to lift a 5lb weight. Just annoys me.

    Well, on that 'rant' note, I'll sign off! :laugh: Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    TK was great last night, second time through that routine made it even better! :wink: This a.m. was KCM Circuit Burn which is always a fun one and flew by. :bigsmile: Planning on hitting the Cycling class after work! It was nice to see my hubby last night …. He was home when I returned from the gym. Only 6 more days and we leave for sunny Arizona! :drinker:

    Erika: Ouch on the Achilles pain. :grumble: I know that pain and it isn’t fun. I also can relate from my arch pain that I had a little while back. I agree with Laurel on the shoes, not only from my experience with the arch pain but also a couple of my friends who are really into Zumba. They have mentioned if you don’t have the right shoes (whatever that is) it gives them some pain. The time change is a bugger isn’t it!??! I was able to get up this a.m. much easier. Glad you had some fun this a.m. with just getting your body moving … good job! :smile:

    Laurie: Sorry to hear your daughter has strep. :ohwell: That can be sooooooo painful. Hope she gets better fast. Good job on the workout this a.m. I’m glad to hear you have enjoyed the Undulating. :wink: I think the next time I do STS I will stick to Undulating again, really enjoyed the variety of it.

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a great leg combo today! :bigsmile: The darker mornings are tough that ‘s forsure. No matter the time of year it is always dark when I get up. The rain is back so it is rainy & dark. Never a fun combo either. :noway: Very anxious to get into some sunshine, even for just the 5 days we will be there. That’s funny about the background exercisers and wanting to mute them.:laugh: On BH Pure Strength DVD there is a lady in there that is truly working very hard and she is fit and strong but almost scream/squeals towards the end. A bit distracting! (Still love the workout, just wish I could mute her).

    Michelle: Hope you are having a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow,
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I woke up with one of those headaches from lack of sleep:yawn: With the eldest on Spring Break combined with the dog it is always a disater as he tends to get mad at her if she ignores him and then they start to tussle as if they are kids:explode: After yelling it was time to make some calls as I have my security clearance interview this week. My dad after living here for more than 35 years is not a citizen and obviously does not plan to become one so it seems to add some additional time to my interview:noway:

    Angie's KB workout was great but her curtsy lunges and various lunges definitely has my right knee acting up this morning. Overall I really enjoyed this workout my second time around and combined with Paul's it should bring a nice KB rotation.

    Erika- As stated by shoes:wink: What type was pseudo Jill wearing:laugh: ?

    Tami- Yeah vacation time is rapidly approaching.any major sites on your list to visit?

    Laurel- Yes activity is key and enjoying what you do is even better. I could play tennis, volleyball or badminton for three hours and never consider it exercise:wink: Running or step aerobics however..not so much:laugh:

    Laurie- Awwh on the strep that going around right now? When you do buy her those try to find promotional codes for the online store as I was able to save a few dollars with a code.

    Ok my glutes are aching and upper body is also a bit sore although I felt as if I could use a 20lb KB for some moves:blushing: On my schedule today is Illaria's KB and SS Upper body. My upper body seems to be losing definition and I'm not sure if KB will really hit those muscles like Tracy Effinger can:wink: Well this crazy schedule is now crazier as I go in from 9pm to 5am on three nights and then 7:30pm-0330hrs on two nights......geez this night shift is kicking butt who cares about the premium:tongue:

    Have a great day,
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    HI EVERYONE!!! Just wanted to stop in & say hello. I also want to report that I'm in STS Meso 3 & LOVING it. I always hear people say that Meso 1 & 2 are the favorites, but if I could only buy 2 of the mesos it would be 2 & 3. I can't believe how strong I have become.

    I do have a question for you all. I'm going to be in class or the hospital for 11-12 hour shifts 5 days/week during the summer. It's going to be rough. I'm obviously going to have to modify my workout schedule. I prefer splits, but that's just not going to be possible. I'm looking at Cathe's STS Total Body. With the coupons/deals right now, I'm thinking of throwing in Intensity as well just for the heck of it. Any thoughts on these workouts? I despise bands, so I'm not too keen on High Reps.

    In other news, I have fallen in love with Paul Katami's Hardball, Bootcamp, & Ab Lab. The workouts are kinda pricey for such an unknown instructor if you ask me, but man the workouts are good.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks in advance for any input on the Cathe workouts.

    Take care, Kara
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey All...just a quick moment to check in and say THANKS for the recommendation on the shoes! :happy: I wear running shoes to 1 of my Zumba classes, but the floor is pretty slippery, so it's like wearing slippers. She does mainly low impact. My Jillian-type instructor teaches at a Karate studio, so we wear no shoes (I wear socks though), and it's about a 2-3" foam pad we dance on. I have only noticed the pain at the non-Jillian class for some reason. I would think it would be the opposite. I'm going to try out my Asics tomorrow night (they have lateral supports) to see if that helps. The only other thing I can think of, is that I normally don't wear heels that much at work, but have been out on a lot of appointments, so have been wearing my heels much more. I'm wondering if that is aggrevating it too. I'll have to play around with the shoes to see what I think! Thanks for the help. :bigsmile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! Half way through the week, yet I feel like I've gotten nothing done! :grumble: It's a busy week for me, but that's good...keeps my mind busy instead of wishing it was time to leave for vacation!

    Last night I had a great dinner with a good friend. She has been doing my facials/brow waxings for a few years, and was my best customer when I sold Uppercase Living products. Well, when I went to her last week to get my brows waxed, she told me she was suffering badly from depression. She's had a really rough last 2 years, and her Dad dying topped the list. She said she doesn't want to leave the house, exercise, socialize, etc. Well, I found out from her husband and daughter (she's our babysitter), that I'm the only friend she's reached out to, so I decided it was my job to help. I have taken her to 2 Zumba classes and then dinner last night, just to get her out of the house. She told me last night at dinner, that she actually wants to get up in the mornings, workout, socialize, etc. She thanked me 100 times over for getting her out again. I was SOOOO happy to hear that. To top it all off, she has found a love for ZUMBA, so we're going to plan on going 1-2 times per week together. So fun to see her doing better!! :bigsmile:

    This morning I was still feeling stuffed from dinner last night, but felt energetic, so did my Squeeze Stronger workout. That one is sooo fun, and I just can not believe how fast 80 minutes goes! I really need to figure out how to get that one in a regular rotation, as I just love it, and always get some nice DOMS from it (I might not be saying "nice" DOMS tomorrow!)

    Kara--Great to hear from you!!! :bigsmile: Sounds like STS is going great for you--YAY! I can't speak to Cathe's workouts, but with your limited time, I'd think Kelly Coffey Meyer would be a good fit, or else Supreme 90 Day. Both have workouts that are 30-45 minutes long, and really get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time! I'm glad you are liking PK"s Bootcamp, as I have it, but haven't tried it yet! :blushing:

    Michelle-Sorry you are experiencing the tireds between work, kids and the dog! :noway: I'm sure it's just a lot to handle with Spring Break going on too! Hang in there, I'm sure it will get better! I need to re-visit my post vacaton rotation to make sure I have enough Tracy/Barre workouts in there, as well as KB's. I have found those 2 do the best for my body, so I need to stick with those! If you come up with a good rotation, fill me in!

    Tami--I keep wishing we had more options for TurboKick around here, everytime I hear you talk about it! :tongue: The one class I did try (Chalene wannabe) is no longer doing classes at the local dance studio, so now my only options are if I join a club. But, the girl that I took the class from, is one of Chalene's APD's, so she does TurboKick instructor training. I'm seriously considering becoming an instructor, if anything, just to say I have that under my belt. It's actually not too costly, and you just need to pass a short test every 2 years to keep your certification. I have a friend here on MFP that got certified and teaches weekly at a local college. I would love to just teach 1 class a week, nothing too time consuming! So, almost vaca time...I heard the weather in AZ is nice and hot right now! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Nice work on those legs! I bet they are screaming today! :bigsmile: I was thinking about the achillies pain yesterday, and I wonder if it's not so much my shoes (I don't get the pain at my Wednesday class, just my other 2 more intense classes), but that I am always on the ball of my feet when I dance. I just was noticing that yesterday morning when I was jamming out to some of the songs from my Zumba classes. I haven't learned how to do a chacha or samba or anything else, without constantly staying on my toes. I'll have to work on that! No pain at all now though, so we'll see after class tonight!

    Laurie--I hope your daughter is doing ok. We had 1 round of strep here a few weeks ago. Not too bad, but just lots of time resting. Now, the same child has gotten himself a nasty cold. I sure hope the warm weather on our trip will get it outta his system! Weird, we are also dealing with warts on the bottoms of both of our boys' foots too. I can't for the life of me figure out where they got them (they appear to be plantars warts), as they always have their socks on, except for when Carter took gymnastics. Hopefully they go away soon!

    Well, I gotta get ready for work. Have a fantastic day!!! :bigsmile:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was P90X Shoulders/Arms. I really took it up a notch since this is the last time I do this workout in this cycle. My arms were shaking at the end. I also did Ab Ripper X, and then finished it with Turbo Fire 60. I keep telling myself I need to get back to doing my Insanity workouts, but my arms are so spent at the end of P90X, I'm reaching for Turbo Fire instead. I have Insanity planned for my 'recovery' week though!

    Erika, about your achilles, no doubt that higher heels can get to it, so that could definitely be part of the problem. Glad to hear you are pain free today. And great job at encouraging your friend to get out of the house and into Zumba. How wonderful of you to help her out of her troubled times, and what better way could there be then getting fit and healthy and having fun at the same time!!

    Tami, glad to hear you enjoyed your TK class. It must be nice to have DH home as well. I hear you on the darkness year round in the morning. I think the only thing that surprised me here is we are further south than we normally live, so I expected it to be a little lighter in the mornings throughout the winter. No such luck. I actually prefer the more northern regions because even though the winter days are short, those summer days......I just LOVE the long days.

    Kara, great to see you. Glad you are enjoying Meso 3. I think it is my favorite of the cycles to be honest. I just love those heavy weights. I can recommend both STS Total Body and Intensity. I'm sure you've read the descriptions of both, but I find that if I use my 1RM numbers for STS Total Body, I can just barely get through it with the recommended weight. I like that on a total body workout. It is a very efficient workout in terms of how she uses her time. It's a little rushed in places actually (between exercises) but once you learn it, that's not a real problem (at least it wasn't for me). Intensity has a learning curve because I found her cuing on the step section to be pretty poor. But now that I've learned it, I quite enjoy the variety in workout (step, HiiT and Low Impact 'HiiT' the bootcamp section). It isn't a 'killer' workout (ala Insanity's Max Cardio Circuit), but it is definitely a tough workout (I have found it to be tougher now that I've mastered the step section than I did when I first tried out the workout). Again, I find it to be an efficient use of time, and the premixes make it pretty versatile. Thanks for the Paul Katami recommendations. I've been looking into his workouts and I think I'm going to get at least his Bootcamp workout. I've heard such great things about it. Hope things are going well for you!!

    Michelle, sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. Those night shifts must be tough.....I'd never survive doing night shifts, to be honest. Add kids and dogs on top of that....and no wonder you have a headache. Hope your security clearance interview goes well. Those are never fun.

    Laurie, hope you're doing well and that your DD is feeling better.

    Enjoy the day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies..for me at least:laugh:

    My body is beat and for some reason the upper body is now going through DOMS thanks to push ups with the KB in Angie's KB bootcamp. It was busy last night as the company is trying to work with 3 people in a 4 man slot:grumble: the other manager who is "filling in" is no use so I was busy with my PM as soon as I entered the door last night. Arriving home at 5:30 was not too bad but then I started fluffing things, hanging with the dog, eating oatmeal until 6:30 before my body started to feel sleepy:huh:

    Kara- Glad to see you around:wink: Oooh Kely Coffey Meyer's dvds get great reviews and Erika raves about her Circuit Burn, Paul's KB workout is 30mins and really burns some major calories. Although his work is pricey his quality of instruction is his KB and 4x4 Bootcamp and was looking into his Ab camp.

    Erika- Heels can also affect the legs so maybe it is a combination of both things. I'm actually thinking of buying Tracy's rotation and if I do that I will send you a copy. She is currently enjoying motherhood and has not decided on whether or not she will be back with more dvds:noway: . Apparently for the smaller group of instructors who are not majorly sponsored creating fitness dvds can be a pain but I truly hope that she brings out a SS 2 or something:laugh: I love her style and really need to get in her into my routine weekly again..too many dvds:laugh:

    Laurie- I hope all is well and your daughter is recuperating:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Have we packed yet? I tend to pack a month prior and then do a repack the week before departure:blushing:

    Laurel- My hands were shaking reading your posts:laugh: You are absolutely hilarious..stop being so hard on yourself as you "Bring it" everyday without fail. I think you should sign up for an amateur competition and take yourself to the next woud be cool to come and watch you on the stage:drinker:

    Off to do something as my brain is still in a sleepy fog.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    Today was Lower Body Blast ….. For cardio later, I am going to either go to the Cycling class or may stay at home for a workout since DH will be out for a while. :wink:

    Erika: I absolutely got chills reading about your friend and what a true help you have been to her! :heart: :smile: I love that and I’m so glad you shared the story with us. It’s amazing how just making movement happen in your body/life when you feel depressed can change the energy. It’s getting that to happen sometimes which is the key! Great job .. you must feel really proud to be of help. Glad to hear your achilles is pain free today too. :wink: Good idea to see what pseudo Jillian is wearing!:wink:

    Laurel: Excellent job on the workouts AGAIN today! :flowerforyou: I can only imagine what “taking it up a notch” was for you! You are truly a star and doing so great with P90X. I’m anxious to get a little more weight training back into the mix myself. This week is kind of a variety of things prior to vacation mode & still hoping to get in some workouts while on vacation.

    Kara: Great to hear from you! :smile: Laurel really gave you great thoughts and I agree. I absolutely love both STS Total Body & Intensity! I don’t think you could go wrong with those at all. Intensity has some fantastic pre-mixes that are shorter on it as well. I find myself going to both of these weekly and missing doing them if I don’t. I would agree also with Erika on S90 if you are looking for some shorter workouts and Kelly-Coffey Meyer too, both are great for 35-40 min workouts or you can combine to make longer when you have more time.

    Michelle: Sounds like your schedule is very crazy and I’m sorry to hear the body is sore. :flowerforyou: Again, you amaze me by keeping up with everything & the variety of things you do for your workouts! :noway: :smile: Funny that you ask about the packing. I didn’t want to start too early or I would need 2 suitcases for only 5 days! :laugh: I do have quite a stack of summer type clothing sorted out in our spare bedroom. As far as places to go or see while we are there. We haven’t really planned anything. We are going to watch a couple spring training baseball games & just sort of do some wandering & asking once we get there. Might golf depending on how patient my DH is feeling since I am such a beginner.:blushing: Any suggestions?

    Laurie: Hello! Hope you are having a good day. :smile: How’s DD doing with the strep throat?

    Hope you all have a great evening! :flowerforyou:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Thanks for all your thoughts on the workouts! I'm actually not looking for short workouts. I'm looking for a good, intense full body strength workout to do on the weekend. During the week, I have various short workouts & KCM & premixes, etc. But I want to really 'work it' the 2 days on the weekends.

    Don't know why, but S90 does not appeal to me at all. I don't like the pace & I don't do isolated ab work except maybe 1x per week at most. For once in my life I'm not going to cave on a workout that has a billion great reviews! It's a miracle!

    Thanks again! I miss you all!!! I have no life but school & working out. So sad....
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Well, I skipped Zumba last night, as I wasn't feeling well. I have 1 sick kid, one not feeling well, and myself and my hubby have been feeling "off" for a couple days. I hope it all clears before we leave on Saturday! This morning, I decided to skip the morning workout, as I have DOMS so bad, it hurts to move!!! Darn Squeeze Stronger! :bigsmile: I really need to plan that workout before my normal rest day, as it ALWAYS leaves me with the worst DOMS! I'm hoping to get out for a walk at lunch time, and maybe on the treadie tonight while watching my show. We'll see how the day goes!

    Kara--I'm thinking the 2 Cathe workouts that you mentioned, would fit the bill. I don't have either, but from what Laurel, Laurie and Tami have said, it should fit the bill. You're lucky you weren't sucked into another DVD purchase with S90. I'm glad I did it, as I get DOMS from those workouts every time, but I was also looking for something shorter than a P90X or STS. I hope school is still going well. BTW, where are you going on vacation (I just noticed your ticker!)

    Tami--Thanks for the kind words! :flowerforyou: It caught me so off guard when my friend came to me, as she is one of those friends that is always so full of energy and life, so I think it just shocked me a little that she was suffering so badly. She was trying meds too, and nothing was really working. Now, she's always texting me asking when/where the next Zumba class will be. She said she looks forward to working out, which is something I guess she hasn't done in a couple years now. Feels so good to help, even though it didn't really take a whole lot of effort on my end. BTW, psuedo Jillian wears no shoes during her Zumba class...we're on really thick mats, and shoes wouldn't move very well on there. I'll have to take her class again when I come back from vacation, and see if it's her class, or my other Zumba class (where I wear shoes--and the class is more dancy) that's causing the pain.

    Michelle--OH, I can sooo feel your pain right now! My whole body is aching, but it just proves to me that the reason I'm losing inches is from my barre workouts. I hurt in the places that I've lost the inches, so it's doing the trick. Tracy gets me with her SS EVERY time! Tell me more about the rotation...where do you buy it? Hope you are able to get some good sleep today! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Great job on pushing yourself on Shoulders/Arms. Sounds like you may be joining me and Michelle in the DOMS arena!! :laugh: Ok, I know I've asked 100 questions about TurboFire, but now I'm back to thinking I might want it. I just keep talking myself out of it though. Tell me, with the basic set, do the Fire 30, 55, and 45's, do you feel like the workouts have the same kind of moves in them, just different music? I'm going back and forth on the TurboKick Fan Volumes (which are basically the instructor type sets), becoming a TurboKick instructor (if anything, to get the DVD's discounted---not sure where I'd find the time/place to teach), or TurboFire set. I can't seem to find a good, long clip of the actual DVDs to make a decision on TurboFire!

    Laurie--Good morning!!

    Off to get the boys read for school in their GREEN. After all it is St. FitzPatrick's Day (my father in law I think really does believe it's not St. Patrick's, but St. FitzPatrick's --after our last name!)
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Had a busy day yesterday, and didn't even get in a workout. My shoulder had a burning feeling, and I didn't want to push it. This morning I didn't feel anything bad so did my last STS workout Disc 24 Back & Biceps.

    Youngest dd is getting better, and headed back to school this morning. She still was talking funny yesterday, and said that her throat was still sore. Getting her to take the pill is another story! :grumble:

    Laurel, Your welcome on the other ideas for the L&B workout, that is interesting on the background people. I remember Dreya making noises during the calf raises! :noway: I could never figure out why she was doing that, or she asked that stupid question about how to place your food down. :laugh: WTG making those arms shake! :wink:

    Michelle, Upper body DOMS! That is what I was going through also, it sure did surprise me. Sounds like your body is running out of steam, I go through that every once in a while. Really busy days at work do that to me, and I'm only working at a computer all day. :wink:

    Tami, Your vacation sounds like fun, and of course getting into the sun is always a good thing. I'm ready for some warm weather today. :wink: I think the nice weather will bring out the drunks tonight, so I'm making sure that my oldest isn't out driving tonight. :wink:

    Kara, Nice to hear from you. I can't give any advice on those workouts, I have not done the Intensity in it's full form only the Hiit portion (Loved that!). I'm staying away from step workouts themselves, my knee can't take the impact anymore. The STS Full Body is something that I have not even taken the shrink wrap off of. :blushing: I know it sounds strange, but when I want a all body workout I go for Cathe's MIS. It is old, but it hits all those parts of the body that you need it to.

    Erika, No Irish in our family at all, but we always get mistaken for it since the last name starts with Mc! It was changed from Mac which is the Scottish form. :wink: Hope you all are able to clear up the sickness in the house before Satruday, not fun to head out for vacation when you are sick. I'm really thinking of head outside for a run after work, it is suppose to be in the 60's. :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Spring weather has hit the DC least for a couple of days. Always a good thing for my mood and energy level. So today I started my day with the Mix and Match Premix of Cardio Fusion. One of my favorites for sure. Then I did another one of my favorites...YogaX. Love my Thursday combos of tough cardio followed by tough yoga. Absolutely does wonders for my mood and energy levels (and, again, the sunshine/warmth doesn't hurt either).

    Michelle, there is little wonder you are spent!! Your schedule is brutal AND your still managing to fit in workouts. You amaze me. Thanks for the compliment, but I don't think I'm up to competing in anything (unless there is some sort of competition for who can eat the most peanut butter cups :blushing: :wink: ). But I'm definitely getting some muscle back in my arms, which feels really good. And my veins are popping out more and more. I know alot of women don't like that....but I love that!

    Tami, can't believe your vacation is just around the corner. I've spent quite a bit of time in Phoenix, but I can't say I've been much of a tourist there. I've visited things like the White Tank Mountains and a couple of other state parks in the area, but I've never really been specifically to Scottsdale (at least for any time other than for dinner). I think your plan, though, of just taking it one day at a time is great. That way you won't feel over-scheduled. I hope you get a chance to play golf. I hear you though. My husband has the patience of Job with me because, boy, I'm just no good. Too bad I enjoy it too much to quit though! :laugh:

    Kara, since you are looking for longer, tougher workouts, I definitely think you are right on target with both STS Total Body and Intensity. Like Laurie, my favorite Cathe total body workout is MIS because it is basic and effective. STS Total Body comes really close to MIS in my view. I don't like the order of the exercises as much as I do MIS, but I also think the workout is tougher than MIS.

    Erika, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.....and that your whole family feels the same way. I'm glad you haven't been working out though because you need to be well to go on vacation! Regarding Turbo Fire, I could never do a full rotation of it because the workouts ARE very similar. The non-HiiT ones start with the same warm-up, which is no problem for me. But, pretty much, there are just variations on different punches and kicks throughout with some Turbo Blasts in some of them (just not the EZ ones). And, yes, the music varies. But despite the fact that the workouts are similar, for whatever reason, I'm not bored by them in the slightest. I love that they come in a variety of lengths because, for me, that really fits the bill for what I need on any given day. I also like that there are variations in intensity. Since I've learned these workouts, I can pretty much pop them in, let my mind go and get a great calorie burn. I don't feel like I'm working out very hard with them, but according to my GoWearFit, I burn about as many calories doing Turbo Fire as I do Insanity. But I don't feel like I've been killed at the end, if that makes any sense. I don't know whether to recommend them to you or not, though, because for those who did TurboJam and some of other Chalene workouts in a similar genre, these workouts were disappointing for their sameness. I know you just got rid of a bunch of her TurboJam (I think it was those) workouts, right? So maybe it would help if you let me know what you didn't like about those so I can tell you whether TurboFire is too similar to those. Again, I absolutely LOVE TurboFire and count it as one of my best workout purchases without a doubt. But I know that not everybody who purchased them had the same reaction and, unfortunately, most of the people I know who had a negative reaction to them were people who had worked out with Chalene before.

    Laurie, glad to hear your DD is feeling better. Sorry to hear your shoulder was bothering you yesterday but good job on STS today. Those Meso 2 workouts are killers! Yep, you nailed one of my issues with P90X Back/Legs....Dreya and her 'noises' and comments. She drives me crazy. Then there is the other guy who sounds like he's getting sick doing the pull-ups. Even Tony commented on that. Just not fun to listen to after about the 9th time doing the workout. :tongue:

    Hope you all enjoy what's left of St. Patrick's Day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    Thanks for the feedback on TurboFire. I think what I didn't like about TurboJam, is that they started to feel easy after awhile, Chalene got on my nerves (to where I had all of her little saying memorized), and the whole set felt the same to me. That's what keeps me from buying TurboFire, as I think it's going to be the same as Jam was. But, I LOVE kickboxing, so always looking to add more to my collection of that type of DVD. Now, if Chalene's sister Jenelle or friend Mindy, or someone else from the TurboJam DVD's came out with a set, or led the instruction, I'd be all over it, for sure!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Happy St. Patricks Day! :drinker: KickMax was my workout this a.m. :wink: I think we are going to a St. Patricks Party for just a bit tonight after work so no p.m. workout.

    Kara: Both of those will be perfect choices then! :bigsmile: Sorry, I misunderstood on you wanting the lengthier workouts. Those in their entirety aren’t short so it would be perfect.

    Erika: I wondered if you would have the DOM’s today after your SQUEEZE workout. :ohwell: I remember that hitting you pretty good last time too. Hope you aren’t getting anything before your trip. So great that you have sparked something in your friend to make her want to move! It is funny how sometimes what seems to be the smallest thing can impact someone’s life. So even if you feel you didn’t do much it sounds like you really have! :flowerforyou: Love that. That’s right on the barefoot class, you did mention that. Yowsa, that in itself would be uncomfortable for my feet I think even if it is padded flooring. Maybe just see how it goes when you get back like you said and then go from there. It could have also been the higher heels at work.

    Laurie: Congrats on finishing up STS! :bigsmile: If you are like me, it is bitter sweet to have it end. The accomplishment is great but at the same time you kind of want it to keep going! That’s the beauty of our incredibly large collections though right!??! No time for down time, another rotation awaits! :wink: :smile:
    Yes, the warm weather is absolutely what I cannot wait for. The day we get there it is around 71 degrees but then it should be 80+ while we are there. We did figure out last night we leave Thurs night instead of Fri (next week) which is kind of a bummer:ohwell: but I’m not complaining. We purchased the whole trip on a “package deal” and because it is so close to departure we cannot change it they said. Maybe something will work out but if not, no worries – it’s a vacation and I’m not at work!

    Laurel: Great combo, that sounds so wonderful! :smile: So nice to hear your weather is beautiful today. It truly makes such a difference for me. I could have easily lived somewhere sunny year-round. :wink:
    I definitely don’t want to feel like I need a vacation from the vacation because it was such a whirlwind of planning & going and doing, especially now that it is a day shorter. :noway:
    I’d like to piggyback on Michelle’s compliment to you the other day and say (like I’ve said before) I think you would be an excellent personal trainer. :wink: Have you given that anymore thought at all? I think that would be so fun.
    p.s. Turbo Fire sounds really great ~ glad you are enjoying it & what a bonus to not feel like you are working crazy hard but truly burning the calories. That’s how Turbo Kick is for me on Mondays.

    Hi Michelle – Hope you are having a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, and TGIF!!! :bigsmile:

    This morning was Paul Katami 4 x 4 Hollywood Bootcamp....well, it's not my cup of tea. I made it through 3 of the 5 blocks, and decided this was not the kind of workout I'd be going back to. This is one of those circuits where I got so exhausted from the cardio, I hardly made it through the weights/abs. :grumble: I have some circuit workouts I can do, and this is not one of them. Laurel, I think this would be right up your alley though! Lots of squats and lunges, he also has the iron cross, plank holds, plank rows, bicep curls ( 3 different kinds), burpees, etc.

    Tami--Ooh, KicMax...I need to pull that one out that one! I hope you had fun at your party last night! I made Shamrock Shakes for the family last night to celebrate St. Patty's Day, and my kids were begging for more. Maybe round 2 tonight for them! DOMS from Squeeze are better today, but man does that one get my obliques...hurts to kick, jump...heck, even breathe sometimes! :noway: I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and get in lots of R&R! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Again, thanks for the TurboFire info. The more I read reviews, and found some clips on YouTube, the more I realize I will probably not enjoy the set as much as I would hope I would. I think if I ever have the opportunity to just purchase 1 or 2 DVD's, I'd do it, but not the whole set. Thanks for taking the time to go through your opinion of the workouts, as it really helped! I hope you enjoyed your day yesterday in that beautiful weather, and hopefully you continue to get more of that! I'm looking forward to it too, after we hit mid 50's today. That felt hot (esp. after I went for my lunchtime walk!), so I can't imagine how hot 80's will feel! BTW, if you are still interested in that Paul Katami Bootcamp, I'll sell you mine (I'll ship it free too!), otherwise I'll be putting it out on Ebay. I can ship it out today after work, if you know you for sure want it. Just shoot me a message.

    Laurie--WOW, all done with STS!!! YAY! :bigsmile: I feel like you just started it, but then again, I quit about 1/3 of the way through, which was a long time ago! :blushing: Glad your shoulder is feeling better! Enjoy your nice weather too...sounds like it's going to be nice while I'm gone, which hopefully means no snow when we get back!

    Michelle--Good Morning! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday!

    Off to get ready for work. I hope you all have a fun week ahead! If I end up bringing my laptop, I'll probably check in at night a couple times, after the kiddos go to bed!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Bodystrikes with Ilaria, and now my lower body feels nice and toasty. :wink:

    Laurel, After doing the undulating it was harder to determine which of the Meso cycles was tougher. With going from on Meso to another it mixed it up so well that the muscles always seemed to be tested. That is one of the things that I like the best. I'm really enjoying out spring weather too, sure does seem to bring a little extra energy. Last night I wasn't as tired, and got some prep work done for the girls birthday party this weekend. :noway: I'm usually doing everything at the last minute. :laugh:

    Tami, Hope you where able to enjoy a St. Pat's party, we really didn't do anything. Even DH didn't go out to get his usual green beer! :huh: Yes it is pretty bitter sweet to end the rotation, but I have something to look forward to on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see how this S90 program will test my muscles. Sounds like you will be heading into some great weather, I sure would love to be heading toward that. :wink:

    Erika, Sounds to me like the 4X4 is Insanity mixed with weight work. Probably something that I would enjoy. :happy: I will hope that you don't come back to snow also, we really don't have anything in our lawns anymore. Maybe a little bit in the shaded areas, but that is it.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    Finished the first round of P90X this morning with Legs/Back. It felt good. My legs have been very tired the past few weeks but this morning's workout left them feeling a little bit better. And I'm doing much better on the pull-ups as well. I took a break and then finished it up with Intensity. I just love that workout!

    Erika, I'm glad the info on Turbo Fire was helpful. While they are technically 'kickboxing' workouts, I find that she moves through the punches so quickly that it's more of an 'arms flailing about' workout. :wink: But that doesn't mean it isn't fun. If you ever get the chance to buy individual DVDs, I have a couple to recommend that are my 'go-to' workouts. I think Michelle was able to buy just one of the workouts, and if I'm not mistaken, it happens to be my least favorite of the set (TF 55 EZ). So I do think the individual DVDs are out there somewhere to purchase, but I definitely have my faves. I was reading your review of Paul Katami's Bootcamp going 'YAY! Somebody doesn't like it!'....until I got to the part where you said it would probably be perfect for me. :tongue: So consider it sold to me!!! I'm looking forward to it. I'll send you a PM so we can make the arrangements.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your St. Patty's party! I haven't been to one of those in a long time. Hope it was fun. Yes, I've considered being a personal trainer. In fact, I'm in the process of reading the materials you need to read before certification from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The first part of the book details who should become a personal trainer, and, unfortunately, I'm not an ideal candidate for a number of reasons: I don't workout in a gym, I don't take a number of classes, I have some limited range of motion in my left arm, etc. But I'm going to continue to pursue it even if for my own education. There are parts I'm enjoying learning....and other parts not so much (mostly the names of all the muscles in the body). Right now I'm just reading the material to get a grasp of what I would need to know in order to take the test. If I decide to take the test, I'll actually have to sit down and study it. I've only been at this for a few weeks so I'm going to give it some time to grow on me.

    Laurie, I totally agree that the undulating rotation made all of the STS Mesos feel a little differently to me. I found that I struggled mostly with the Meso 2 workouts during the undulating, which was interesting. But I also liked them the best in that rotation. When I did the standard STS rotation, I didn't quite feel the same way (I liked Meso 3 better and found Meso 1 to be the toughest because of the endurance factor). So it was great to mix it up. I hope to do another undulating rotation....maybe next year. Hope you have a great time at the birthday party this weekend!!

    Michelle, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon ladies,

    I was able to sneak in Amy Benyto's Dynamic KB workout and that was a great premix, however I think I may need to invest in a heavier KB this weekend. My second time with this dvd and I truly enjoyed her moves as they differ from Paul's and Angie Miller....more of a pure form of KB without the combo moves. Today I have Tracie Long's Defined Lines scheduled but my body is just too exhausted so I scheduled a 4pm appt with my workout clothes:wink: as I work the 9:00-5:00am shift tonight:yawn:

    Erika- Funny you said that with PK 4 x 4 because I thought it was brutal also and lost some form towards the last two blocks. I definitely agree that once per week with that routine is great because it sucks alot out of you but a mental trick I play with myself is awarding myelf with an Oven roasted Chicken Subway and a small pack of cheetoes if I finish the dvd:laugh: I was able to buy a TurboFire single dvd but it was not as exciting as TurboJam...needless to say I have not repeated it since even though I love kickboxing for cardio. Laurie loves some them but was not into TJ so obviously it depends:laugh:

    Tami- Woo-hooo I'm sooo tired that just laying in a comfy bed sounds appealing right now:wink: My biggest suggestion is for you and your husband to enjoy each other, forget a schedule and enjoy your quality time together:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- Yeah on the bootcamp 4 x 4....veins popping usually regresses my training esp. when people notice them:blushing: I think that with age however I'm starting to appreciate these nicely sculpted arms more:wink:

    Laurie- I finally found the S90 in a Walgreens but my instincts said No..instead I'm on the hunt for a 20-25lb Kettlebell:bigsmile:

    Kara- My days sound like, home and never enough time to review SOPs, training docs, HQ sent my travel schedule for the rest of the year and each month I'm gone until October...hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Off to hydrate and elevate my aching knees:blushing:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Well no a.m. workout for me. I must be having pre-vacation mode! :ohwell: I will however go to Cycling tonight after work so I don’t feel like a complete slacker for the day. :wink: This day at work is really going sloooooow.

    Erika: Sorry that workout wasn’t you’re cup of tea ….. good job for giving it a try and at the same time knowing it’s just not for you. It does sound like a good one though. I need to check him out.
    I hope you enjoy your vacation as well!!! :flowerforyou: Enjoy the sunshine & fun with your family.

    Laurie: I’m with you on the S90 rotation and wondering how it will go for my body as well! :smile: As always, hoping for good results. I watched some clips the other night of some of the workouts I haven’t tried yet and they all look good w/ unique moves as well so it should be fun! :wink: I think I will be only a couple days behind you now on the rotation so we will kind of be together in the process. Yay.

    Laurel: Great job on finishing your first round. :bigsmile: That seems like it went by really fast?! LOVE Intensity. It is one of my top favorites!!! The variety it offers is great and it always just flies by. That is excellent that you are looking into it and thinking about it. If nothing else, gaining even more knowledge is terrific. I have often wondered what all it entails as well.

    Michelle: Thanks for the advice. . . I think you’re right, just not having a plan and hanging out together will just be the best. :bigsmile: So often the everyday of life gets in the way & you don’t get that quality time. I hope your knees feel better.

    Hope you all have a great day & weekend! :flowerforyou:
    I will check in before I go ……. Tami
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